How to Empower UX teams to Boost Innovation and ROI

by Frank Spillers and Ditte Hvas Mortensen | | 18 min read

As a UX designer, you want to make sure that your team is doing everything possible to boost your organization’s innovation and the return on investment (ROI) of your work. After all, the better the ROI on your work, the more resources you will have to create awesome user experiences, which – again – will affect ROI and so on and so forth. But how do you know your team is working in the most optimal way? In this video, we will teach you which activities and work processes your UX team should be engaged in if you want your work to achieve maximum, organization-wide impact that truly makes a difference to your end users.

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The Takeaway

UX teams can impact your ROI in three ways:

  • By bringing in new ideas
  • By bringing in new insights
  • By bringing in new directions.

You can make this happen by ensuring that your UX team works in a user-centered process in all activities, from monthly to daily. That way, you’ll guarantee that your products are always relevant to your users.

References and Where to Learn More

Harley Manning, Josh Bernoff, and Kerry Bodine (2012): Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business

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