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Don Norman

Nielsen Norman Group

La Jolla California United States

IxDF Distinctions

Local Group Member Distinction Local Group Member


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jiajie Zhang
Tim Shallice
Jakob Nielsen

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
James D. Hollan
Aaron Marcus
Jakob Nielsen


Norman, Don (2010): The transmedia design challenge: technology that is pleasurable and satisfying. In Interactions, 17 (1) pp. 12-15.

Norman, Don (2010): Technology first, needs last: the research-product gulf. In Interactions, 17 (2) pp. 38-42.

Norman, Don (2010): Natural user interfaces are not natural. In Interactions, 17 (3) pp. 6-10.

Norman, Don (2010): The research-practice gap: the need for translational developers. In Interactions, 17 (4) pp. 9-12.

Norman, Don, Nielsen, Jakob (2010): Gestural interfaces: a step backward in usability. In Interactions, 17 (5) pp. 46-49.

Norman, Don (2009): People are from earth, machines are from outer space. In Interactions, 16 (1) pp. 39-41.

Norman, Don (2009): Memory is more important than actuality. In Interactions, 16 (2) pp. 24-26.

Norman, Don (2009): Compliance and tolerance. In Interactions, 16 (3) pp. 61-65.

Norman, Don (2009): Designing the infrastructure. In Interactions, 16 (4) pp. 66-69.

Norman, Don (2009): Systems thinking: a product is more than the product. In Interactions, 16 (5) pp. 52-54.

Norman, Don (2009): When security gets in the way. In Interactions, 16 (6) pp. 60-63.

Norman, Don (2008): Filling much-needed holes. In Interactions, 15 (1) pp. 70-71.

Norman, Don (2008): A fetish for numbers. In Interactions, 15 (2) pp. 14-15.

Norman, Don (2008): Waiting: a necessary part of life. In Interactions, 15 (3) pp. 36-37.

Norman, Don (2008): Workarounds and hacks: the leading edge of innovation. In Interactions, 15 (4) pp. 47-48.

Norman, Don (2008): Simplicity is not the answer. In Interactions, 15 (5) pp. 45-46.

Norman, Don (2008): Signifiers, not affordances. In Interactions, 15 (6) pp. 18-19.

Norman, Don (2007): A Review of: \"Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics\" by Salvendy, G.. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 23 (1) pp. 189-190.

Norman, Don (2007): Three challenges for design. In Interactions, 14 (1) pp. 46-47.

Norman, Don (2007): Simplicity is highly overrated. In Interactions, 14 (2) pp. 40-41.

Norman, Don (2007): The next UI breakthrough: command lines. In Interactions, 14 (3) pp. 44-45.

Norman, Don (2007): The next UI breakthrough, part 2: physicality. In Interactions, 14 (4) pp. 46-47.

Norman, Don (2007): There\'s an automobile in HCI\'s future: an update. In Interactions, 14 (6) pp. 50-51.

Norman, Don (2007): Gavriel Salvendy (Ed.): Handbook of human factors and ergonomics (3rd edn.). In Universal Access in the Information Society, 5 (4) pp. 421.

Norman, Don (2006): Interaction design is still an art form.: ergonomics is real engineering. In Interactions, 13 (1) pp. 45-60.

Norman, Don (2006): Trapped in a Lufthansa airline seat. In Interactions, 13 (2) pp. 41-ff.

Norman, Don (2006): Emotionally centered design. In Interactions, 13 (3) pp. 53-ff.

Norman, Don (2006): Why doing user observations first is wrong. In Interactions, 13 (4) pp. 50-ff.

Norman, Don (2006): Words matter. talk about people: not customers, not consumers, not users. In Interactions, 13 (5) pp. 49-63.

Norman, Don (2006): Logic versus usage: the case for activity-centered design. In Interactions, 13 (6) pp. 45-ff.

Norman, Don (2005): Robots in the home: what might they do?. In Interactions, 12 (2) pp. 65.

Norman, Don (2005): Whose profession is this?: everybody\'s, nobody\'s. In Interactions, 12 (3) pp. 51.

Norman, Don (2005): Human-centered design considered harmful. In Interactions, 12 (4) pp. 14-19.

Norman, Don (2005): Do companies fail because their technology is unusable?. In Interactions, 12 (4) pp. 69.

Norman, Don (2005): To school or not to school?. In Interactions, 12 (5) pp. 51.

Norman, Don (2005): There\'s an automobile in HCI\'s future. In Interactions, 12 (6) pp. 45-ff.

Norman, Don (2004): Introduction to This Special Section on Beauty, Goodness, and Usability. In Human-Computer Interaction, 19 (4) pp. 311-318.

Norman, Don (2002): Emotion & design: attractive things work better. In Interactions, 9 (4) pp. 36-42.

Norman, Don (2002): Complexity versus difficulty: where should the intelligence be?. In: Gil, Yolanda, Leake, David (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002 January 13-16, 2002, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 4.

Norman, Don (2002): Home Theater: Not Ready for Prime Time. In IEEE Computer, 35 (6) pp. 100-102.

Norman, Don (2002): Beyond the computer industry. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (7) pp. 120.

Norman, Don (2001): Cyborgs. In Communications of the ACM, 44 (3) pp. 36-37.

Norman, Don (1999): Affordances, Conventions, and Design. In Interactions, 6 (3) pp. 38-41.

Norman, Don, Spohrer, James C. (1996): Learner-Centered Education (Introduction to the Special Section). In Communications of the ACM, 39 (4) pp. 24-27.

Zhang, Jiajie, Norman, Don (1994): Representations in Distributed Cognitive Tasks. In Cognitive Science, 18 (0) pp. 87-122.

Norman, Don (1994): Trends in the Computer Industry: Life-Long Subscriptions, Magical Cures, and Profits Along. In: Szekely, Pedro (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 02 - 04, 1994, Marina del Rey, California, United States. pp. 193.

Zhang, Jiajie, Norman, Don (1994): Representations in Distributed Cognitive Tasks. In Cognitive Science, 18 (1) pp. 87-122.

Norman, Don (1994): How Might People Interact with Agents. In Communications of the ACM, 37 (7) pp. 68-71.

Norman, Don (1993): Cognition in the Head and in the World: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Situated A. In Cognitive Science, 17 (1) pp. 1-6.

Marcus, Aaron, Norman, Don, Rucker, Rudy, Sterling, Bruce, Vinge, Vernor (1992): Sci-Fi at CHI: Cyberpunk Novelists Predict Future User Interfaces. In: Bauersfeld, Penny, Bennett, John, Lynch, Gene (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 92 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference June 3-7, 1992, Monterey, California. pp. 435-437.

Norman, Don (1991): Collaborative Computing: Collaboration First, Computing Second. In Communications of the ACM, 34 (12) pp. 88-90.

Hutchins, Edwin, Hollan, James D., Norman, Don (1985): Direct Manipulation Interfaces. In Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (4) pp. 311-338.

Draper, Steven, Norman, Don (1984): Software engineering for user interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering , 1984, Silver Spring, MD. pp. 214-220.

Norman, Don (1984): Four Stages of User Activities. In: Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 84 - 1st IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 4-7, 1984, London, UK. pp. 507-511.

Norman, Don (1984): Stages and Levels in Human-Machine Interaction. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 21 (4) pp. 365-375.

Norman, Don (1983): Design Rules Based on Analyses of Human Error. In Communications of the ACM, 26 (4) pp. 254-258.

Norman, Don (1983): Design Principles for Human-Computer Interfaces. In: Smith, Raoul N., Pew, Richard W., Janda, Ann (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 83 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conferenc December 12-15, 1983, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 1-10.

Norman, Don (1982): Steps Toward a Cognitive Engineering: Design Rules Based on Analyses of Human Error. In: Nichols, Jean A., Schneider, Michael L. (eds.) Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems March 15-17, 1982, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States. pp. 378-382.

Norman, Don (1980): Twelve Issues for Cognitive Science. In Cognitive Science, 4 (0) pp. 1-32.

Norman, Don, Shallice, Tim (1980). Attention to action: Willed and automatic control of behaviour. Centre for Human Informati. Centre for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

Norman, Don (1992): Where Human Factors Fails: Ergonomics versus the World of Design and Manufacture. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting , 1992, .

Commentary for User Experience and Experience Design chapter of The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed..

Commentary for Philosophy of Interaction chapter of The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed..

Commentary for Disruptive Innovation chapter of The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed..

Norman, Don (2004). Design as communication. Retrieved 2012-03-19 00:00:00 from

Norman, Don (2004). Ad–Hoc personas & Empathic Focus. Retrieved 2004-01-01 00:00:00 from

Norman, Don, Nielsen, Jakob 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design. Retrieved 2013-08-31 00:00:00 from

Nielsen, Jakob, Norman, Don Nielsen/Norman Group Eyetracking Studies. Retrieved 2013-09-02 00:00:00 from Nielsen/Norman Group:

Nielsen, Jakob, Norman, Don List of 'Heuristic Evaluation' articles from the Nielsen/Norman Group. Retrieved 2013-09-02 00:00:00 from

Norman, Don Logic Versus Usage: The Case for Activity-Centred Design. Retrieved 2014-01-19 00:00:00 from

Norman, Don Human-Centred Design Considered Harmful. Retrieved 2014-01-19 00:00:00 from

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