Author: Tony D. DeRose


Publication period start: 1989
Number of co-authors: 8


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Maureen C. Stone
Charles T. Loop
Brian A. Barsky

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Dani Lischinski
Maureen C. Stone
Brian A. Barsky


Chamberlain, Bradford, DeRose, Tony D., Lischinski, Dani, Snyder, John (1996): Fast rendering of complex environments using a spatial hierarchy. In: Graphics Interface 96 May 22-24, 1996, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 132-141.

Stone, Maureen C., DeRose, Tony D. (1989): A Geometric Characterization of Parametric Cubic Curves. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 8 (3) pp. 147-163.

Loop, Charles T., DeRose, Tony D. (1989): A Multisided Generalization of Bezier Surfaces. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 8 (3) pp. 204-234.

DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1988): Geometric Continuity, Shape Parameters, and Geometric Constructions for Catmull-Rom Spline. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 7 (1) pp. 1-41.

DeRose, Tony D. (1988): Composing Bezier Simplexes. In ACM Transactions on Graphics, 7 (3) pp. 198-221.

Gross, Jonathan R., DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1986): Asterisk*: An extensible testbed for spline development. In: Graphics Interface 86 May 26-30, 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 241-246.

Speer, L. Richard, DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1985): A theoretical and empirical analysis of coherent ray--tracing. In: Graphics Interface 85 May 27-31, 1985, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 1-8.

DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1985): An intuitive approach to geometric continuity for parametric curves and surfaces. In: Graphics Interface 85 May 27-31, 1985, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 343-351.

DeRose, Tony D., Barsky, Brian A. (1984): Geometric continuity and shape parameters for Catmull--ROM splines. In: Graphics Interface 84 May 28 - June 1, 1984, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp. 57-64.

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