Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children

ACM Press
IDC - Interaction Design and Children
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The IDC conference is a leading international forum for exploring childrens' and youngsters' needs in relationship to technology, i.e. exploring how to create interactive products for and with them, and investigating how technology-mediated experiences affect their life.

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Abrahamson, Dor, Trninic, Dragan (2011): Toward an embodied-interaction design framework for mathematical concepts. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 1-10.

Rick, Jochen, Marshall, Paul, Yuill, Nicola (2011): Beyond one-size-fits-all: how interactive tabletops support collaborative learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 109-117.

Antle, Alissa N., Wise, Alyssa F., Nielsen, Kristine (2011): Towards Utopia: designing tangibles for learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 11-20.

Tseng, Tiffany, Bryant, Coram, Blikstein, Paulo (2011): Collaboration through documentation: automated capturing of tangible constructions to supp. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 118-126.

Wang, Danli, Zhang, Cheng, Wang, Hongan (2011): T-Maze: a tangible programming tool for children. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 127-135.

Yarosh, Svetlana, Radu, Iulian, Hunter, Seth, Rosenbaum, Eric (2011): Examining values: an analysis of nine years of IDC research. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 136-144.

Chang, Angela, Breazeal, Cynthia (2011): TinkRBook: shared reading interfaces for storytelling. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 145-148.

Curtis, Aaron, Shim, Jaeeun, Gargas, Eugene, Srinivasan, Adhityan, Howard, Ayanna M. (2011): Dance dance Pleo: developing a low-cost learning robotic dance therapy aid. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 149-152.

Gottel, Timo (2011): Reviewing children's collaboration practices in storytelling environments. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 153-156.

Harms, Kyle J., Kerr, Jordana H., Kelleher, Caitlin L. (2011): Improving learning transfer from stencils-based tutorials. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 157-160.

Horn, Michael S., Davis, Pryce, Hubbard, Aleata K., Keifert, Danielle, Leong, Zeina Atrash, Olson, Izabel C. (2011): Learning sustainability: families, learning, and next-generation eco-feedback technology. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 161-164.

Huang, Yingdan, Eisenberg, Michael (2011): Steps toward child-designed interactive stuffed toys. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 165-168.

Joshi, Asmi, Walsh, Greg (2011): Twooter: designing a musical expression tool for use in social networks. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 169-172.

Leong, Zeina Atrash, Horn, Michael S. (2011): Representing equality: a tangible balance beam for early algebra education. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 173-176.

Lindgren, Robb, Moshell, J. Michael (2011): Supporting children's learning with body-based metaphors in a mixed reality environment. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 177-180.

McCrindle, Carrie, Hornecker, Eva, Lingnau, Andreas, Rick, Jochen (2011): The design of t-vote: a tangible tabletop application supporting children's decision makin. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 181-184.

Millen, Laura, Cobb, Sue, Patel, Harshada (2011): A method for involving children with autism in design. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 185-188.

Olson, Izabel C., Horn, Michael S. (2011): Modeling on the table: agent-based modeling in elementary school with NetTango. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 189-192.

Peer, Firaz, Friedlander, Anne, Mazalek, Ali, Mueller, Florian 'Floyd' (2011): Evaluating technology that makes physical games for children more engaging. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 193-196.

Peters, Vanessa L., Songer, Nancy Butler (2011): Evaluating the usability of an interactive map activity for climate change education. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 197-200.

Raffle, Hayes, Mori, Koichi, Ballagas, Rafael, Spasojevic, Mirjana (2011): Pokaboo: a networked toy for distance communication and play. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 201-204.

Sánchez, Iván, Cortés, Marta, Riekki, Jukka, Oja, Mika (2011): NFC-based interactive learning environments for children. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 205-208.

Walsh, Greg, Brown, Quincy, Druin, Allison (2011): Social networking as a vehicle to foster cross-cultural awareness. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 209-212.

Cahill, Clara, Kuhn, Alex, Schmoll, Shannon, Lo, Wan-Tzu, McNally, Brenna, Quintana, Chris (2011): Mobile learning in museums: how mobile supports for learning influence student behavior. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 21-28.

Wistort, Ryan, Breazeal, Cynthia (2011): TofuDraw: a mixed-reality choreography tool for authoring robot character performance. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 213-216.

Yarosh, Svetlana, Kwikkers, Mark Robert (2011): Supporting pretend and narrative play over videochat. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 217-220.

Yusoff, Yusrita Mohd, Ruthven, Ian, Landoni, Monica (2011): The fun semantic differential scales. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 221-224.

Asgar, Zain, Chan, Joshua, Liu, Chang, Blikstein, Paulo (2011): LightUp: a low-cost, multi-age toolkit for learning and prototyping electronics. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 225-226.

Ballagas, Rafael, Revelle, Glenda, Buza, Kyle, Horii, Hiroshi, Mori, Koichi, Raffle, Hayes, Spasojevic, Mirjana, Go, Janet, Cook, Kristin, Reardon, Emily, Tsai, Yun-Ta, Paretti, Christopher (2011): Electric Agents: combining television and mobile phones for an educational game. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 227-230.

Bertran, Ishac (2011): Pas a Pas: a platform for enabling schools to teach educational content using stop motion . In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 231-233.

Blikstein, Paulo, Sipitakiat, Arnan (2011): QWERTY and the art of designing microcontrollers for children. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 234-237.

Freed, Natalie, Qi, Jie, Setapen, Adam, Breazeal, Cynthia, Buechley, Leah, Raffle, Hayes (2011): Sticking together: handcrafting personalized communication interfaces. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 238-241.

Mickelson, Jason, Canton, Matthew, Ju, Wendy (2011): Pattern poses: embodied geometry with tangibles and computer visualization. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 242-245.

Millen, Laura, Hawkins, Tessa, Cobb, Sue, Zancanaro, Massimo, Glover, Tony, Weiss, Patrice L., Gal, Eynat (2011): Collaborative technologies for children with autism. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 246-249.

Millner, Amon, Baafi, Edward (2011): Modkit: blending and extending approachable platforms for creating computer programs and i. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 250-253.

Worsley, Marcelo, Johnston, Michael, Blikstein, Paulo (2011): OpenGesture: a low-cost authoring framework for gesture and speech based application devel. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 254-256.

Gilutz, Shuli, Bekker, Tilde, Fisch, Shalom, Blikstein, Paulo (2011): Teaching interaction design & children within diverse disciplinary curricula. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 257-259.

Garzotto, Franca, Gonella, Roberto (2011): Children's co-design and inclusive education. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 260-263.

Obrist, Marianna, Moser, Christiane, Fuchsberger, Verena, Tscheligi, Manfred, Markopoulos, Panos, Hofstätter, Jorg (2011): Opportunities and challenges when designing and developing with kids @ school. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 264-267.

Read, Janet C. (2011): Creating a child computer interaction curriculum. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 268-270.

Chipman, Gene, Fails, Jerry Alan, Druin, Allison, Guha, Mona Leigh (2011): Paper vs. tablet computers: a comparative study using Tangible Flags. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 29-36.

Desjardins, Audrey, Wakkary, Ron (2011): How children represent sustainability in the home. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 37-45.

Fisch, Shalom M., Lesh, Richard, Motoki, Beth, Crespo, Sandra, Melfi, Vincent (2011): Cross-platform learning: children's learning from multiple media. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 46-51.

Garzotto, Franca, Gonella, Roberto (2011): An open-ended tangible environment for disabled children's learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 52-61.

Lamberty, K. K., Adams, Stephen, Biatek, Jason, Froiland, Katherine, Lapham, Jay (2011): Using a large display in the periphery to support children learning through design. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 62-71.

Leduc-Mills, Ben, Eisenberg, Michael (2011): The UCube: a child-friendly device for introductory three-dimensional design. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 72-80.

Manches, Andrew, Price, Sara (2011): Designing learning representations around physical manipulation: hands and objects. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 81-89.

Novellis, Francesco, Moher, Tom (2011): How real is 'real enough'?: designing artifacts and procedures for embodied simulations of. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 90-98.

Raffle, Hayes, Ballagas, Rafael, Revelle, Glenda, Mori, Koichi, Horii, Hiroshi, Paretti, Chris, Spasojevic, Mirjana (2011): Pop goes the cell phone: asynchronous messaging for preschoolers. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC11 Interaction Design and Children , 2011, . pp. 99-108.

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