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What is Type?. In the context of design, type is the style or appearance of text. You only need to understand the basics to make an impact in your designs.
What Is Type Anatomy?. Typography has its very own language. Whether you’re an aspiring designer or a typography enthusiast, it’s important for you to understand the anatomy of type to use it effectively.
What are Color Modes?. As a designer, it’s important to differentiate the color modes so you can optimize each stage of your design process.
How To Use Grid Systems. Grids systems can help you add structure to your design, organize information and help design the best possible user experience.
Understand Color Symbolism. Color is powerful. It has the power to persuade, evoke, express and communicate. It can also be an effective tool to communicate with your users.
What is Good Design?. Good Design enables us to understand, communicate and improve the world around us. When done right, it has the power to improve the everyday lives of users.
14 UX Deliverables: What will I be making as a UX designer?. The deliverables produced by UX designers vary according to their role in the design team, their chosen methods, and tools. Here's an overview of some of the most common deliverables in the industry.