Norbert A. Streitz

Author: Norbert A. Streitz

Ph.D. in physics, Ph.D. in Psychology/Cognitive Science

Dr. Norbert Streitz (Ph.D. in physics, Ph.D. in Cognitive Science) is a Senior Scientist and Strategic Advisor with more than 35 years of experience in information and communication technology. He is the founder and scientific director of the Smart Future Initiative (SFI) which was launched in January 2009.

1987 - 2008: Norbert held different positions as Division Manager and Deputy Director at the Fraunhofer Institute IPSI (previously GMD-IPSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. At IPSI, he did research in multiple areas (e.g., Human-Computer Interaction, Hypertext / Hypermedia, CSCW, Ubiquitous Computing, Ambient Intelligence) and initiated and managed the corresponding research projects. A prominent example is the work of the research division "AMBIENTE - Smart Environments of the Future" founded by him in 1997. He and his team became well-known for the development of Roomware®, the integration of walls and furniture with large displays and information technology requiring new interaction paradigms. The Roomware components were developed in close cooperation with the industry and won several design prizes and research awards. During his time at IPSI, he was also a lecturer affiliated with the Department of Computer Science of the Technical University Darmstadt for more than 15 years.

1978 - 1986: Norbert was an Assistant Professor at the Psychology Department of the Technical University Aachen (RWTH), Germany, teaching and doing research in cognitive science, cognitive ergonomics, human-computer interaction, expert systems including basic research on memory and perception, dual-task performance, problem solving and knowledge representations. This work was carried out by the ACCEPT Research Group (AaChen Cognitive Ergonomics ProjecT) which was founded and headed by him. During this time, he got his second Ph.D. (in psychology with a focus on cognitive science) from the Technical University Aachen (RWTH) in 1985.

Before joining RWTH Aachen, he did research in theoretical physics (general relativity theory, differential geometry, and elementary particle physics) and got his first Ph.D. (in physics) from Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany, in 1976.

At different times of his career, he was a post-doc research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, a visiting scholar at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto), USA, and at the Intelligent Systems Lab of MITI, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

Research Areas

His research and teaching activities are determined by a strong interdisciplinary approach and cover a wide range: Cognitive Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction and Experience Design, Hypertext/ Hypermedia, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Ubiquitous Computing, Ambient Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Privacy by Design, Hybrid Worlds, Smart Manufacturing/ Industry 4.0, Automated Driving, Smart, but Humane and Cooperative Cities and Smart Airports.


Norbert is regularly asked to present keynote speeches, tutorials and invited talks at scientific as well as commercial events. The list of all invited talks and keynotes in his long career very extensive. Keynotes and talks since 2009 (start of Smart Future Initiative) and appointments as conference chair can be found here.

Publications and Editorial Boards

Norbert Streitz has published or co-edited 31 books/proceedings and authored/ co-authored more than 160 papers published in prominent peer-reviewed journals and proceedings of respected national and international conferences or as invited book chapters. For an overview of most of his publications along with their citations please check Google Scholar (h-index of 40, i10-index of 80, and 7340+ total citations) and ResearchGate.

Norbert serves on many editorial boards of journals, e.g., JAISE (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments), JAIHC (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing), ADCI (Advances in Computational Intelligence), HISI (Human-Intelligent Systems Integration),
MTI (Multimodal Technologies and Interaction), UAIS (Universal Access
in the Information Society
) ) as well as for the recently established Springer Book Series in Adaptive Environments. Previously, he was on the board of ACM TOCHI (ACM Transactions on Computer-Human-Interaction) and an Associate Editor of ACM TOIS (Transactions on Information Systems) as well as on the boards of several Hypertext/ Hypermedia journals.

Norbert was also appointed as a member of juries for design and software competitions as well as project reviewer and evaluator for the European Commission and national and international science and funding foundations.

Member of Scientific Societies and Associated Activities

- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (German Society for Computer Science)

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) (German Society for Psychology)

- European Japan Experts Association (EJEA)

- European Association on Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) (previously)

- Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) (previously)

Norbert was active in initiating and fostering the establishment of HCI research in Germany and Europe. Examples: He was the first elected chair (in 1985) of the new SIG “Software-Ergonomie” (corresponds to SIGCHI of ACM) in the “Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society) and instrumental for a wide range of activities, e.g., organizing the “Software-Ergonomie Herbstschule (SEH)” (Autumn School on Human-Computer Interaction), which he also chaired for a number of years since its start in 1986.

Norbert was the first elected chair (1990) of the new SIG “Hypertext und Hypermedia” in the “Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society).

Norbert was the first elected deputy chair (1996) of the new SIG “Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)” in the “Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society).
Norbert was one of the “founding fathers” and then member of the Executive Committee of the European Association on Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) established in 1985.  
Norbert was the Vice Chair (1991 - 1993) of the ACM SIGLINK Special Interest Group on Hypertext/Hypermedia.


Publication period start: 2005
Number of co-authors: 85


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Carsten Magerkurth
Thorsten Prante
Jorg M. Haake

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Thomas P. Moran
Hans-Werner Gellersen
Hiroshi Ishii


Streitz, Norbert A., Magerkurth, Carsten, Prante, Thorsten, Rocker, Carsten (2005): From information design to experience design: smart artefacts and the disappearing compute. In Interactions, 12 (4) pp. 21-25.

Streitz, Norbert A., Rocker, Carsten, Prante, Thorsten, Alphen, Daniel van, Stenzel, Richard, Magerkurth, Carsten (2005): Designing Smart Artifacts for Smart Environments. In IEEE Computer, 38 (3) pp. 41-49.

Russell, Daniel M., Streitz, Norbert A., Winograd, Terry (2005): Building disappearing computers. In Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) pp. 42-48.

Streitz, Norbert A., Nixon, Paddy (2005): Introduction. In Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) pp. 32-35.

Prante, Thorsten, Streitz, Norbert A., Tandler, Peter (2004): Roomware: Computers Disappear and Interaction Evolves. In IEEE Computer, 37 (12) pp. 47-54.

Prante, Thorsten, Magerkurth, Carsten, Streitz, Norbert A. (2002): Developing CSCW tools for idea finding -: empirical results and implications for design. In: Churchill, Elizabeth F., McCarthy, Joe, Neuwirth, Christine, Rodden, Tom (eds.) Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 106-115.

Tandler, Peter, Prante, Thorsten, Muller-Tomfelde, Christian, Streitz, Norbert A., Steinmetz, Ralf (2001): Connectables: dynamic coupling of displays for the flexible creation of shared workspaces. In: Marks, Joe, Mynatt, Elizabeth D. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 11 - 14, 2001, Orlando, Florida. pp. 11-20.

Streitz, Norbert A., Geissler, Jorg, Holmer, Torsten, Konomi, Shin\'ichi, Muller-Tomfelde, Christian, Reischl, Wolfgang, Rexroth, Petra, Seitz, Peter, Steinmetz, Ralf (1999): i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation. In: Altom, Mark W., Williams, Marian G. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 99 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 15-20, 1999, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 120-127.

Streitz, Norbert A., Hartkopf, Volker, Ishii, Hiroshi, Kaplan, Simon M., Moran, Thomas P. (1998): Cooperative Buildings: Integrating Information, Organization, & Architecture. In: Poltrock, Steven, Grudin, Jonathan (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 14 - 18, 1998, Seattle, Washington, United States. pp. 411-413.

Streitz, Norbert A., Rexroth, Petra, Holmer, Torsten (1997): Does `roomware' matter? Investigating the role of personal and public information devices . In: Hughes, John F., Prinz, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 7-11 September, 1997, Lancaster, UK. pp. 297-312.

Boy, Guy André, Belin, Edouard, Streitz, Norbert A., Daniel, Brigitte, Hollender, Martin, Santos, Jose Dos, Maignien, Yannick (1997): Hypertext & Hypermedia in Organizational Memory Systems. In: Bernstein, Mark, Carr, Leslie, Osterbye, Kasper (eds.) Hypertext 97 - Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext April 06-11, 1997, Southampton, UK. pp. 237.

Mark, Gloria, Haake, Jorg M., Streitz, Norbert A. (1996): Hypermedia Structures and the Division of Labor in Meeting Room Collaboration. In: Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S., Ackerman, Mark S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 170-179.

Streitz, Norbert A., DeRose, Steven J. (1996): World-Wide Web Authoring and Collaboration. In: Hypertext 96 - Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext March 16-20, 1996, Washington, DC. pp. 262.

Mark, Gloria, Haake, Jorg M., Streitz, Norbert A. (1995): The Use of Hypermedia in Group Problem Solving: An Evaluation of the DOLPHIN Electronic Me. In: Marmolin, Hans, Sundblad, Yngve, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 95 - Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 11-15 September, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 197-213.

Hüser, Christoph, Reichenberger, Klaus, Rostek, Lothar, Streitz, Norbert A. (1995): Knowledge-base Editing and Visualization for Hypermedia Encyclopedias. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (4) pp. 49-51.

Streitz, Norbert A. (1995): Designing Hypermedia: A Collaborative Activity. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (8) pp. 70-71.

Streitz, Norbert A., Geissler, Jorg, Haake, Jorg M., Hol, Jeroen (1994): DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support Across Local and Remote Desktop Environments and LiveB. In: Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work October 22 - 26, 1994, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States. pp. 345-358.

Haake, Jorg M., Neuwirth, Christine, Streitz, Norbert A. (1994): Coexistence and Transformation of Informal and Formal Structures: Requirements for More Fl. In: Proceedings of ECHT 94 the ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology Sept 18-23, 1994, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 1-12.

Haake, Jorg M., Knopik, Thomas, Streitz, Norbert A. (1993): The SEPIA Hypermedia System as Part of the POLIKOM Telecooperation Scenario. In: Stotts, P. David, Furuta, Richard (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 93 Conference November 14-18, 1993, Seattle, Washington. pp. 235-237.

Russell, Daniel M., Landow, George P., Streitz, Norbert A., Moulthrop, Stuart, Bolter, Jay David (1993): Designing and Building Structure. In: Stotts, P. David, Furuta, Richard (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 93 Conference November 14-18, 1993, Seattle, Washington.

Bernstein, Mark, Marshall, Catherine C., Streitz, Norbert A. (1993): Argumentation in Action. In: Stotts, P. David, Furuta, Richard (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 93 Conference November 14-18, 1993, Seattle, Washington. pp. 274-275.

Malone, Thomas W., Streitz, Norbert A. (1993): Guest Editorial. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 11 (4) pp. 319.

Streitz, Norbert A., Haake, Jorg M., Hannemann, Jorg, Lemke, Andreas C., Schuler, Wolfgang, Schutt, Helge, Thuring, Manfred (1992): SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment. In: Lucarella, D., Nanard, Jocelyne, Nanard, Marc, Paolini, P. (eds.) Proceedings of ECHT 92 the Fourth ACM Conference on Hypertext November 30 - December 04, 1992, Milano, Italy. pp. 11-22.

Streitz, Norbert A. (1992): The Hypermedia Authoring Environment SEPIA. In: Lucarella, D., Nanard, Jocelyne, Nanard, Marc, Paolini, P. (eds.) Proceedings of ECHT 92 the Fourth ACM Conference on Hypertext November 30 - December 04, 1992, Milano, Italy. pp. 290.

Eberleh, Edmund, Korfmacher, Wilfried, Streitz, Norbert A. (1992): Thinking or Acting? Mental Workload and Subjective Preferences for a Command Code and a Di. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 105-122.

Streitz, Norbert A., Halasz, Frank, Ishii, Hiroshi, Malone, Thomas W., Neuwirth, Chris, Olson, Gary M. (1991): The Role of Hypertext for CSCW Applications. In: Walker, Jan (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 91 Conference December 15-18, 1991, San Antonio, Texas. pp. 369-377.

Schutt, Helge, Streitz, Norbert A. (1990): HyperBase: A Hypermedia Engine Based on a Relational Database Management System. In: Rizk, Antoine, Streitz, Norbert A., Andre, Jacques (eds.) ECHT 90 - European Conference on Hypertext November 27-30, 1990, Versailles, France. pp. 95-108.

Streitz, Norbert A., Walker, Janet H., Waterworth, John A., Wright, Patricia, Trigg, Randall H. (1990): What's Specific about User-Interfaces for Hypertext Systems?. In: Rizk, Antoine, Streitz, Norbert A., Andre, Jacques (eds.) ECHT 90 - European Conference on Hypertext November 27-30, 1990, Versailles, France. pp. 354-361.

Argentesi, Flavio, Streitz, Norbert A., Hansen, R., Antoni, Giovanni Degli, Cicu, A. (1990): Strategic Issues in European Hypertext Research and Development. In: Rizk, Antoine, Streitz, Norbert A., Andre, Jacques (eds.) ECHT 90 - European Conference on Hypertext November 27-30, 1990, Versailles, France. pp. 367-369.

Streitz, Norbert A., Hannemann, Jorg, Thuring, Manfred (1989): From Ideas and Arguments to Hyperdocuments: Travelling through Activity Spaces. In: Halasz, Frank, Meyrowitz, Norman (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 89 Conference November 5-8, 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 343-364.

Baird, Pat, Egan, Dennis E., Kintsch, Walter, Smith, John, Streitz, Norbert A. (1989): Cognitive Aspects of Designing Hypertext Systems. In: Halasz, Frank, Meyrowitz, Norman (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 89 Conference November 5-8, 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 397.

Streitz, Norbert A., Spijkers, Will A. C., Duren, Lidewij L. van (1987): From Novice to Expert User: A Transfer of Learning Experiment on Different Interaction Mod. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 87 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 1-4, 1987, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 841-846.

Rizk, Antoine, Streitz, Norbert A., Andre, Jacques (eds.) ECHT 90 - European Conference on Hypertext November 27-30, 1990, Versailles, France.

Magerkurth, Carsten, Memisoglu, Maral, Engelke, Timo, Streitz, Norbert A. (2004): Towards the next generation of tabletop gaming experiences. In: Graphics Interface 2004 May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 73-80.

Streitz, Norbert A. (2001): Augmented Reality and the Disappearing Computer. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, . pp. 738-742.

Mueller-Tomfelde, C., Streitz, Norbert A., Steinmetz, Ralf (2003): Sounds@Work - Auditory Displays for Interaction in Cooperative and Hybrid Environments. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 751-755.

Streitz, Norbert A., Rocker, C., Prante, T., Stenzel, R., Alphen, D. van (2003): Situated Interaction with Ambient Information: Facilitating Awareness and Communication in. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 133-137.

Streitz, Norbert A. (2006): From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Environment Interaction: Ambient Intelligence and. In: Proceedings of the 9th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All , 2006, . pp. 3-13.

Streitz, Norbert A. (2001): Ubiquitous Computing and The Disappearing Computer - Research Agendas, Issues, and Strateg. In: Abowd, Gregory D., Brumitt, Barry, Shafer, Steven A. (eds.) Ubicomp 2001 Ubiquitous Computing - Third International Conference September 30 - October 2, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 184-186.

Streitz, Norbert A. (2007): The Disappearing Computer: User-Centered Interaction Design for Smart Artefacts. In: Conati, Cristina, McCoy, Kathleen F., Paliouras, Georgios (eds.) User Modeling 2007 - 11th International Conference - UM 2007 June 25-29, 2007, Corfu, Greece. pp. 1-2.

Beigl, Michael, Gellersen, Hans-Werner, Streitz, Norbert A. (2001): Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in allgegenwärtigen Informationssystemen. In: Oberquelle, Horst, Oppermann, Reinhard, Krause, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2001 March 5-8, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany.

Streitz, Norbert A. (2003): Interaction Design for the Disappearing Computer. In: Aarts, Emile H. L., Collier, René, Loenen, Evert van, Ruyter, Boris E. R. de (eds.) EUSAI 2003 - Ambient Intelligence - First European Symposium November 3-4, 2003, Veldhoven, The Netherlands. pp. 351-355.

Streitz, Norbert A., Konomi, Shin'ichi, Burkhardt, Heinz Jürgen (eds.) Cooperative Buildings, Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture, First International Workshop, CoBuild98, Darmstadt, Germany, February 1998, Proceedings , 1998, .

Streitz, N. A., Kameas, A., Mavrommati, I. (Eds.) (2007). The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments. State-of-the-Art Survey. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4500. Heidelberg: Springer. 2007. (304 Pages) ISBN 978-3-540-72725-5

Schwabe, G., Streitz, N., Unland, R. (Hrsg.) (2001). CSCW-Kompendium: Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten (Handbook on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work). Heidelberg: Springer. 2001 (622 Pages). ISBN 3-540-67552-3.

Streitz, N., Remmers, B., Pietzcker, M., Grundmann, R. (Hrsg.) (1999). Arbeitswelten im Wandel - Fit für die Zukunft? - Menschen, Organisationen, Technologien und Architektur an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1999. (228 Pages) ISBN 3-421-03232-7

Brusilovsky, P., Kommers, P., Streitz, N. (Eds.) (1996). Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality: Models, Systems, and Applications. (Selected Papers). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1077. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1996. (311 Pages) ISBN 3-540-61282-3

Schuler, W., Hannemann, J., Streitz, N. (Eds.) (1995). Designing User Interfaces for Hypermedia. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. (250 Pages) ISBN 3-540-58489-7

Klix, F., Streitz, N., Waern, Y., Wandke, H. (Eds.) (1989). Man-Computer Interaction Research - MACINTER II. Selected papers of the Man-Computer Interaction Research Network of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPyS). Human Factors in Information Technology Series. North-Holland, 1989. (600 pages)

Streitz, N., Eberleh, E. (1989). Mentale Belastung und kognitive Prozesse bei komplexen Dialogstrukturen (Mental load and cognitive processes in complex dialogue structures). (Bremerhaven: Verlag für neue Wissenschaft. Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz: Forschung. (242 pages)

Balzert, H., Hoppe, U., Oppermann, R., Peschke, H., Rohr, G., Streitz, N. (Hrsg.) (1988). Einführung in die Software-Ergonomie (Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction). Series: Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation. Berlin: de Gruyter. (396 pages)

Imbert, M., Bertelson, P., Kempson, R., Osherson, D., Schnelle, H., Streitz, N., Thomassen, A., Viviani, P. (1987). Cognitive Science in Europe. Springer. (236 pages).

Malone, T., Streitz, N. (1993). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Special Issue of
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). 11 (4) (October 1993).

Streitz, N., Nixon, P. (2005). The Disappearing Computer. Communications of the ACM. 48 (3) (March 2005).

Streitz, N., Konomi, S. (Eds.) (2020). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (DAPI 2020). (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19-24, 2020). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 12203, Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-50343-7

Stephanidis, C., Duffy, V.G., Streitz, N., Konomi, S., Krömker, H. (Eds.) (2020).
HCI International 2020 – Late Breaking Papers: Digital Human Modeling and Ergonomics, Mobility and Intelligent Environments (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020). , Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 12429. ISBN: 978-3-030-59986-7

Streitz, N., Konomi, S. (Eds.) (2019). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (DAPI 2019). (Orlando, FL, USA, July 26-31, 2019). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 11587, Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-21934-5

Streitz, N., Konomi, S. (Eds.) (2018). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Part I: Understanding Humans. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (DAPI 2018). (Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018) Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 10921, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-91124-3

Streitz, N., Konomi, S. (Eds.) (2018). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Part II: Technologies and Contexts. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (DAPI 2018). (Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 10922, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-91130-4

Streitz, N., Markopoulos, P. (Eds.) (2017). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference (DAPI 2017). (Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 10291, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-58696-0

Streitz, N., Markopoulos, P. (Eds.) (2016). Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (DAPI 2016) (Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 9749, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-39861-7

Streitz, N., Markopoulos, P. (Eds.) (2015). Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the Third International Conference (DAPI 2015). (Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 9189, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-20803-9

Streitz, N., Markopoulos, P. (Eds.) (2014). Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the Second International Conference (DAPI 2014). (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8530, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-07787-1

Streitz, N., Stephanidis, C. (Eds.) (2013) Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions. Proceedings of the First International Conference (DAPI 2013). (Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8028, Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-39350-1

Keyson, D., Maher, M.L., Streitz, N., Cheok, A., Augusto, J.C., Wichert, R., Englebienne, G., Aghajan, H., Kröse, B. J.A. (Eds.) (2011). Ambient Intelligence - Proceedings of Second International Joint Conference (AmI-2011). (16. - 18. November 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 7040.

de Ruyter, B., Wichert, R., Keyson, D., Markopoulos, P., Streitz, N., Divitini, M., Georgantas, N., Gomez, A. M. (Eds.) (2010). Ambient Intelligence – Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference (AmI-2010). (10. - 12. November 2010, Malaga, Spain) Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6439. Springer-Verlag.

Streitz, N., Nixon, P. (Eds) (2004). The Disappearing Computer. Final Report on the Joint Strategic Research Workshop of the European Commission (EC) and US National Science Foundation (NSF). (Vienna, Austria, 23 – 24. April 2004). (80 pages)

Kameas, A., Streitz, N. (Eds) (2003). Tales of the Disappearing Computer. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Disappearing Computer Initiative. (1 – 4. June 2003, Santorini, Greece) Ellinika Grammata - CTI Press. 419 pages. ISBN 960-406-461-4

Streitz, N., Siegel, J., Hartkopf, V., Konomi, S. (Eds.) (1999) Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organizations, and Architecture. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings (CoBuild'99). Pittsburgh, USA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1670. Heidelberg: Springer, 1999. (229 pages) ISBN 3-540-66596-X.

Streitz, N., Konomi, S., Burkhardt, H.-J. (Eds.) (1998) Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings (CoBuild'98). Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1370. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1998. (267 pages) ISBN 3-540-64237-4.

Cordes, R., Streitz, N. (Hrsg.) (1992) Hypertext und Hypermedia 1992. Konzepte und Anwendungen auf dem Weg in die Praxis. Fachtagung und Tutorien (München, 14 – 16. September 1992). Informatik Aktuell. Heidelberg: Springer. 1992. (174 Seiten)

Rizk, A., Streitz, N., André, J. (Eds.) (1990) Hypertext: Concepts, Systems, and Applications. Proceedings of First European Conference on Hypertext (ECHT’90). (Versailles, France, 27. – 30. November 1990). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. (373 pages)

Gloor, P., Streitz, N. (Hrsg.) (1990). Hypertext und Hypermedia: Von theoretischen Konzepten zur praktischen Anwendung. Informatik-Fachberichte Nr. 249. Springer-Verlag. (302 Seiten)

Streitz, N. (2019). Beyond 'Smart-Only' Cities: Redefining the 'Smart-Everything' Paradigm. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 791-812. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-0824-1

Streitz, N., Charitos, D., Kaptein, M., Böhlen, M. (2019). Grand Challenges for Ambient Intelligence and Implications for Design Contexts and Smart Societies. Tenth Anniversary Issue, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 87 - 107. DOI: 10.3233/AIS-180507

Stephanidis, C., Salvendy, G., Antona, M., Chen, J. Y. C., Dong, J., Duffy, V.G., Fang, X., Fidopiastis, C., Fragomeni, G., Fu, L.P., Guo, Y., Harris, D., Ioannou, A., Jeong, K. K., Konomi, S., Krömker, H., Kurosu, M., Lewis, J., Marcus, A., Meiselwitz, G., Moallem, A., Mori, H., Fui-Hoon Nah, F., Ntoa, S., Rau, P., Schmorrow, D., Siau, K.,

Streitz, N., Wang, W., Yamamoto, S., Zaphiris, P., Zhou, J. (2019).
Seven HCI Grand Challenges. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. Volume 35, Issue 14, pp. 1229 - 1269. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2019.1619259

Streitz, N. (2019). Towards Sustainability: Self-Aware Cooperative Hybrid Cities. (Keynote Paper). In: Cornel Klein, Brian Donnellan, Markus Helfert (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2019. Heraklion (Crete, Greece, May 3-5, 2019). SciTePress 2019 - Science Technology Publications. ISBN 978-989-758-373-5.

Streitz, N. (2018). The Future of Human-Computer Interaction: From HCI to Citizen-Environment Interaction (CEI) in Cooperative Cities and Societies. (Keynote paper).
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018) (Sevilla, Spain, 19. - 21. September 2018). SciTePRESS - Science Technology Publications. (pp. 7-13)

Streitz, N. (2017). Reconciling humans and technology: The role of ambient intelligence. (Keynote paper) In: A. Braun, R. Wichert, A. Mana (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 10217, Springer. (pp. 1–16). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56997-0_1

Streitz, N. (2017). Re-Defining the "Smart Everything" Paradigm: Towards Reconciling Humans and Technology. (keynote paper). In: P. Kommers (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference "ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2017". IADIS Press. (7 pages: xviii - xxiv).

Streitz, N. (2016). Opportunities and Risks of Digitalization in the Context of Smart Hybrid Cities and Airports. In: Proceedings of USEWARE 2016 - Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im Industrie 4.0 Zeitalter. 8. VDI-VDE Fachtagung. VDI-Berichte 2271. VDI Wissensforum. VDI-Verlag (pp. 5 - 14).

Streitz, N. (2016). Smart Cities Need Privacy by Design for Being Humane. In: S. Pop, T. Toft, N. Calvillo, M. Wright (Eds.), What Urban Media Art Can Do - Why When Where and How? avedition (pp. 268 - 274).

Streitz, N. (2013). Smart Cities as New Challenges for Human-Centered Design (keynote paper). In: A. Holzinger, M. Ziefle, M. Hitz, M. Debevc (Eds.) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Factors in Computing and Informatics (SouthCHI 2013) (Maribor, Slowenia, July 2013). (pp. 15 - 16). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 7946. Springer.

Streitz, N. (2015). Citizen-Centered Design for Humane and Sociable Hybrid Cities. (Keynote paper). In: I. Theona & D. Charitos (Eds.), Hybrid City 2015 - Data to the People. Proceedings of the Third International Biannual Conference. University of Athens, Greece. (pp. 17-20).

Streitz, N., Davies, N. (2012). An Interview with UbiComp Pioneer Norbert Streitz. (by Nigel Davies, editor in chief). In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, 11 (1). (January-March 2012) (pp. 62 - 66.) (Special issue on 20 years after Mark Weiser's vision was published as "The Computer for the 21. Century" in Scientific American, September 1991).

Streitz, N. (2012). Designing Smart Cities: Urbane Räume als Orte vernetzter Arbeits- und Lebenswelten. In: Reiterer, H. & Deussen, O. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of „Mensch & Computer 2012“ Subtitle: Interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!? München: Oldenbourg Verlag. (S. 7-10).

Aliakseyeu, D., Meerbeek, B., Mason, J., van Essen, H., Offermans, S., Wiethoff, A., Streitz, N., Lucero, A. (2012) Designing interactive lighting. In: Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '12) (Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, June 11-15, 2012) ACM, (pp. 801-802) ISBN 978-1-4503-1210-3

Streitz, N. (2012). Megatrend Urbanisierung: Der Mensch steht im Mittelpunkt. In: M. Garn, R Mohr, H. Utikal (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft der Industrie in Deutschland - Innovationstreiber für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-, Markt- und Medieninformationen. (S. 98-107).

Ferscha, A., Davies, N., Schmidt, A., Streitz, N. (2011). Pervasive Socio-Technical Fabric. Procedia Computer Science. Volume 7. pp. 88-91.

Streitz, N. (2011). Smart Cities, Ambient Intelligence and Universal Access. In: C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6767. Springer-Verlag, (pp. 425–432). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21666-4_47

Streitz, N. (2011) Smart Hybrid Cities as an Umbrella for Ambient Intelligence Research (keynote paper). In: C. Benavente-Peces, J. Filipe (Eds), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2011). (Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 5-7 March 2011). SciTePress 2011, (pp. 5 - 6) ISBN 978-989-8425-48-5

Streitz, N. (2010). Ambient Intelligence Research Landscapes. In: de Ruyter, B., Wichert, R., Keyson, D., Markopoulos, P., Streitz, N., Divitini, M., Georgantas, N., Gomez, A. M. (Eds.) Ambient Intelligence – Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference – AmI 2010. (10.-12. November 2010, Malaga, Spain) Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6439. Springer-Verlag (pp. 300 – 303)

Streitz, N., Wichert, R. (2010) Ambient Computing and Communication Environments: The Humane City. In: C. Stephanidis (Ed.) INTERLINK – International Cooperation Activities in Future and Emerging ICTs. Published by European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). Sophia Antipolis, France. (p. 15 - 24).

Streitz, N., Privat, G. (2009). “Ambient Intelligence”. Chapter in final section "Looking to the Future”. In: C. Stephanidis (Ed). The Universal Access Handbook. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. (pages 60.1 - 60.17) ISBN: 978-0-8058-6280-5

Streitz, N. (2008) From cognitive compatibility to the disappearing computer: Experience design for smart environments. (keynote paper). In: J. Abascal, I. Fajardo, I. Oakley (Eds), The Ergonomics of Cool Interaction. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2008) (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, September 16-19, 2008) ACM. ISBN 978-1-60558-399-0

Streitz, N. (2008). It's all in the (ambient) environment: Designing experiences in ubiquitous hybrid worlds. (keynote paper). In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR ’08). (10 – 13 July 2008, Gwangju, Korea) IEEE Press (pp. 1 – 4). DOI: 10.1109/ISUVR.2008.26.

Streitz, N., Kameas, A., Mavrommati, I. (2007) Preface and Introduction. In: Streitz, N., Kameas, A., Mavrommati, I. (Eds.). The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments. State-of-the-Art Survey. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4500. (pp. V – X). Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-72725-5

Streitz, N., Prante, T., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C., Lahlou, S., Nosulenko, V., Jegou, F., Sonder, F., Plewe, D. A. (2007). Smart artefacts as affordances for awareness in distributed teams. In: N. Streitz, A. Kameas, I. Mavrommati (Eds.), The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4500. Springer. (pp. 3–29). doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72727-9_1

Streitz, N. (2007). Designing for People in Ambient Intelligence Environments. In: Mana, A., Rudolph, C. (Eds.). Developing Ambient Intelligence. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (AmI.d’07). Springer. (pp. 47 – 54)

Streitz, N. (2006). Designing Interaction for Smart Environments: Ambient Intelligence and the Disappearing Computer (keynote paper). In: Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 06). (Athens, Greece, 5-6 July 2006). IET Press.

Streitz, N. (2006) Cooperative Buildings, Ambient Intelligence, and the Disappearing Computer. K. Oosterhuis, L. Feireiss (Eds.). Game Set and Match II. On Computer Games, Advanced Geometries, and Digital Technologies. Rotterdam, Episode Publishers and Delft University of Technology. (pp. 38 – 48).

Streitz, N., Nixon, P. (2005) The Disappearing Computer - Introduction to Special Issue. Communications of the ACM, 48 (3) (March 2005) (pp. 32-35)

Röcker, C., Bayon, V., Memisoglu, M., Streitz, N. (2005). Context-dependent email notification using ambient displays and mobile devices. In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2005). (Kagawa, Japan, 2005) (pp. 137-138) IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/AMT.2005.1505288.

Streitz, N. (2005) From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Artefact Interaction: Interaction Design for Smart Environments. In: M. Hemmje, C. Niederée, T. Risse (Eds.) From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3379, Springer. (pp. 232-240) ISBN 3-540-24551-0

Streitz, N., Prante, T., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C. (2005). Smarte Arbeitsumgebungen zur Unterstützung verteilter sozialer Prozesse. In: C. Stary (Ed). Proceedings der GI-Tagung Mensch und Computer 2005: Kunst und Wissenschaft - Grenzüberschreitung der interaktiven Art (Linz, Austria, September 4-7, 2005) Oldenbourg Verlag (pp. 111-120) ISBN 3-486-57805-7

Streitz, N. (2005) Kooperative Gebäude und der „Disappearing Computer“.
In: M. Kerres, R. Keil-Slawik (Hrsg.) Hochschulen im digitalen Zeitalter: Innovations­potentiale und Strukturwandel. Waxmann-Verlag. (S. 313–332). ISBN 3-8309-1538-1

Baxter, G., Dix, A., Monk, A., Schmidt, A., Streitz, N. (2005). Trust and Incidental Interaction: Would You Let a Talking Paper Clip Run YOUR Home? In: F. Bueno, M.F. Constabile, F. Paterno, C. Santoro (Eds.), Adjunct Proceedings of INTERACT ’05: Communicating Naturally through Computers (pp.73-74). Bari, Italy: Giusseppe Laterza.

Röcker, C., Janse, M., Portolan, N., Streitz, N. (2005). User Requirements for Intelligent Home Environments: A Scenario-Driven Approach and Empirical Cross-Cultural Study. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Smart Objects & Ambient Intelligence (sOc-EUSAI’05) (October 12 – 14, 2005) Grenoble, France) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 121, (pp. 111 – 116).

Prante, T., Stenzel, R., Röcker, C., Streitz, N., Magerkurth, C. (2004). Ambient Agoras: InfoRiver, SIAM, Hello.Wall. In: Dykstra-Erickson, E., Tscheligi, M. (Eds). Extended abstracts of the CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Vienna, Austria, April 24 - 29, 2004). (pp. 763-764) ISBN 1-58113-703-6

Prante, T., Stenzel, R., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Streitz, N., Magerkurth, C., Plewe, D.A. (2004) Connecting remote teams: Cross-media integration to support remote informal encounters. In: Video Track and Adjunct Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP'04), (September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, England).

Röcker, C., Prante, T., Streitz, N., van Alphen, D. (2004). Using Ambient Displays and Smart Artefacts to Support Community Interaction in Distributed Teams. In: Proceedings of the OZCHI Conference 2004 (22-24 November 2004, University of Wollongong, Australia). ISBN 1-74128-079

Streitz, N. (2004). Kooperative Gebäude für die Arbeitswelten der Zukunft.
In: C. Achammer (Ed.) Risiko Industriebau – Euro und andere Werte. Wien: Springer-Verlag (S. 62 – 73).

Streitz N., Prante, T., Röcker, C., vanAlphen, D., Magerkurth, C., Stenzel,R., Plewe,D. (2003) Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices for the Creation of Social Architectural Spaces. In: O’Hara, K., Perry, M., Churchill, E., Russell, D. (Eds). Public and Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies. Kluwer International series on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol 2. Springer, Dordrecht. (pp. 387 – 409)

Prante, T., Röcker, C., Streitz, N., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C., van Alphen, D., Plewe, D.A. (2003). Hello.Wall – Beyond ambient displays. In: P. Ljungstrand, J. Brotherton (Eds.), Video Track and Adjunct Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP'03), (Seattle, Washington USA, October 12-15, 2003) (pp. 1-8)

Magerkurth, C., Stenzel, R., Streitz, N., Neuhold, E. (2003) A Multimodal Interaction Framework for Pervasive Game Applications. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile System (AIMS 2003) (Seattle, USA, October 12, 2003)

Tandler, P., Streitz, N. Prante, T. (2002). Roomware: Moving Toward Ubiquitous Computers. IEEE Micro, 22 (6) (pp. 36-47).

Streitz, N., Prante, T., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Tandler, P., Magerkurth, C. (2002). Roomware: the second generation. Extended abstracts of the CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 20-25, 2002). (pp. 506-507)

Carpenter, L., Fisher, B., May, R., Streitz, N., Kasik, D. (2002). Graphics in the large: is bigger better? In: Appolloni, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH 2002) (San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 21-26, 2002) (pp. 101-102)

Streitz, N. (2001). Mental vs. Physical Disappearance: The Challenge of Interacting with Disappearing Computers. In: Proceedings of CHI 2001 Workshop on Distributed and Disappearing User Interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing. (April 1 – 2, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Streitz, N., Tandler, P., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Konomi, S. (2001). Roomware: Towards the Next Generation of Human-Computer Interaction based on an Integrated Design of Real and Virtual Worlds. In: J. Carroll (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium. Addison-Wesley. (pp. 553-578).

Streitz, N. (2001). The Role of Ubiquitous Computing and the Disappearing Computer for CSCW (keynote paper). In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG'01), (September 6-8, 2001, Darmstadt, Germany). IEEE Computer Society 2001. (pp. 2-5) ISBN 0-7695-1351-4

Schwabe, G., Streitz, N., Unland, R. (2001). Vorwort und Überblick. In: Schwabe, G., Streitz, N., Unland, R. (Hrsg.), CSCW-Kompendium: Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten. (S. V – VIII). Heidelberg: Springer.

Holmer, T., Haake, J., Streitz, N. (2001). Kollaborationsorientierte synchrone Werkzeuge. In: Schwabe, G., Streitz, N., Unland, R. (Hrsg.), CSCW-Kompendium: Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten. Heidelberg: Springer (pp. 180 – 193)

Streitz, N. (2001). Kooperative Gebäude und Roomware: Integriertes Design realer und virtueller Welten zur Unterstützung kooperativen Arbeitens. In: Schwabe, G., Streitz, N., Unland, R. (Hrsg.), CSCW-Kompendium: Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten. Heidelberg: Springer. (pp. 518 -534)

Streitz, N. (2000). Designperspektiven für die Arbeitswelten des 21. Jahrhunderts und erste Realisierungen. In: H. Kubicek, H.-J. Braczyk, D. Klumpp, A. Roßnagel (Hrsg.), Global@home - Die Informations- und Dienstleistungs­gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft, Band 8/2000. Heidelberg: Hüthig-Verlag. S. 181-192.

Streitz, N. (2000). Beyond Desktops: Cooperative Buildings as the Places for Work and Cooperation. In: R. Reichwald, M. Lang (Hrsg), Anwenderfreundliche Kommunikations­systeme – User-friendly Communication System. Heidelberg: Hüthig-Verlag, S. 165-189.

Streitz, N. (2000). CSCW-Umgebungen im Spannungsfeld realer und virtueller Welten. In: Reichwald, R., Schlichter, J. H. (Hrsg), Verteiltes Arbeiten - Arbeit der Zukunft: Proceedings der D-CSCW 2000, Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM 54. Teubner. (pp. 253-254).

Streitz, N., Lacour, L. Müller-Tomfelde, C. (1999). i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation (new updated version). In: Video Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'99). Pittsburgh, PA (May 15 - 20, 1999).

Konomi, S., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Streitz, N. (1999). Passage: Physical Transportation of Digital Information in Cooperative Buildings. In: Streitz, N., Siegel, J., Hartkopf, V., Konomi,S. (Eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organizations, and Architecture. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings (CoBuild'99). Pittsburgh, USA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1670. Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 45-54.

Geißler, J., Gauler, M., Streitz, N. (1999). Evaluating Gedrics: Usability of a Pen-Centric Interface. In: Sasse, A., Johnson, C. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: INTERACT ’99. Proceedings of IFIP Conference INTERACT '99. (Edinburgh, UK, 30.8.–3.9. 1999). pp. 222-230.

Holmer, T., Streitz, N. (1999). Neue Möglichkeiten der Analyse der Mensch-Computer Interaktion zur Evaluation von computerunterstützten Gruppensitzungen. In: U. Arend, E. Eberleh, K. Pitschke (Hrsg.), Software-Ergonomie '99 – Design von Informationswelten. Proceedings der GI-Fachtagung. (SAP, Walldorf, 8.-11. März 1999). S. 137 – 147.

Streitz, N., Remmers, B., Pietzcker, M., Grundmann, R. (1999). Future Office Dynamics - ein interdisziplinäres Netzwerk. In: Streitz, N., Remmers, B., Pietzcker, M., Grundmann, R. (Hrsg.), Arbeitswelten im Wandel - Fit für die Zukunft? - Menschen, Organisationen, Technologien und Architektur an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. S. 11-19.

Streitz, N., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Seitz, P. (1999). Kooperative Gebäude und Roomware für die Arbeitswelten der Zukunft. In: Streitz, N., Remmers, B., Pietzcker, M., Grundmann, R. (Hrsg.), Arbeitswelten im Wandel - Fit für die Zukunft? - Menschen, Organisationen, Technologien und Architektur an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. S. 21-35.

Streitz, N. (1998). Integrated Design of Real Architectural Spaces and Virtual Information Spaces. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI'98 Summary. (Los Angeles, USA, April 18-23, 1998) ACM Press. pp. 263-264.

Streitz, N., Russell, D. (1998). Basics of Integrated Information and Physical Spaces: The State of the Art. In: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI'98 Summary. (Los Angeles, USA, April 18-23, 1998) New York: ACM Press. pp. 273-274.

Streitz, N. (1998). Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization and Architecture. In: Poltrock, S., Grudin, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'98). (November 14-19, 1998, Seattle, USA), (pp. 411-413). ISBN 1-58113-009-0

Johannsen, A., Haake, J., Streitz, N. (1998). Telekooperation in Virtuellen Organisationen - Potentiale verteilter Sitzungsunterstützungssysteme. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 40 (3) (Juni 1998) S. 214-222.

Holmer, T. Lacour, L., Streitz, N. (1998). i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation. In: Video Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'98). Seattle, USA (November 14-19, 1998)

Streitz, N., Geißler, J., Holmer, T. (1998). Roomware for Cooperative Buildings: Integrated Design of Architectural Spaces and Information Spaces. In: N. Streitz, S. Konomi, H.-J. Burkhardt (Eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture. Proceedings of CoBuild'98, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1370. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 4-21.

Streitz, N., Rexroth, P., Holmer, T. (1998). Anforderungen an interaktive Kooperationslandschaften und erste Realisierungen. In Th. Herrmann, K. Just-Hahn (Hrsg.), Groupware und organisatorische Innovation. Proceedings der GI-Fachtagung D-CSCW'98 (Dortmund, 28.-30.9. 1998). Stuttgart: Teubner, S. 237-350.

Holmer T., Streitz N. (1998). „Spuren“ in vernetzten Dokumenten als Datenquelle für die Analyse computer-unterstützter Gruppenaktivitäten. In: Herrmann, T., Just-Hahn, K. (Eds.). Groupware und organisatorische Innovation. Berichte German Chapter of the ACM. Vol 51. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.

Streitz, N., Haake, J., Hannemann, J., Lemke, A., Schuler, W. Schütt, H., Thüring, M. (1998). SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment. In: R. Rada (Ed). Groupware and Authoring. (pp. 241 – 264). London: Academic Press.

Mark, G., Haake, J., Streitz, N. (1997). Hypermedia Use in Group Work: Changing the Product, Process, and Strategy. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing. Vol. 6, pp. 327-368.

Streitz, N., Rexroth, P., Holmer, T. (1997). Does "Roomware" Matter? Investigating the Role of Personal and Public Information Devices in Meeting Room Collaboration. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (E-CSCW'97). Lancaster, England (September 7-11, 1997). Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 297-312.

Streitz, N. (1997). Hypermedia-based CSCW systems and Virtual Meeting Environments for Ubiquitous Collaboration. In T. Ishiguro (Ed.), Multimedia Computing: Proceedings of Sixth NEC Research Symposium. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). (pp. 95-112).

Bapat, A., Geißler, J., Hicks, D., Streitz, N., Tietze, D. (1996). From Electronic Whiteboards to Distributed Meetings: Extending the Scope of DOLPHIN. In: ACM SIGGRAPH Video Review = Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'96). Boston, USA (November 16-20, 1996)

Streitz, N., Haake, J., Hannemann, J., Lemke, A., Schuler, W., Schütt, H., Thüring, M. (1996). SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment. In R. Rada (Ed.), Groupware and Authoring. London: Academic Press. (pp. 241–264) (extended and revised version)

Streitz, N. (1996). Objektorientierte Hypermediasysteme und Groupware - Anwendungen für virtuelle Organisationen. OBJEKTspektrum - Zeitschrift für objektorientierte Technologien. (Nr. 2, März/April 1996) S. 73 - 83.

Streitz, N. (1996). From Individual Work and Desktop-based Collaboration to Ubiquitous Meeting Environments. In Brusilovsky, P. Kommers, P., Streitz, N. (Eds.), Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality: Models, Systems, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1077. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. pp. 149 - 163.

Streitz, N. (1996). Hypertext und Hypermedia. In Strube, G., Becker, B., Freksa, C., Hahn, U., Opwis, K., Palm, G. (Hrsg), Wörterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaft. Stuttgart: Klett-CottaVerlag. S. 261-262.

Streitz N. (1996). Ubiquitous Collaboration und Virtuelle Organisationen. In: K. Sandkuhl, H. Weber (Hrsg.), Telekooperationssysteme in dezentralen Organisationen" Tagungsband des GI-Workshops in Berlin (22.-23. Februar, 1996) S. 1 - 6.

Streitz N. (1996). Object-oriented Hypermedia Systems and the Development of Innovative Groupware Applications for Virtual Organisations. Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP'96) München (February 12 - 16, 1996). New York: SIGS Books Inc.. pp. 91 - 100.

Streitz, N., Böcker, H.-D. (1996). Research on Human-Computer Interaction and Cooperative Hypermedia at GMD-IPSI. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'96). Vol. 2. Vancouver, B.C., Canada (April 14 - 18, 1996) ACM Press. pp. 143 - 144.

Streitz, N., Brodbeck, F., (1996). Software-Ergonomie. In Strube, G., Becker, B., Freksa, C., Hahn, U., Opwis, K., Palm, G. (Hrsg), Wörterbuch der Kognitions­wissenschaft. Stuttgart: Klett-CottaVerlag. S. 632.

Streitz, N. (1995). Designing Hypermedia: A Collaborative Activity. Communications of the ACM (August 1995), 38 (8), pp. 70-71.

Hüser, C., Reichenberger, K., Rostek, L., Streitz, N. (1995). Knowledge-based Editing and Visualization for Hypermedia Encyclopedias. Communications of the ACM (April 1995), 38(4), pp. 49 - 51.

Geißler, J., Haake, J., Streitz, N. (1995). DOLPHIN: A Hypermedia-based Meeting Support System. In: Video Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (E-CSCW'95). Stockholm, Sweden (September 10-15, 1995).

Streitz, N. (1995). Foundations of Hypermedia Design. In: Schuler, Hannemann, Streitz, (Eds.), Designing User Interfaces for Hypermedia. Heidelberg: Springer, 1995. pp. 1-3.

Streitz, N., Geissler, J. Haake, J., Hol, J. (1994). DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support across LiveBoards, Local and Remote Desktop Environments. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'94) Chapel Hill, N.C. (October 22-26, 1994). pp. 345 - 358.

Streitz, N. (1994). Zur Zukunft computerunterstützter Gruppensitzungen. In U. Hasenkamp (Hrsg.), Einführung von CSCW-Systemen in Organisationen. Braunschweig: Vieweg. Wirtschaftsinformatik. S. 225 - 236.

Streitz, N. (1994). Putting Objects to Work: Hypermedia as the Subject Matter and the Medium for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. In M. Tokoro, R. Pareschi (Eds.), Object-Oriented Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 821. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. pp. 183-193.

Streitz, N. (1994). Designing Interactive Systems Based on Cognitive Theories of Human Information Processing. In: I. Wesley-Tanaskovic, J. Tocatlian, K. Roberts (Eds.), Expanding Access to Science and Technology: The Role of Information Technologies. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. pp. 224 – 239

Maaß, S. Ackermann, D., Dzida, W., Gorny, P., Oberquelle, H. Rödiger, K., Streitz, N. (1993). Software-Ergonomie-Ausbildung in Informatik-Studiengängen bundesdeutscher Univer­sitäten. Informatik Spektrum (Februar 1993), pp. 25-30.

Eberleh, E., Korfmacher, W., Streitz, N. (1992). Thinking or Acting? Mental workload and subjective preferences of a command code and a direct manipulation interaction style. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI), Vol. 4 (no 2), pp. 105 – 122.

Hoschka, P., Butscher, B., Streitz, N. (1992). Telecooperation and Telepresence: Technical Challenges of a Government Distributed between Bonn and Berlin. Informatization and the Public Sector . Vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 269 - 299.

Streitz, N. (1992). Hypertext research at GMD-IPSI. SIGLINK Newsletter 1(1), (March 1992) pp. 13 - 16

Streitz, N. (1991). Hypertext: Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Perspektiven. In J. Encarnação (Hrsg.), Telekommunikation und multimediale Anwendungen der Informatik. Heidelberg: Springer. S. 543 - 553.

Streitz, N. (1990). Hypertext: Ein innovatives Medium zur Kommunikation von Wissen. In: P. Gloor, N. Streitz (Hrsg.), Hypertext und Hypermedia: Von theoretischen Konzepten zur praktischen Anwendung. Informatik-Fachberichte 249. Springer. S.10 - 27.

Streitz, N. (1990). Werkzeuge zum pragmatischen Design von Hypertext. In J. Herget, R. Kuhlen (Hrsg.), Pragmatische Aspekte beim Entwurf und beim Betrieb von Informationssystemen. Universitätsverlag Konstanz. S. 297-304.

Streitz, N. (1990) Cognitive science and the development of next generation hypertext systems. In P. Barnev, P. Stanchev, S. Kerpedjiev (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15. Summer School "Programming '90" (organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians). Varna, Bulgaria. pp. 107 - 115.

Streitz, N. (1990). Psychologische Aspekte der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. In C. Hoyos, B. Zimolong (Hrsg.), Ingenieurpsychologie. Reihe "Enzyklopädie der Psychologie". Göttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag. S. 240 - 284.

Streitz, N., Hannemann, J. (1990). Elaborating arguments: Writing, learning, and reasoning in a hypertext-based environment for authoring. In: D. Jonassen, H. Mandl (Eds.), Designing Hypermedia for Learning. NATO Advanced Science Institute Series. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 407-437.

Streitz, N., Neuhold, E. J. (1990). Concepts and methods for the design of next generation hypermedia systems. Proceedings of the FRIEND 21-Workshop "Next Generation's Human Interface Architecture". Oiso, Japan.

Streitz, N., Lieser, A., Wolters, A. (1989). The combined effects of metaphor worlds and dialogue modes in human-computer interaction. In: F. Klix, N.A. Streitz, Y. Waern, H. Wandke (Eds.), MACINTER II: Man-Computer Interaction Research. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 75-88.

Kühn, E., Streitz, N. (1989). Do users know how to ACT* when menus are complex? - A numerical model of user interface complexity. In: F. Klix, N.A. Streitz, Y. Waern, H. Wandke (Eds.), MACINTER II: Man-Computer Interaction Research. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 361-374.

Schroiff, H., Streitz, N. (1989). Menschliche Informationsverarbeitung. In S. Greif, H. Holling, N. Nicholson (Hrsg.), Europäisches Handbuch der Arbeits- und Organisations­psychologie. München: Psychologie Verlags Union. S. 305 - 311.

Streitz, N. (1988). Fragestellungen und Forschungsstrategien der Software-Ergonomie. In H. Balzert, U. Hoppe, R. Oppermann, H. Peschke, G. Rohr, N.A. Streitz (Hrsg.), Einführung in die Software-Ergonomie. Berlin: de Gruyter-Verlag. S. 3 - 24.

Streitz, N. (1988). Mental models and metaphors: Implications for the design of adaptive user-system interfaces. In: H. Mandl, A. Lesgold (Eds.), Learning issues for intelligent tutoring systems. Cognitive Science Series. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp.164-186.

Streitz, N. (1987). Die Rolle der Psychologie in der Software-Ergonomie. In: K.-P. Fähnrich (Hrsg.), Software-Ergonomie. State of the Art: Band 5. München: Oldenbourg. S. 43-53.

Streitz, N. (1987). Cognitive compatibility as a central issue in human- computer interaction: Theoretical framework and empirical findings. In: G. Salvendy (Ed.), Cognitive engineering in the design of human-computer interaction and expert systems. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. pp. 75 - 82.

Streitz, N. (1987). Cognitive Ergonomics. In: P. Bertelson, M. Imbert, R. Kempson, D. Osherson, H. Schnelle, N. Streitz, A. Thomassen, P. Viviani (Eds.), Cognitive Science in Europe. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 75 - 82.

Streitz, N., W. Spijkers, L. van Duren (1987). From novice to expert user: A transfer of learning experiment on different interaction modes. In: H.-J. Bullinger, B. Shackel (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT '87. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 841-846.

Eberleh, E., Korffmacher, W., Streitz, N. (1987). Denken oder Handeln: Zur Wirkung von Dialogkomplexität und Handlungsspielraum auf die mentale Belastung. In W. Schönpflug, M. Wittstock (Hrsg.), Software-Ergonomie '87: Nützen Informationssysteme dem Benutzer? Stuttgart: Teubner-Verlag. S. 317 - 327.

Streitz, N. (1986). Cognitive Ergonomics: An approach for the design of user-oriented interactive systems. In: F. Klix, H. Wandke (Eds.), Man-Computer Interaction Research: MACINTER I. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 21 - 33.

Streitz, N. (1986). Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction. In: G. Debus, H. W. Schroiff (Eds.), The psychology of work and organization: Current trends and issues. Amsterdam: North- Holland. pp. 83 - 90.

Streitz, N. (1985). Kognitionspsychologische Aspekte der Gestaltung von Dialogstrukturen bei interaktiven Lehr-Lern-Systemen. In H. Mandl, P.M. Fischer (Hrsg.), Lernen im Dialog mit dem Computer. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg. S. 54 - 67.

Streitz, N. (1985). Die Rolle von mentalen und konzeptuellen Modellen in der Mensch- Computer-Interaktion: Konsequenzen für die Software- Ergonomie? In: H. Bullinger (Hrsg.), Software-Ergonomie '85 - Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Stuttgart: Teubner. S.280 - 292.

Streitz, N. (1985). Kognitive Ergonomie und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. In: D. Albert (Hrsg.), Bericht über den 34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Wien. Göttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag. S.771 - 775.

Streitz, N. (1983). The importance of knowledge representations in problem solving: An example of text comprehension and problem solving. In: G. Lüer (Hrsg.), Bericht über d. 33. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Mainz. Göttingen: Hogrefe. S.403 - 407.

Streitz, N. (1982). The role of problem orientations and goals in text comprehension and recall. In: A. Flammer, W. Kintsch (Eds.), Discourse Processing. Advances in Psychology, Vol. 8. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 362 - 378.

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