Author: Philippe Bekaert


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 35


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Tom Cuypers
Frank Van Reeth
Tom Mertens

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Kris Luyten
Chris Raymaekers
Hans-Peter Seidel


Ancuti, Cosmin, Haber, Tom, Mertens, Tom, Bekaert, Philippe (2008): Video enhancement using reference photographs. In The Visual Computer, 24 (7) pp. 709-717.

Hermans, Chris, Vanaken, Cedric, Mertens, Tom, Reeth, Frank Van, Bekaert, Philippe (2008): Augmented Panoramic Video. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (2) pp. 281-290.

Eisemann, Martin, Decker, Bert de, Magnor, Marcus A., Bekaert, Philippe, Aguiar, Edilson de, Ahmed, Naveed, Theobalt, Christian, Sellent, A. (2008): Floating Textures. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (2) pp. 409-418.

Hubo, Erik, Mertens, Tom, Haber, Tom, Bekaert, Philippe (2008): Self-similarity based compression of point set surfaces with application to ray tracing. In Computers & Graphics, 32 (2) pp. 221-234.

Mertens, Tom, Kautz, Jan, Bekaert, Philippe, Reeth, Frank Van, Seidel, Hans-Peter (2005): Efficient Rendering of Local Subsurface Scattering. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 24 (1) pp. 41-49.

Lensch, Hendrik P. A., Goesele, Michael, Bekaert, Philippe, Kautz, Jan, Magnor, Marcus A., Lang, Jochen, Seidel, Hans-Peter (2003): Interactive Rendering of Translucent Objects. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 22 (2) pp. 195-206.

Brusi, Alex, Sbert, Mateu, Bekaert, Philippe, Tobler, Robert F., Purgathofer, Werner (2002): Optimal ray shooting in Monte Carlo radiosity. In Computers & Graphics, 26 (2) pp. 351-354.

Feixas, Miquel, Acebo, Esteve del, Bekaert, Philippe, Sbert, Mateu (1999): An Information Theory Framework for the Analysis of Scene Complexity. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 18 (3) pp. 95-106.

Neumann, László, Neumann, Attila, Bekaert, Philippe (1997): Radiosity with Well Distributed Ray Sets. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 16 (3) pp. 261-270.

Haber, Tom, Mertens, Tom, Bekaert, Philippe, Reeth, Frank Van (2005): A computational approach to simulate subsurface light diffusion in arbitrarily shaped obje. In: Graphics Interface 2005 May 9-11, 2005, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 79-86.

Francken, Yannick, Huysmans, Johan, Bekaert, Philippe (2007): Sharing visual information in virtual environments using projective texture mapping. In: Inakage, Masa, Lee, Newton, Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Natkin, Stéphane (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2007 June 13-15, 2007, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 135-138.

Cuypers, Tom, Schneider, Jan, Taelman, Johannes, Luyten, Kris, Bekaert, Philippe (2008): Eunomia: Toward a Framework for Multi-touch Information Displays in Public Spaces. In: Proceedings of the HCI08 Conference on People and Computers XXII , 2008, . pp. 31-34.

Cuypers, Tom, Vanaken, Cedric, Francken, Yannick, Reeth, Frank Van, Bekaert, Philippe (2008): A Multi-Camera Framework for Interactive Video Games. In: Bobbitt, Russell, Connell, Jonathan H., Flickner, Myron, Haas, Norman, Hampapur, Arun, Harris, Dick, Kurtz, Charles, Lloyd, Bill, Otto, Charles, Pankanti, Sharath, Park, Unsang, Payne, Jason (eds.) Retail Vision-Based Self-checkout - Exploring Real Time Real Purpose General Vision System , 2008, . pp. 443-449.

Decker, Bert de, Mertens, Tom, Bekaert, Philippe (2007): Interactive collision detection for free-viewpoint video. In: Braz, José, Vázquez, Pere-Pau, Pereira, João Madeiras (eds.) GRAPP 2007 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications Volume AS-IE March 8-11, 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 114-120.

Cuypers, Tom, Frederix, Karel, Raymaekers, Chris, Bekaert, Philippe (2009): A Framework for Networked Interactive Surfaces. In: Proceedings of Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems March 14, 2009, Lafayette, USA. pp. 9-15.

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