Productive Colleagues
- Bernd Meyer
- Alan Borning
- Alan Blackwell
- 17
- 32
- 58
Wybrow, Michael, Marriott, Kim, Mciver, Linda, Stuckey, Peter J. (2007): Comparing usability of one-way and multi-way constraints for diagram editing. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 14 (4) pp. 19.
Chok, Sitt Sen, Marriott, Kim (2003): Automatic generation of intelligent diagram editors. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 10 (3) pp. 244-276.
Hurst, Nathan, Marriott, Kim, Moulder, Peter (2002): Dynamic approximation of complex graphical constraints by linear constraints. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 27-30, 2002, Paris, France. pp. 191-200.
Hansen, Trevor, Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd, Stuckey, Peter J. (2002): Flexible Graph Layout for the Web. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 13 (1) pp. 35-60.
Badros, Greg J., Borning, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Stuckey, Peter (1999): Constraint Cascading Style Sheets for the Web. In: Zanden, Brad Vander, Marks, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 07 - 10, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina, United States. pp. 73-82.
Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (1999): Guest Editor's Introduction. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 10 (4) pp. 313-316.
Chok, Sitt Sen, Marriott, Kim (1998): Automatic Construction of Intelligent Diagram Editors. In: Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 01 - 04, 1998, San Francisco, California, United States. pp. 185-194.
Borning, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Stuckey, Peter, Xiao, Yi (1997): Solving Linear Arithmetic Constraints for User Interface Applications. In: Robertson, George G., Schmandt, Chris (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 14 - 17, 1997, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 87-96.
Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (1997): On the Classification of Visual Languages by Grammar Hierarchies. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 8 (4) pp. 375-402.
Helm, Richard, Huynh, Tien, Lassez, Catherine, Marriott, Kim (1992): A linear constraint technology for interactive graphic systems. In: Graphics Interface 92 May 11-15, 1992, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 301-309.
Helm, Richard, Marriott, Kim, Odersky, Martin (1991): Building Visual Language Parsers. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 105-112.
Goncu, Cagatay, Marriott, Kim (2008): Tactile chart generation tool. In: Tenth Annual ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Assistive Technologies , 2008, . pp. 255-256.
Blackwell, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Shimojima, Atsushi (eds.) Diagrams 2004 - Diagrammatic Representation and Inference - Third International Conference March 22-24, 2004, Cambridge, UK.
Blackwell, Alan, Jansen, Anthony R., Marriott, Kim (2000): Restricted Focus Viewer: A Tool for Tracking Visual Attention. In: Anderson, Michael, Cheng, Peter C-H., Haarslev, Volker (eds.) Diagrams 2000 - Theory and Application of Diagrams - First International Conference September 1-3, 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. pp. 162-177.
Jansen, Anthony R., Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (2004): Cider: A Component-Based Toolkit for Creating Smart Diagram Environments. In: Blackwell, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Shimojima, Atsushi (eds.) Diagrams 2004 - Diagrammatic Representation and Inference - Third International Conference March 22-24, 2004, Cambridge, UK. pp. 415-419.
Marriott, Kim (2000): Formal Approaches to Visual Language Specification and Understanding. In: Anderson, Michael, Cheng, Peter C-H., Haarslev, Volker (eds.) Diagrams 2000 - Theory and Application of Diagrams - First International Conference September 1-3, 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. pp. 3.
Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (2000): Non-standard Logics for Diagram Interpretation. In: Anderson, Michael, Cheng, Peter C-H., Haarslev, Volker (eds.) Diagrams 2000 - Theory and Application of Diagrams - First International Conference September 1-3, 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. pp. 42-57.
Gange, Graeme, Marriott, Kim, Stuckey, Peter J. (2008): Smooth Linear Approximation of Non-overlap Constraints. In: Stapleton, Gem, Howse, John, Lee, John (eds.) Diagrams 2008 - Diagrammatic Representation and Inference - 5th International Conference September 19-21, 2008, Herrsching, Germany. pp. 45-59.
Chok, Sitt Sen, Marriott, Kim (1995): Automatic Construction of User Interfaces from Constraint Multiset Grammars. In: VL 1995 , 1995, . pp. 242-249.
Chok, Sitt Sen, Marriott, Kim, Paton, Tom (1999): Constraint-Based Diagram Beautification. In: VL 1999 , 1999, . pp. 12-19.
Helm, Richard, Marriott, Kim (1990): Declarative Specification of Visual Languages. In: VL 1990 , 1990, . pp. 98-103.
Marriott, Kim (1994): Constraint Multiset Grammars. In: VL 1994 , 1994, . pp. 118-125.
Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (1996): Towards a Hierarchy of Visual Languages. In: VL 1996 , 1996, . pp. 196-203.
Chok, Sitt Sen, Marriott, Kim (1996): Automatic construction of user interfaces for pen-based computers. In: Catarci, Tiziana, Costabile, Maria Francesca, Levialdi, Stefano, Santucci, Giuseppe (eds.) AVI 1996 - Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced visual interfaces May 27-29, 1996, Gubbio, Italy. pp. 254-256.
Badros, Greg J., Tirtowidjojo, Jojada J., Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd, Portnoy, Will, Borning, Alan (2001): A constraint extension to scalable vector graphics. In: Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2001, . pp. 489-498.
Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd, Tardif, Laurent (2002): Fast and efficient client-side adaptivity for SVG. In: Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2002, . pp. 496-507.
McCormack, Cameron L., Marriott, Kim, Meyer, Bernd (2004): Constraint SVG. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2004, . pp. 310-311.
Braganza, Cameron, Marriott, Kim, Moulder, Peter, Wybrow, Michael, Dwyer, Tim (2009): Scrolling behaviour with single- and multi-column layout. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2009, . pp. 831-840.