
Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 42


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Shih-Yi Chien
Huadong Wang
Katia Sycara

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Katia Sycara
Katia P. Sycara
Jean Scholtz


Jacobson, Jeffrey, Lewis, Michael (2005): Game Engine Virtual Reality with CaveUT. In IEEE Computer, 38 (4) pp. 79-82.

Nourbakhsh, Illah R., Sycara, Katia P., Koes, Mary, Yong, M., Lewis, Michael, Burion, S. (2005): Human-robot teaming for search and rescue. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 4 (1) pp. 72-79.

Hughes, Stephen, Lewis, Michael (2004): Robotic camera control for remote exploration. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 511-517.

Morse, Emile L., Lewis, Michael, Olsen, Kai A. (2002): Testing visual information retrieval methodologies case study: Comparative analysis of tex. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (1) pp. 28-40.

Lewis, Michael (2002): The new cards. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (1) pp. 30-31.

Lewis, Michael, Jacobson, Jeffrey (2002): Game engines in scientific research - Introduction. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (1) pp. 27-31.

Edlund, Carl A., Lewis, Michael (1995): A graphical user interface design environment. In: Graphics Interface 95 May 17-19, 1995, Quebec, Quebec, Canada. pp. 223-230.

Lewis, Michael (1994): Using Situation Centered Analogy for Interface Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 67-72.

Lewis, Michael, Kim, Hanhwe (1993): Noise and Emergent Features in Integrated Displays. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting , 1993, . pp. 520-523.

Edlund, Carl, Lewis, Michael (1994): Comparing Ecologically Constrained and Conventional Displays in Control of a Simple Steam . In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting , 1994, . pp. 486-490.

Edlund, Carl, Hume, Sam, Lewis, Michael (1995): Ecological Design for a Network Scheduling Interface. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 501-505.

Lewis, Michael, Sycara, Katia (1993): Modeling Multispecialist Decision Making. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1993, . pp. 481-486.

Lewis, Michael, Weise, Charlotte (1993): Situations, Intuition, and Direct Manipulation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Poster Sessions: Abridged Proceedings , 1993, . pp. 10.

Hongpaisanwiwat, Cholyeun, Lewis, Michael (2003): Attentional Effect of Animated Character. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 423.

Payne, Terry R., Lenox, Terri L., Hahn, Susan, Lewis, Michael, Sycara, Katia P. (2000): Agent-based Team Aiding in a Time Critical Task. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .

Sycara, Katia P., Lewis, Michael (1994): Modeling Teams of Specialists. In: HICSS 1994 , 1994, . pp. 271-280.

Sycara, Katia P., Lewis, Michael, Lenox, Terri L., Roberts, Linda (1998): Calibrating Trust to Integrate Intelligent Agents into Human Teams. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 263-.

Steinfeld, Aaron, Fong, Terrence, Kaber, David, Lewis, Michael, Scholtz, Jean, Schultz, Alan, Goodrich, Michael (2006): Common metrics for human-robot interaction. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI/SIGART Conference on Human-Robot Interaction , 2006, . pp. 33-40.

Wang, Jijun, Lewis, Michael (2007): Human control for cooperating robot teams. In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction , 2007, . pp. 9-16.

Wang, Jijun, Lewis, Michael (2008): Assessing cooperation in human control of heterogeneous robots. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction , 2008, . pp. 9-16.

Wang, Huadong, Lewis, Michael, Velagapudi, Prasanna, Scerri, Paul, Sycara, Katia (2009): How search and its subtasks scale in N robots. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction , 2009, . pp. 141-148.

Wang, Huadong, Lewis, Michael, Chien, Shih-Hsiang, Velagapudi, Prasanna (2009): Scaling Effects for Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Multi-robot Search. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting , 2009, . pp. 364-368.

Lewis, Michael, Wang, Jijun (2009): Measuring Coordination Demand in Multirobot Teams. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting , 2009, . pp. 779-783.

Chien, Shih-Yi, Wang, Huadong, Lewis, Michael (2010): Human vs. Algorithmic Path Planning for Search and Rescue by Robot Teams. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 379-383.

Lee, Pei-Ju, Wang, Huadong, Chien, Shih-Yi, Lewis, Michael, Scerri, Paul, Velagapudi, Prasanna, Sycara, Katia, Kane, Breelyn (2010): Teams for Teams Performance in Multi-Human/Multi-Robot Teams. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 438-442.

Wang, Huadong, Kolling, Andreas, Brooks, Nathan, Owens, Sean, Abedin, Shafiq, Scerri, Paul, Lee, Pei-Ju, Chien, Shih-Yi, Lewis, Michael, Sycara, Katia (2011): Scalable target detection for large robot teams. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human Robot Interaction , 2011, . pp. 363-370.

Abedin, Shafiq, Lewis, Michael, Brooks, Nathan, Owens, Sean, Scerri, Paul, Sycara, Katia (2011): SUAVE: Integrating UAV Video Using a 3D Model. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 91-94.

Chien, Shih-Yi, Wang, Huadong, Lewis, Michael, Mehrotra, Siddharth, Sycara, Katia (2011): Effects of Alarms on Control of Robot Teams. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 434-438.

Brooks, Nathan, Scerri, Paul, Sycara, Katia, Wang, Huadong, Chien, Shih-Yi, Lewis, Michael (2011): Asynchronous Control with ATR for Large Robot Teams. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 444-448.

Lee, Pei-Ju, Kolling, Andreas, Lewis, Michael (2011): Workload Modeling using Time Windows and Utilization in an Air Traffic Control Task. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 846-850.

Chien, Shih-Yi, Wang, Huadong, Lewis, Michael (2011): Effects of Spatial Ability on Multi-robot Control Tasks. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 894-898.

Kolling, Andreas, Nunnally, Steven, Lewis, Michael (2012): Towards human control of robot swarms. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction , 2012, . pp. 89-96.

Velagapudi, Prasanna, Wang, Jijun, Wang, Huadong, Scerri, Paul, Lewis, Michael, Sycara, Katia (2008): Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Multi-robot Search. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions , 2008, . pp. 224-229.

Lewis, Michael, Sycara, Katia (2011): Effects of Automation on Situation Awareness in Controlling Robot Teams. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions , 2011, . pp. 242-248. PDF

Lewis, Michael, Goodrich, Michael, Sycara, Katia, Steinberg, Mark (2012): Human Factors issues for Interaction with Bio-Inspired Swarms. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2012 Annual Meeting , 2012, . pp. 61-64.

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