Author: Steve Benford
I am Professor of Collaborative Computing and Head of the School of Computer Science at The University of Nottingham. I am also a member of the Mixed Reality Laboratory and of Horizon.
- Boriana Koleva
- Tom Rodden
- Chris Greenhalgh
- 20
- 22
- 47
Productive Colleagues
- Alan Dix
- Carl Gutwin
- Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
- 107
- 116
- 146
Grinter, Rebecca E., Edwards, W. Keith, Chetty, Marshini, Poole, Erika S., Sung, Ja-Young, Yang, Jeonghwa, Crabtree, Andy, Tolmie, Peter, Rodden, Tom, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (2009): The ins and outs of home networking: The case for useful and usable domestic networking. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 16 (2) pp. 8. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1534903.1534905
Kanjo, Eiman, Benford, Steve, Paxton, Mark, Chamberlain, Alan, Fraser, Danae Stanton, Woodgate, Dawn, Crellin, David, Woolard, Adrian (2008): MobGeoSen: facilitating personal geosensor data collection and visualization using mobile . In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12 (8) pp. 599-607. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-007-0180-1
Chen, Ling, Chen, Gen-Cai, Xu, Cheng-Zhe, March, Jack, Benford, Steve (2008): EmoPlayer: A media player for video clips with affective annotations. In Interacting with Computers, 20 (1) pp. 17-28. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2007.06.003
Chen, Ling, Chen, Gen-Cai, Chen, Hong, March, Jack, Benford, Steve, Pan, Zhi-Geng (2007): An HCI method to improve the human performance reduced by local-lag mechanism. In Interacting with Computers, 19 (2) pp. 215-224. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2006.05.009
Ng, Kher Hui, Koleva, Boriana, Benford, Steve (2007): The iterative development of a tangible pin-board to symmetrically link physical and digit. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 11 (3) pp. 145-155. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-006-0065-8
Crabtree, Andy, French, Andrew, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Cheverst, Keith, Fitton, Dan, Rouncefield, Mark, Graham, Connor (2006): Developing Digital Records: Early Experiences of Record and Replay. In Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 15 (4) pp. 281-319. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10606-006-9026-z
Benford, Steve, Crabtree, Andy, Flintham, Martin, Drozd, Adam, Anastasi, Rob, Paxton, Mark, Tandavanitj, Nick, Adams, Matt, Row-Farr, Ju (2006): Can you see me now?. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13 (1) pp. 100-133. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1143518.1143522
Schnädelbach, Holger, Koleva, Boriana, Paxton, Mark, Twidale, Michael, Benford, Steve, Anastasi, Rob (2006): The Augurscope: Refining its Design. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15 (3) pp. 278-293. https://dx.doi.org/10.1162/pres.15.3.278
Crabtree, Andy, Rodden, Tom, Benford, Steve (2005): Moving with the Times: IT Research and the Boundaries of CSCW. In Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 14 (3) pp. 217-251. https://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=0925-9724&volume=14&issue=3&spage=217
Benford, Steve (2005): Pushing the boundaries of interaction in public. In Interactions, 12 (4) pp. 57-58.
Bannon, Liam J., Benford, Steve, Bowers, John, Heath, Christian (2005): Hybrid design creates innovative museum experiences. In Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) pp. 62-65. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1047671.1047706
Benford, Steve, Magerkurth, Carsten, Ljungstrand, Peter (2005): Bridging the physical and digital in pervasive gaming. In Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) pp. 54-57. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1047671.1047704
Crabtree, Andy, Benford, Steve, Rodden, Tom, Greenhalgh, Chris, Flintham, Martin, Anastasi, Rob, Drozd, Adam, Adams, Matt, Row-Farr, Ju, Tandavanitj, Nick, Steed, Anthony (2004): Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground'. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 391-398. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/985692.985742
Gutwin, Carl, Benford, Steve, Dyck, Jeff, Fraser, Mike, Vaghi, Ivan, Greenhalgh, Chris (2004): Revealing delay in collaborative environments. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 503-510. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/985692.985756
Rodden, Tom, Benford, Steve (2003): The evolution of buildings and implications for the design of ubiquitous domestic environm. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 9-16.
Gaver, William W., Beaver, Jacob, Benford, Steve (2003): Ambiguity as a resource for design. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 233-240.
Flintham, Martin, Benford, Steve, Anastasi, Rob, Hemmings, Terry, Crabtree, Andy, Greenhalgh, Chris, Tandavanitj, Nick, Adams, Matt, Row-Farr, Ju (2003): Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 569-576.
Schnadelbach, Holger, Koleva, Boriana, Flintham, Martin, Fraser, Mike, Izadi, Shahram, Chandler, Paul, Foster, Malcolm, Benford, Steve, Rodden, Tom (2002): The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors. In: Terveen, Loren (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 20-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 9-16.
Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve, Flintham, Martin, Greenhalgh, Chris, Rodden, Tom, Schnädelbach, Holger (2002): Citywide: Supporting Interactive Digital Experiences Across Physical Space. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6 (4) pp. 290-298. https://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=1617-4917&volume=6&issue=4&spage=290
Craven, Mike, Taylor, Ian, Drozd, Adam, Purbrick, Jim, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Fraser, Mike, Bowers, John, Hoch, Michael (2001): Exploiting Interactivity, Influence, Space and Time to Explore Non-Linear Drama in Virtual. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 30-37. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/365024/p30-craven/p30-craven.pdf
Koleva, Boriana, Taylor, Ian, Benford, Steve, Fraser, Mike, Greenhalgh, Chris, Schnadelbach, Holger, Lehn, Dirk vom, Heath, Christian, Adams, Matt (2001): Orchestrating a Mixed Reality Performance. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 38-45. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/365024/p38-koleva/p38-koleva.pdf
Stanton, Danae, Bayon, Victor, Neale, Helen, Ghali, Ahmed, Benford, Steve, Cobb, Sue, Ingram, Rob, Wilson, John, O'Malley, Claire (2001): Classroom Collaboration in the Design of Tangible Interfaces for Storytelling. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 482-489. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/365024/p482-stanton/p482-stanton.pdf
Koleva, Boriana, Schnadelbach, Holger, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (2001): Experiencing a presentation through a mixed reality boundary. In: Ellis, Clarence, Zigurs, Ilze (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2001 September 30 - October 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA. pp. 71-80. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/500286.500299
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Craven, Michael P. (2001): Patterns of Network and User Activity in an Inhabited Television Event. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 10 (1) pp. 35-50.
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Rodden, Tom, Pycock, James (2001): Collaborative virtual environments. In Communications of the ACM, 44 (7) pp. 79-85. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/379300.379322
Koleva, Boriana, Schnadelbach, Holger, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (2000): Traversable Interfaces Between Real and Virtual Worlds. In: Turner, Thea, Szwillus, Gerd, Czerwinski, Mary, Peterno, Fabio, Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2000 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 233-240. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/332040/p233-koleva/p233-koleva.pdf
Benford, Steve, Bederson, Benjamin B., Akesson, Karl-Petter, Bayon, Victor, Druin, Allison, Hansson, Par, Hourcade, Juan Pablo, Ingram, Rob, Neale, Helen (2000): Designing Storytelling Technologies to Encouraging Collaboration between Young Children. In: Turner, Thea, Szwillus, Gerd, Czerwinski, Mary, Peterno, Fabio, Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2000 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 556-563. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/332040/p556-benford/p556-benford.pdf
Benford, Steve, Dourish, Paul, Rodden, Tom (2000): Introduction to the Special Issue on Human-Computer Interaction and Collaborative Virtual . In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7 (4) pp. 439-441. https://acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/tochi/2000-7-4/p439-benford/p439-benford.pdf
Hindmarsh, Jon, Fraser, Mike, Heath, Christian, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (2000): Object-Focused Interaction in Collaborative Virtual Environments. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7 (4) pp. 477-509. https://acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/tochi/2000-7-4/p477-hindmarsh/p477-hindmarsh.pdf
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Craven, Mike, Walker, Graham, Regan, Tim, Morphett, Jason, Wyver, John (2000): Inhabited Television: Broadcasting Interaction from Within Collaborative Virtual Environme. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7 (4) pp. 510-547. https://acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/tochi/2000-7-4/p510-benford/p510-benford.pdf
Koleva, Boriana, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (1999): The properties of mixed reality boundaries. In: Boedker, Susanne, Kyng, Morten, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 99 - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12-16 September, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 119.
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Craven, Mike, Walker, Graham, Regan, Tim, Morphett, Jason, Wyver, John, Bowers, John (1999): Broadcasting on-line social interaction as inhabited television. In: Boedker, Susanne, Kyng, Morten, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 99 - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12-16 September, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 179.
Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve, Hindmarsh, Jon, Heath, Christian (1999): Supporting Awareness and Interaction through Collaborative Virtual Interfaces. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 27-36. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/uist/320719/p27-fraser/p27-fraser.pdf
Bullock, Adrian, Benford, Steve (1999): An Access Control Framework for Multi-User Collaborative Environments. In: Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 1999 November 14-17, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. pp. 140-149. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/cscw/320297/p140-bullock/p140-bullock.pdf
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (1999): Supporting Rich and Dynamic Communication in Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environment. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8 (1) pp. 14-35.
Normand, Véronique, Babski, Christian, Benford, Steve, Bullock, Adrian, Carion, Stephane, Chrysanthou, Yiorgos, Farcet, Nicolas, Harvey, John, Kuijpers, Nico, Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, Musse, Soraia Raupp, Rodden, Tom, Slater, Mel, Smith, Gareth (1999): The COVEN project: exploring applicative, technical and usage dimensions of collaborative . In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8 (2) pp. 218-236.
Reynard, Gail, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Heath, Christian (1998): Awareness Driven Video Quality of Service in Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Karat, Clare-Marie, Lund, Arnold, Coutaz, Joëlle, Karat, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 18-23, 1998, Los Angeles, California. pp. 464-471. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/274644/p464-reynard/p464-reynard.pdf
Hindmarsh, Jon, Fraser, Mike, Heath, Christian, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (1998): Fragmented Interaction: Establishing Mutual Orientation in Virtual Environments. In: Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 14 - 18, 1998, Seattle, Washington, United States. pp. 217-226. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/cscw/289444/p217-hindmarsh/p217-hindmarsh.pdf
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Reynard, Gail, Brown, Chris, Koleva, Boriana (1998): Understanding and Constructing Shared Spaces with Mixed-Reality Boundaries. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 5 (3) pp. 185-223. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/tochi/1998-5-3/p185-benford/p185-benford.pdf
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Snowdon, David N., Bullock, Adrian (1997): Staging a Public Poetry Performance in a Collaborative Virtual Environment. In: Hughes, John F., Prinz, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 7-11 September, 1997, Lancaster, UK. pp. 125-140.
Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (1997): Introducing Third Party Objects into the Spatial Model of Interaction. In: Hughes, John F., Prinz, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 7-11 September, 1997, Lancaster, UK. pp. 189-204.
Benford, Steve, Snowdon, David N., Colebourne, Andy, O'Brien, Jon, Rodden, Tom (1997): Informing the Design of Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Payne, Stephen C., Prinz, Wolfgang (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 1997 November 11-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. pp. 71-80. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/cscw/266838/p71-benford/p71-benford.pdf
Benford, Steve, Brown, Chris, Reynard, Gail, Greenhalgh, Chris (1996): Shared Spaces: Transportation, Artificiality, and Spatiality. In: Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S., Ackerman, Mark S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 77-86. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/cscw/240080/p77-benford/p77-benford.pdf
Benford, Steve, Bowers, John, Fahlen, Lennart E., Greenhalgh, Chris, Snowdon, David N. (1995): User Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Katz, Irvin R., Mack, Robert L., Marks, Linn, Rosson, Mary Beth, Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 95 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 7-11, 1995, Denver, Colorado. pp. 242-249. https://www.acm.org/sigchi/chi95/proceedings/papers/sdb_bdy.htm
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (1995): Virtual Reality Tele-Conferencing: Implementation and Experience. In: Marmolin, Hans, Sundblad, Yngve, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 95 - Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 11-15 September, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 165-180.
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (1995): MASSIVE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Teleconferencing. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 239-261. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/tochi/1995-2-3/p239-greenhalgh/p239-greenhalgh.pdf
Benford, Steve, Bowers, John, Fahlen, Lennart E., Greenhalgh, Chris, Mariani, John A., Rodden, Tom (1995): Networked Virtual Reality and Cooperative Work. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 4 (4) pp. 364-386.
Benford, Steve, Snowdon, Dave, Greenhalgh, Chris, Ingram, Rob, Knox, Ian, Brown, Chris (1995): VR-VIBE: A Virtual Environment for Co-operative Information Retrieval. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 14 (3) pp. 349-360.
Benford, Steve, Fahlen, Lennart E. (1994): Viewpoints, Actionpoints and Spatial Frames for Collaborative User Interfaces. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Draper, Steven, Weir, George R. S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers IX August 23-26, 1994, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. pp. 409-423.
Benford, Steve, Fahlen, Lennart E. (1993): A Spatial Model of Interaction in Large Virtual Environments. In: Michelis, Giorgio De, Simone, Carla, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 93 - Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work , 1993, . pp. 109-124.
Benford, Steve, Bullock, Adrian, Cook, Neil, Harvey, Paul, Ingram, Rob, Lee, Ok-Ki (1993): From Rooms to Cyberspace: Models of Interaction in Large Virtual Computer Spaces. In Interacting with Computers, 5 (2) pp. 217-237.
Benford, Steve, Mariani, John, Navarro, Leandro, Prinz, Wolfgang, Rodden, Tom (1993): MOCCA: An Environment for CSCW Applications. In: Kaplan, Simon M. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Organizational Computing Systems 1993 November 1-4, 1993, Milpitas, California, USA. pp. 172-177. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/cocs/168555/p172-benford/p172-benford.pdf
Benford, Steve (1989): Requirements of activity management. In: EC-CSCW 89 - Proceedings of the First European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 13-15 September, 1989, Gatwick, London. pp. 276-286.
Hennessy, P. A., Benford, Steve, Bowers, John (1989): Modelling group communication structures: Analysing four European projects. In: EC-CSCW 89 - Proceedings of the First European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 13-15 September, 1989, Gatwick, London. pp. 406-420.
Bell, Marek, Chalmers, Matthew, Barkhuus, Louise, Hall, Malcolm, Sherwood, Scott, Tennent, Paul, Brown, Barry, Rowland, Duncan, Benford, Steve (2006): Interweaving mobile games with everyday life. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2006, . pp. 417-426. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1124772.1124835
Benford, Steve, Crabtree, Andy, Reeves, Stuart, Sheridan, Jennifer, Dix, Alan J., Flintham, Martin, Drozd, Adam (2006): Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public setting. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2006, . pp. 427-436. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1124772.1124836
Schnadelbach, Holger, Penn, Alan, Steadman, Phil, Benford, Steve, Koleva, Boriana, Rodden, Tom (2006): Moving office: inhabiting a dynamic building. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW06 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2006, . pp. 313-322. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1180875.1180924
Drozd, Adam, Bowers, John, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Fraser, Mike (2001): Collaboratively improvising magic: An approach to managing participation in an on-line dra. In: Ecscw 2001 - Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16-20 September, 2001, Bonn, Germany. pp. 159-178.
Fraser, Mike, Stanton, Danae, Ng, K. H., Benford, Steve, Malley, C. O., Bowers, John, Taxen, G., Ferris, K., Hindmarsh, Jon (2003): Assembling history: Achieving coherent experiences with diverse technologies. In: Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2003, . pp. 179-198.
Reeves, Stuart, Pridmore, Tony, Crabtree, Andy, Green, Jonathan, Benford, Steve, O'Malley, Claire (2006): The spatial character of sensor technology. In: Proceedings of DIS06: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2006, . pp. 31-40. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1142405.1142413
Crabtree, Andy, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Tennent, Paul, Chalmers, Matthew, Brown, Barry (2006): Supporting ethnographic studies of ubiquitous computing in the wild. In: Proceedings of DIS06: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2006, . pp. 60-69. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1142405.1142417
Benford, Steve, Fahlen, Lennart E. (1993): Awareness, Focus, and Aura: A Spatial Model of Interaction in Virtual Worlds. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1993, . pp. 693-698.
Benford, Steve, Rowland, Duncan, Flintham, Martin, Drozd, Adam, Hull, Richard, Reid, Josephine, Morrison, Jo, Facer, Keri (2005): Life on the edge: supporting collaboration in location-based experiences. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 721-730. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1054972.1055072
Reeves, Stuart, Benford, Steve, O'Malley, Claire, Fraser, Mike (2005): Designing the spectator experience. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 741-750. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1054972.1055074
Ng, Kher Hui, Benford, Steve, Koleva, Boriana (2005): PINS push in and POUTS pop out: creating a tangible pin-board that ejects physical documen. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 1981-1984. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1056808.1057072
Ghali, Ahmed, Benford, Steve, Bayoumi, Sahar, Green, Johnathan, Pridmore, Tony (2003): Visually-tracked Flashlights as Interaction Devices. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 487.
Marshall, Joe, Benford, Steve, Pridmore, Tony (2007): Eye-balls: juggling with the virtual. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Creativity and Cognition , 2007, Washington DC, USA. pp. 265-266. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1254960.1255005
Benford, Steve, Giannachi, Gabriella (2008): Temporal trajectories in shared interactive narratives. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 73-82. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1357054.1357067
Schnädelbach, Holger, Egglestone, Stefan Rennick, Reeves, Stuart, Benford, Steve, Walker, Brendan, Wright, Michael (2008): Performing thrill: designing telemetry systems and spectator interfaces for amusement ride. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 1167-1176. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1357054.1357238
Tolmie, Peter, Crabtree, Andy, Rodden, Tom, Benford, Steve (2008): \"Are you watching this film or what?\": interruption and the juggling of cohorts. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW08 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2008, . pp. 257-266. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1460563.1460605
Chamberlain, Alan, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris, Hampshire, Alastair, Tandavanitj, Nick, Adams, Matt, Oldroyd, Amanda, Sutton, Jon (2007): Professor Tanda: greener gaming & pervasive play. In: Proceedings of DUX07 Designing for User eXperiences , 2007, . pp. 26. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1389908.1389942
Benford, Steve, Giannachi, Gabriella, Koleva, Boriana, Rodden, Tom (2009): From interaction to trajectories: designing coherent journeys through user experiences. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 709-718. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518812
Bedwell, Ben, Schnädelbach, Holger, Benford, Steve, Rodden, Tom, Koleva, Boriana (2009): In support of city exploration. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 1171-1180. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518879
Fischer, Joel E., Benford, Steve (2009): Inferring player engagement in a pervasive experience. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 1903-1906. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518993
Fielding, Dan, Fraser, Mike, Logan, Brian, Benford, Steve (2004): Extending game participation with embodied reporting agents. In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology June 3-5, 2004, Singapore. pp. 100-108. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1067343.1067355
Walker, Brendan, Schnädelbach, Holger, Egglestone, Stefan Rennick, Clark, Angus, Orbach, Tuvi, Wright, Michael, Ng, Kher Hui, French, Andrew, Rodden, Tom, Benford, Steve (2007): Augmenting amusement rides with telemetry. In: Inakage, Masa, Lee, Newton, Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Natkin, Stéphane (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2007 June 13-15, 2007, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 115-122. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1255047.1255070
Chen, Ling, Benford, Steve (2007): Your way your missions: from location-based to route-based pervasive gaming. In: Inakage, Masa, Lee, Newton, Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Natkin, Stéphane (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2007 June 13-15, 2007, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 232-233. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1255047.1255100
Oppermann, Leif, Koleva, Boriana, Benford, Steve, Watkins, Matt, Jacobs, Rachel (2008): Fighting with jelly: user-centered development of wireless infrastructure visualization to. In: Inakage, Masa, Cheok, Adrian David (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2008 December 3-5, 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 322-329. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1501750.1501827
Benford, Steve, Bowers, John, Chandler, Paul, Ciolfi, Luigina, Flintham, Martin, Fraser, Mike, Greenhalgh, Chris, Hall, Tony, Hellstrom, Sten-Olof, Izadi, Shahram, Rodden, Tom, Schnädelbach, Holger, Taylor, Ian (2001): Unearthing Virtual History: Using Diverse Interfaces to Reveal Hidden Virtual Worlds. In: Abowd, Gregory D., Brumitt, Barry, Shafer, Steven A. (eds.) Ubicomp 2001 Ubiquitous Computing - Third International Conference September 30 - October 2, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 225-231. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2201/22010225.htm
Benford, Steve, Seager, Will, Flintham, Martin, Anastasi, Rob, Rowland, Duncan, Humble, Jan, Stanton, Danae, Bowers, John, Tandavanitj, Nick, Adams, Matt, Row-Farr, Ju, Oldroyd, Amanda, Sutton, Jon (2004): The Error of Our Ways: The Experience of Self-Reported Position in a Location-Based Game. In: Davies, Nigel, Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Siio, Itiro (eds.) UbiComp 2004 Ubiquitous Computing 6th International Conference September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, UK. pp. 70-87. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/3205/32050070.htm
Crabtree, Andy, Rodden, Tom, Hemmings, Terry, Benford, Steve (2003): Finding a Place for UbiComp in the Home. In: Dey, Anind K., Schmidt, Albrecht, McCarthy, Joseph F. (eds.) UbiComp 2003 Ubiquitous Computing - 5th International Conference October 12-15, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA. pp. 208-226. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2864/28640208.htm
Drozd, Adam, Benford, Steve, Tandavanitj, Nick, Wright, Michael, Chamberlain, Alan (2006): Hitchers: Designing for Cellular Positioning. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 279-296. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_17
Oppermann, Leif, Broll, Gregor, Capra, Mauricio, Benford, Steve (2006): Extending Authoring Tools for Location-Aware Applications with an Infrastructure Visualiza. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 52-68. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_4
Schnädelbach, Holger, Koleva, Boriana, Twidale, Michael, Benford, Steve (2004): The Iterative Design Process of a Location-Aware Device for Group Use. In: Davies, Nigel, Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Siio, Itiro (eds.) UbiComp 2004 Ubiquitous Computing 6th International Conference September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, UK. pp. 329-346. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/3205/32050329.htm
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Drozd, Adam, Flintham, Martin, Hampshire, Alastair, Oppermann, Leif, Smith, Keir, Tycowicz, Christoph von (2007): Addressing Mobile Phone Diversity in Ubicomp Experience Development. In: Krumm, John, Abowd, Gregory D., Seneviratne, Aruna, Strang, Thomas (eds.) UbiComp 2007 Ubiquitous Computing - 9th International Conference September 16-19, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria. pp. 447-464. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74853-3_26
Benford, Steve, Reynard, Gail, Koleva, Boriana, Greenhalgh, Chris, Fraser, Mike (2002): CSCP. In: Herczeg, Michael, Oberquelle, Horst (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2002 September 2-5, 2002, Hamburg, Germany. https://mc.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/konferenzbaende/mc2002/konferenzband/mc2002_04_keynotes/mc2002_02_benfordetal.pdf
Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Manches, Andrew, O'Malley, Claire, Benford, Steve (2009): Physical manipulation: evaluating the potential for tangible designs. In: Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK. pp. 77-84. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1517664.1517688
Churchill, Elizabeth F., Snowdon, Dave, Benford, Steve, Dhanda, Parmjit (1997): Using VR-VIBE: Browsing and Searching for Documents in 3D-Space. In: Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel, Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 857-860.
Tolmie, Peter, Crabtree, Andy, Rodden, Tom, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (2007): Making the Home Network at Home: Digital Housekeeping. In: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2007, . pp. 331-350. https://www.ecscw.org/2007/18%20paper%2009%20Tolmie.pdf
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Taylor, Ian, Benford, Steve (1998): Data Containers for Relation Based Visualisation. In: IV 1998 , 1998, . pp. 128-130. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/iv/1998/8509/00/85090128abs.htm
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Craven, Michael P. (1999): Patterns of network and user activity in an inhabited television event. In: VRST 1999 , 1999, . pp. 34-41. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/323663.323668
Lloyd, David, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (1999): Formations: explicit group support in collaborative virtual environments. In: VRST 1999 , 1999, . pp. 162-163. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/323663.323690
Vaghi, Ivan, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (1999): Coping with inconsistency due to network delays in collaborative virtual environments. In: VRST 1999 , 1999, . pp. 42-49. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/323663.323670
Radenkovic, Milena, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (2002): Deployment issues for multi-user audio support in CVEs. In: Shi, Jiaoying, Hodges, Larry F., Sun, Hanqiu, Peng, Qunsheng (eds.) VRST 2002- Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 11-13, 2002, Hong Kong, China. pp. 179-185. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/585740.585770
Bullock, Adrian, Benford, Steve (1997): Access control in virtual environments. In: VRST 1997 , 1997, . pp. 29-35. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/261135.261142
Capra, Mauricio, Radenkovic, Milena, Benford, Steve, Oppermann, Leif, Drozd, Adam, Flintham, Martin (2005): The multimedia challenges raised by pervasive games. In: Zhang, Hongjiang, Chua, Tat-Seng, Steinmetz, Ralf, Kankanhalli, Mohan S., Wilcox, Lynn (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia November 6-11, 2005, Singapore. pp. 89-95. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1101149.1101163
Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve, Reynard, Gail (1999): A QoS architecture for collaborative virtual environments. In: ACM Multimedia 1999 , 1999, . pp. 121-130. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/319463.319479
Greenhalgh, Chris, Purbrick, Jim, Benford, Steve, Craven, Michael P., Drozd, Adam, Taylor, Ian (2000): Temporal links: recording and replaying virtual environments. In: ACM Multimedia 2000 , 2000, . pp. 67-74. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/354384.354429
Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction TEI 2009 February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Dix, Alan J., Sheridan, Jennifer G., Reeves, Stuart, Benford, Steve, O'Malley, Claire (2005): Formalising Performative Interaction. In: Gilroy, Stephen W., Harrison, Michael D. (eds.) DSV-IS 2005 - Interactive Systems, Design, Specification, and Verification, 12th International Workshop July 13-15, 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. pp. 15-25. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11752707_2
Tallyn, Ella, Koleva, Boriana, Logan, Brian, Fielding, Dan, Benford, Steve, Gelmini, Giulia, Madden, Neil (2005): Embodied Reporting Agents as an Approach to Creating Narratives from Live Virtual Worlds. In: Subsol, Gérard (eds.) ICVS 2005 - Virtual Storytelling, Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, Third International Conference November 30 - December 2, 2005, Strasbourg, France. pp. 179-188. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11590361_21
Flintham, Martin, Giannachi, Gabriella, Benford, Steve, Adams, Matt (2007): Day of the Figurines: Supporting Episodic Storytelling on Mobile Phones. In: Cavazza, Marc, Donikian, Stéphane (eds.) ICVS 2007 - Virtual Storytelling. Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, 4th International Conference December 5-7, 2007, Saint-Malo, France. pp. 167-175. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77039-8_14
Koleva, Boriana, Schnädelbach, Holger, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (2000): Developing mixed reality boundaries. In: Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000 , 2000, . pp. 155-156. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/354666.354690
Bayon, Victor, Rodden, Tom, Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (2002): Going Back to School: Putting a Pervasive Environment into the Real World. In: Mattern, Friedemann, Naghshineh, Mahmoud (eds.) Pervasive 2002 - Pervasive Computing, First International Conference August 26-28, 2002, Zürich, Switzerland. pp. 69-83. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2414/24140069.htm
Marshall, Joe, Pridmore, Tony P., Pound, Mike, Benford, Steve, Koleva, Boriana (2008): Pressing the Flesh: Sensing Multiple Touch and Finger Pressure on Arbitrary Surfaces. In: Indulska, Jadwiga, Patterson, Donald J., Rodden, Tom, Ott, Max (eds.) Pervasive 2008 - Pervasive Computing, 6th International Conference May 19-22, 2008, Sydney, Australia. pp. 38-55. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-79576-6_3
Rowland, Duncan, Flintham, Martin, Oppermann, Leif, Marshall, Joe, Chamberlain, Alan, Koleva, Boriana, Benford, Steve, Perez, Citlali (2009): Ubikequitous computing: designing interactive experiences for cyclists. In: Proceedings of 11th Conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2009, . pp. 21. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1613858.1613886
Fischer, Joel E., Yee, Nick, Bellotti, Victoria, Good, Nathan, Benford, Steve, Greenhalgh, Chris (2010): Effects of content and time of delivery on receptivity to mobile interruptions. In: Proceedings of 12th Conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2010, . pp. 103-112. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1851600.1851620
Marshall, Joe, Benford, Steve, Pridmore, Tony (2010): Deception and magic in collaborative interaction. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 567-576. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1753326.1753410
Rowland, Duncan, Porter, Dan, Gibson, Mel, Walker, Kevin, Underwood, Joshua, Luckin, Rose, Smith, Hilary, Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Good, Judith, Walker, Brendan, Chamberlain, Alan, Egglestone, Stefan Rennick, Marshall, Joe, Schnädelbach, Holger, Benford, Steve (2010): Sequential art for science and CHI. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2010, . pp. 2651-2660. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1753846.1753848
Greenhalgh, Chris, Flintham, Martin, Purbrick, Jim, Benford, Steve (2002): Applications of Temporal Links: Recording and Replaying Virtual Environments. In: VR 2002 , 2002, . pp. 101-108. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/vr/2002/1492/00/14920101abs.htm
Marshall, Joe, Rowland, Duncan, Egglestone, Stefan Rennick, Benford, Steve, Walker, Brendan, McAuley, Derek (2011): Breath control of amusement rides. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 73-82. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1978955
Marshall, Joe, Benford, Steve (2011): Using fast interaction to create intense experiences. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 1255-1264. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979129
Durrant, Abigail, Rowland, Duncan, Kirk, David S., Benford, Steve, Fischer, Joel E., McAuley, Derek (2011): Automics: souvenir generating photoware for theme parks. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 1767-1776. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979199
Marshall, Joe, Walker, Brendan, Benford, Steve, Tomlinson, George, Egglestone, Stefan Rennick, Reeves, Stuart, Brundell, Patrick, Tennent, Paul, Cranwell, Jo, Harter, Paul, Longhurst, Jo (2011): The gas mask: a probe for exploring fearsome interactions. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 127-136. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1979742.1979609
Benford, Steve, Tolmie, Peter, Ahmed, Ahmed Y., Crabtree, Andy, Rodden, Tom (2012): Supporting traditional music-making: designing for situated discretion. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW12 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2012, . pp. 127-136. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2145204.2145227
Fischer, Joel E., Greenhalgh, Chris, Benford, Steve (2011): Investigating episodes of mobile phone activity as indicators of opportune moments to deli. In: Proceedings of 13th Conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2011, . pp. 181-190. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2037373.2037402
Rennick-Egglestone, Stefan, Whitbrook, Amanda, Leygue, Caroline, Greensmith, Julie, Walker, Brendan, Benford, Steve, Schnädelbach, Holger, Reeves, Stuart, Marshall, Joe, Kirk, David, Tennent, Paul, Irune, Ainoje, Rowland, Duncan (2011): Personalizing the Theme Park: Psychometric Profiling and Physiological Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization , 2011, . pp. 281-292. https://www.springerlink.com/content/F1W7MKN711302527
Flintham, Martin, Reeves, Stuart, Brundell, Patrick, Glover, Tony, Benford, Steve, Rowland, Duncan, Koleva, Boriana, Greenhalgh, Chris, Adams, Matt, Tandavanitj, Nick, Farr, Ju Row (2011): Flypad: Designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation. In: European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2011, Aarhus, Denmark.