IxDF Bengaluru

+2 new members joins on average every day. #IDFBLR always being proud to be top-ranked across 450+ communities around the globe. Our success and perseverance are purely by the dedication and curiosity of every passionate member of our community. And to keep that ahead we conduct monthly offline meetups and regular communication at our IxDF India Slack. Find the link below useful to stay tuned to our activities.

+2 new members joins on average every day. #IDFBLR always being proud to be top-ranked across 450+ communities around the globe. Our success and perseverance are purely by the dedication and curiosity of every passionate member of our community. And to keep that ahead we conduct monthly offline meetups and regular communication at our IxDF India Slack. Find the link below useful to stay tuned to our activities.

Join IxDF Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
#1 group in India
Upcoming meetup

IxDF- UX Designer meetup Kolkata

Hi IxDF Kolkata, let’s meet online and discuss UX! In our video call, let’s get to know each other and share UX problems we’re facing and discuss how we can solve them. Save the date, grab your laptop (or phone!), and let’s see each other online!

72 members (and some non-members) are attending
View more details
May 30th, 2026
2:30am - 3:30am (UTC +05:30)
Online, https://calendar.app.google/NMKv6sZuoqkMc2Hd8, kolkata, West Bengal

Previous Local Group Meetups

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How Local Groups Are Ranked

Some factors that we consider when we rank Local Groups (the higher the number of each factor, the higher the rank):

  • Number of conversation threads: currently, that number is 706.
  • Number of meetups held: currently, that number is 134.
  • Number of Local Group members: currently, that number is 1563.

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Join IxDF Bengaluru to See Conversations

Only members of IxDF Bengaluru can participate in and view conversations. Join IxDF Bengaluru to connect with your fellow peers!

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