Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology

ACM Press
November 07 - 10
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
UIST - Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
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UIST is the premier forum for innovations in developing human-computer interfaces. The symposium brings together user-interface researchers and practitioners with an interest in techniques, tools, and technology for constructing high-quality, innovative user interfaces.

All years


Smith, Randall B., Taivalsaari, Antero (1999): Generalized and Stationary Scrolling. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 1-9.

Hinckley, Ken, Sinclair, Mike, Hanson, Erik, Szeliski, Richard, Conway, Matthew (1999): The VideoMouse: A Camera-Based Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Input Device. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 103-112.

Perlin, Ken, Meyer, Jon (1999): Nested User Interface Components. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 11-18.

Siio, Itiro, Masui, Toshiyuki, Fukuchi, Kentaro (1999): Real-World Interaction using the FieldMouse. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 113-119.

Truong, Khai N., Abowd, Gregory D., Brotherton, Jason (1999): Personalizing the Capture of Public Experiences. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 121-130.

Lewis, Jason E., Weyers, Alex (1999): ActiveText: A Method for Creating Dynamic and Interactive Texts. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 131-140.

Heiner, Jeremy M., Hudson, Scott E., Tanaka, Kenichiro (1999): The Information Percolator: Ambient Information Display in a Decorative Object. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 141-148.

Tolba, Osama, Dorsey, Julie, McMillan, Leonard (1999): Sketching with Projective 2D Strokes. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 149-157.

Honda, Masaaki, Igarashi, Takeo, Tanaka, Hidehiko, Sakai, Shuichi (1999): Integrated Manipulation: Context-Aware Manipulation of 2D Diagrams. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 159-160.

Balakrishnan, Ravin, Fitzmaurice, George W., Kurtenbach, Gordon, Buxton, Bill (1999): Digital Tape Drawing. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 161-169.

Balakrishnan, Ravin, Hinckley, Ken (1999): The Role of Kinesthetic Reference Frames in Two-Handed Input Performance. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 171-178.

Heiner, Jeremy M., Hudson, Scott E., Tanaka, Kenichiro (1999): Linking and Messaging from Real Paper in the Paper PDA. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 179-186.

Bjork, Staffan, Holmquist, Lars Erik, Redstrom, Johan, Bretan, Ivan, Danielsson, Rolf, Karlgren, Jussi, Franzen, Kristofer (1999): WEST: A Web Browser for Small Terminals. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 187-196.

Vronay, David, Smith, Marc A., Drucker, Steven M. (1999): Alternative Interfaces for Chat. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 19-26.

Moran, Thomas P., Saund, Eric, Melle, William van, Gujar, Anuj, Fishkin, Kenneth P., Harrison, Beverly L. (1999): Design and Technology for Collaborage: Collaborative Collages of Information on Physical W. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 197-206.

Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve, Hindmarsh, Jon, Heath, Christian (1999): Supporting Awareness and Interaction through Collaborative Virtual Interfaces. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 27-36.

Xiong, Rebecca, Donath, Judith S. (1999): PeopleGarden: Creating Data Portraits for Users. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 37-44.

Rekimoto, Jun (1999): Time-Machine Computing: A Time-Centric Approach for the Information Environment. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 45-54.

Dourish, Paul, Edwards, W. Keith, LaMarca, Anthony, Salisbury, Michael (1999): Using Properties for Uniform Interaction in the Presto Document System. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 55-64.

Miller, Robert C., Myers, Brad A. (1999): Synchronizing Clipboards of Multiple Computers. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 65-66.

Moore, Darnell J., Want, Roy, Harrison, Beverly L., Gujar, Anuj, Fishkin, Ken (1999): Implementing Phicons: Combining Computer Vision with Infrared Technology for Interactive P. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 67-68.

Mukai, Toshiro, Seki, Susumu, Nakazawa, Masayuki, Watanuki, Keiko, Miyoshi, Hideo (1999): Multimodal Agent Interface Based on Dynamical Dialogue Model: MAICO: Multimodal Agent Inte. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 69-70.

Anderson, David, Frankel, James L., Marks, Joe, Leigh, Darren, Sullivan, Eddie, Yedidia, Jonathan, Ryall, Kathy (1999): Building Virtual Structures with Physical Blocks. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 71-72.

Badros, Greg J., Borning, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Stuckey, Peter (1999): Constraint Cascading Style Sheets for the Web. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 73-82.

Zanden, Brad Vander, Halterman, Richard L. (1999): Reducing the Storage Requirements of Constraint Dataflow Graphs. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 83-92.

Hudson, Scott E., John, Bonnie E., Knudsen, Keith, Byrne, Michael D. (1999): A Tool for Creating Predictive Performance Models from User Interface Demonstrations. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 93-102.

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