
Conferences: C

CHI - Human Factors in Computing Systems 29 articles
CSCW - Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 18 articles
CUU - ACM Conference on Universal Usability 2 articles
CC - Creativity and Cognition 6 articles
CHINZ - ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter's International Conference on Computer Human Interaction 8 articles
CIKM - ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 17 articles
CC - Critical Computing 1 article
CHIMIT - Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology 7 articles
CDVE - International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering 5 articles
CHASE - International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering 0 article
CHASE - International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering 4 articles
Create - Create IxD conference 0 article
CT - International Conference on Communities and Technologies 0 article

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