Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

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OZCHI - CHISIG Conference on Human Computer Interaction
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OZCHI is Australia’s leading forum for research and development in all areas of Human-Computer Interaction. OZCHI attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience designers, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts, and social scientists.

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Henderson, Ron, Deane, Frank, Barrelle, Kate, Mahar, Doug (1994): Correlates and Norms for the Computer Attitude Scale: Replication and Cut-Off Problem Defi. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 109-115.

Paranagama, Priyanka, Burstein, Frada, Arnott, David (1994): Modelling the Personality of the Decision Maker for Effective Decision Support. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 116-117.

Barrelle, Kate, Deane, Frank, Henderson, Ron, Maher, Doug (1994): Employee Acceptance of Biometric Security Systems. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 118-122.

Dorward, Fiona (1994): The Advantages of Portable Usability Testing. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 125-126.

Iannella, Renato (1994): Heuristic User Interface Evaluation: Three Case Studies of Dialog Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 127-132.

Comber, T., Maltby, J. R. (1994): Screen Complexity and User Design Preference in Windows Applications. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 133-137.

Willie, Sylvia (1994): Query Context: Would a Graphical Interface Help?. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 141-146.

Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Welsh, Jim (1994): Process Support: Inflexible Imposition or Chaotic Composition?. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 147-152.

Mountford, S. Joy (1994): Interface: Where Art & Science Meet. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 15-18.

Shanks, Graeme, Sargeant, Richard, Abeyatunge, Sonali (1994): A Meta-Argumentation Workbench. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 153-157.

Duncan, Stephen, Apperley, Mark (1994): A Graphical Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Hypertext Based Information S. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 161-166.

Pohl, Margit, Purgathofer, Peter (1994): Problems of the Development of a Hypertext Authoring Tool. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 167-172.

Wilson, Eve (1994): Generating Interactive Exercises in Hypertext. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 173-177.

Sorensen, Carsten, Carstensen, Peter, Borstrom, Henrik (1994): We Can\'t Go On Meeting Like This! Artifacts Making it Easier to Work Together in Manufact. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 181-186.

Rees, Michael J., Woo, Tak K. (1994): A World-Wide Web User Interface for an Electronic Meeting Tool. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 187-192.

Masoodian, Masood, Apperley, Mark, Frederikson, Lesley (1994): The Impact of Human-to-Human Communication Modes in CSCW Environments. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 193-199.

Thomas, Bruce, Calder, Paul (1994): An Animated Widget Kit for InterViews. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 203-208.

Standing, Craig, Roy, Geoffrey G. (1994): A Functional, Visual Programming Interface to Geographical Information Systems. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 209-214.

Cockburn, Andy, Jones, Steve (1994): Four Principles for Groupware Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 21-26.

Maeda, John, Harada, Akira (1994): Visual and Solid Programming Environments for Designing Dynamic Volumetric Form. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 215-219.

Thomas, Peter J., Meech, John F. (1994): Theory, Practice and Technology for Developing Usable Personal Systems. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 223-228.

Bearman, Margaret, Cemik, Branko (1994): Requirements Analysis of Innovative Information Retrieval Software. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 229-234.

Dunn, Leone J. (1994): Beyond Information Retrieval: An Interface to a C{sup:3} System for Emergency Mangement. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 235-238.

Lindgaard, Gitte (1994): Human Performance in Fault Diagnosis: Can Expert Systems Help?. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 241-246.

Ngiau, Darren, Christensen, Margaret (1994): Navigational Preferences of Users in a Museum Hypermedia Exhibit. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 247-252.

Napier, Renee, Mahar, Doug, Henderson, Ron, Laverty, William, Hiron, Mike, Gough, Jon, Wagner, Mike (1994): Typist Identity Verification: A Comparison of the Utility of the Overall Reference Profile. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 253-257.

Higgins, Peter G. (1994): Graphical Features for Aiding Decision-Making in Production Scheduling. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 261-266.

Muller, Jens-Olaf, Schnieder, Eckehard (1994): New Display Designs for Dispatchers Controlling Maglev Train Traffic. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 267-270.

Eales, R. T. Jim, Welsh, Jim (1994): Learnability Through Working Together. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 27-32.

Lauesen, Soren, Harning, Morten Borup, Gronning, Carsten (1994): Screen Design for Task Efficiency and System Understanding. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 271-276.

McGraw, Bridget, Coe, Christopher, Gigante, Michael, McCormack, Jon, Innocent, Troy, Starrs, Josephine (1994): To Art and Science. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 279-280.

Garner, B., Chen, F. (1994): The Roles of Hypothesis in Human Computer Interaction. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 283-284.

Webb, Terry (1994): The Windsor Test: An Alternative to the Authenticity Test for Virtual Reality Systems. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 285-286.

Smyth, Michael, Knott, Roger (1994): The Role of Metaphor at the Human Computer Interface. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 287-291.

Robertson, Toni (1994): \'We Can Do It Better\': Communication and Control of Work Practices. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 295-300.

Howard, Steve, Leung, Ying (1994): \"Harmony Through Working Together\" Introducing OZCHI94. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 3-8.

Gellersen, Hans-Werner (1994): Integration of Concerns in User Interface Development for Mobile Multi-User Applications. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 301-307.

Chok, Sitt Sen (1994): Parsing Visual Languages. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 311-312.

Collings, Penny, Mudaliar, Ragani, Walker, David (1994): Groupware Support for Student Project Teams. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 313-314.

Gregor, Shirley (1994): An Ethnoscience Approach for Interface Design?. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 315-316.

Haslwanter, Jean D. Hallewell, Hammond, Judith H. (1994): Survey of Cross-Cultural Differences in Participatory Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 317-318.

Haslwanter, Jean D. Hallewell, Muller, Michael J., Dayton, Tom (1994): Participatory Design Methods: A Classification. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 319-320.

Lai, Wei, Danaher, Maurice (1994): A Higher Level Tool than Widget Toolkits for Specific Applications. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 321-322.

Lauesen, Soren, Harning, Morten Borup (1994): A Magnifying Glass, a Copy, or a Move. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 323-324.

Layton, Terre L., Isbister, Katherine (1994): Agents in Review: Examples, Dimensions and Issues. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 325-326.

Thomas, Peter J., Meech, John F. (1994): Personal Information Management: Developing Usable Personal Systems. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 327-328.

Waal, Robert de (1994): D-Radio -- The All Digital Radio Studio. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 329-330.

Croft, Rachel, Lea, Martin, Giordano, Richard (1994): The Social Construction of Computer Use: Stories from the \'Real World\'. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 33-38.

Phillips, Chris (1994): Serving Lean Cuisine+: Towards a Support Environment. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 41-46.

Anderson, Paul (1994): PIPS: A User Centred Approach to Rapid Prototyping. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 47-52.

Uther, James B. (1994): A Useable Boxer Editor. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 53-58.

Smith, Walter, Dunn, John, Kirsner, Kim, Randell, Mark (1994): Colour in Map Displays: Issues for Task-Specific Display Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 61-66.

Lewis, Michael (1994): Using Situation Centered Analogy for Interface Design. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 67-72.

Toleman, Mark A., Welsh, Jim (1994): An Evaluation of Editing Paradigms. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 73-78.

Bevan, Nigel, Harker, Susan, Lindgaard, Gitte, Hammond, Judith H. (1994): Standards in HCI. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 81-83.

Zhang, Da-Qian, Zhang, Kang (1994): POL: A Direct Manipulated Visual Language. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 87-92.

Constantine, Larry L. (1994): \"Persistent Usability\": A Multiphasic User Interface Architecture for Supporting the Ful. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 9-14.

Lyons, P. J., Apperley, Mark, Bishop, A. G., Moretii, G. S. (1994): Active Templates: Manipulating Pointers with Pictures. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 93-98.

Cockburn, Andy (1994): Turbo-Turtle: Educating Children in an Alternative Reality Universe. In: Proceedings of OZCHI94, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1994, . pp. 99-105.

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