Graphics Interface 84

May 28 - June 1
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
GI - Graphics Interface
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Graphics Interface is the Canadian annual conference devoted to computer graphics and interactive techniques." The first GI conference was held in 1982. Together with its precursor, the biennial Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference (CMCCC), which was first held in 1969, "it is the oldest regularly-scheduled computer graphics and human-computer interaction conference.

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Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, Thalmann, Daniel (1984): Director--oriented 3D shaded computer animation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-7.

Evans, K. B. (1984): An approximate method for anti--aliasing using a random access z--buffer. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 109.

Cardinal, Douglas J. (1984): Computers in architectural design. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 111.

Woodbury, Robert F., Carrega, Dominique J., Deogirikar, Arvind D. (1984): Extending geometric modelling systems for design. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 113-116.

Andonian, K. S. (1984): Architectural modelling: Transformations in perspective space. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 117.

Badler, Norman (1984): What is required for effective human figure animation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 119.

Dodds, David R. (1984): Spatial planning geometric modelling and fuzzy production rules in robotics systems. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 121-129.

Murthy, Hema A., Asthana, R. G. S. (1984): Interactive graphics simulation system (IGSS) for the assembly of mechanical parts. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 131-135.

Eastman, Caroline M. (1984): Abstractions: A conceptual approach for structuring interaction with integrated CAD system. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 137-147.

Hoskins, J. A., King, M. W. (1984): Interactive graphics and the representation of non--Cartesian woven textile structures. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 149-154.

McKelvey, Roy D., Woodbury, Robert F. (1984): A drawing based surface modeler. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 155-159.

Bartels, Richard H., Beatty, John C., Booth, Kellogg S., Hardtke, Ines (1984): 2--D and 3--D interactive computer modelling systems. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 161-165.

Wyvill, Brian, Liblong, Breen, Hutchinson, Norman (1984): Using recursion to describe polygonal surfaces. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 167-171.

Marion, Ann, Fleischer, Kurt, Vickers, Mark (1984): Towards expressive animation for interactive characters. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 17-20.

Evans, K. B. (1984): Realtime lighting manipulation in color via lookup tables. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 173-177.

Leitner, Gerald (1984): Exploiting parallelism in image synthesis applications. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 179-180.

Fishkin, Kenneth P., Barsky, Brian A. (1984): A family of new algorithms for soft filling. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 181-185.

Schwarz, Michael W., Beatty, John C., Cowan, William B., Gentleman, Jane F. (1984): Towards an effective user interface for interactive colour manipulation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 187-196.

Kwan, Camellia Y. K., Sorenson, Paul G. (1984): Office information system integration through a high--level user interface prototype. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 197-206.

Gratton, M. (1984): A review of facilities required for computer graphics in an information oriented environme. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 207-212.

Whalen, Thomas (1984): Design for Telidon based business graphics processor. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 21-28.

Arnold, David B. (1984): Towards automating the production of soil survey maps. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 213-219.

Pike, Rob (1984): The blit and the user's perception of the computer. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 221-222.

Lewis, John, Purcell, Patrick (1984): Softmachine: A personable interface. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 223-226.

Myers, Brad A. (1984): Strategies for creating an easy to use window manager with icons. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 227-233.

Douglas, David H. (1984): Experiments with a ridge and channel digital elevation model. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 235-237.

Ferch, Howard J. (1984): Microprocessor support for urban street navigation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 239-246.

Siekierska, Eva (1984): Enlarging rules and generalization methods in an electronic atlas. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 247-248.

Matwin, Stanislaw, Pietrzykowski, Tomasz (1984): Motion--picture debugging in a dataflow language. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 249-250.

Fiume, Eugene, Fournier, Alain (1984): A programme for the development of a mathematical theory of interactive computer graphics. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 251-256.

Martindale, David (1984): The design of a trackball controller. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 257-264.

Huang, Kuan-Tsae, Zloof, Moshe (1984): Business graphics interfaces to databases. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 29-33.

Sturman, David (1984): Interactive keyframe animation of 3--D articulated models. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 35-40.

Kochanek, Doris H. U., Bartels, Richard H. (1984): Interpolating splines for keyframe animation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 41-42.

Malowany, A. S., Kashef, B. (1984): A color real--time animation system. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 43-50.

Fournier, Alain (1984): Primitives in computer graphics. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 51-52.

Weiler, Kevin (1984): Topology as a framework for solid modelling. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 53-56.

DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1984): Geometric continuity and shape parameters for Catmull--ROM splines. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 57-64.

Beach, Richard J. (1984): Experience with Cedar programming environment for computer graphics research. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 65-74.

Pavlidis, Theo (1984): PED: A 'distributed' graphics editor. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 75-79.

Rudalics, M. (1984): Dynamic attributes handling in a GKS workstation. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 81-86.

Field, Dan (1984): Two algorithms for drawing anti--aliased lines. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 87-95.

Fishkin, Kenneth P., Barsky, Brian A. (1984): Algorithms for brush movement in paint systems. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 9-16.

Amanitides, John (1984): Ray tracing with cones. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 97-98.

Naiman, Avi (1984): Some new ingredients for the cook book approach to anti--aliased text. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 99-108.

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