How to Create an Environment That Nurtures Creativity

| 23 min read

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  1. Copyright holder: GerritR. Appearance time: 6:54 - 6:59 Copyright license and terms: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Link:,_Wales.jpg

To be creative, you must ensure you’re in an environment which nurtures your creativity. This goes both for personal creativity and for teams that do creative ideation work. The people who surround you and the space where you work have a major influence on whether you feel relaxed and free to ideate or stressed and scared to make a mistake. To ensure your environment supports creativity and ideation, you first have to look at both company and team culture as well as the physical space you work in. And most likely you’ll have to make some changes to create the ideal places, times and spaces to foster creative thought processes and results. In this video, you’ll learn how to create an organizational and physical environment that nurtures—and rewards—creativity.

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7 Best Practices: How You Create the Optimal Environment to Nurture Creativity 7 Best Practices: How You Create the Optimal Environment to Nurture Creativity
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