IxDF Vancouver

Welcome to IxDF Vancouver, Canada - Interaction Design and User Experience focused Meet-ups. We are currently working through designing the group to become something of great value for you, so you have the opportunity to help shape the group at each event that we host. To do this we do fun, short, collaborative activities. I use the activities as an icebreaker, and a way to get to know each other, then roll into the main event. We are a fun group of people (about 10 regular attendees), with at least one meetup a month. People in the group are from all types of design, and all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience. Many of the people who attend are not members of IxDF so if you have friends you want to invite to an event we would be delighted to have them join us! Looking forward to meeting you at an upcoming event. Have an amazing day! P.S.: Click on the website icon to the right to join us on Slack.

Welcome to IxDF Vancouver, Canada - Interaction Design and User Experience focused Meet-ups. We are currently working through designing the group to become something of great value for you, so you have the opportunity to help shape the group at each event that we host. To do this we do fun, short, collaborative activities. I use the activities as an icebreaker, and a way to get to know each other, then roll into the main event. We are a fun group of people (about 10 regular attendees), with at least one meetup a month. People in the group are from all types of design, and all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience. Many of the people who attend are not members of IxDF so if you have friends you want to invite to an event we would be delighted to have them join us! Looking forward to meeting you at an upcoming event. Have an amazing day! P.S.: Click on the website icon to the right to join us on Slack.

Join IxDF Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada
#2 group in Canada

Previous Local Group Meet-Ups

How Local Groups Are Ranked

Some factors that we consider when we rank Local Groups (the higher the number of each factor, the higher the rank):

  • Number of discussion threads: currently, that number is 77.
  • Number of meet-ups held: currently, that number is 24.
  • Number of Local Group members: currently, that number is 281.

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Join IxDF Vancouver to See Discussions

Only members of IxDF Vancouver can participate in and view discussions. Join IxDF Vancouver to connect with your fellow peers!

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