Author: John Dill


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 42


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jian Zhang
Carl Machover
Shahram Payandeh

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Shahram Payandeh
Carl Machover
Paul Marshall


Arias-Hernández, Richard, Dill, John, Fisher, Brian, Green, Tera Marie (2010): Visual analytics and human-computer interaction. In Interactions, 17 (6) pp. 51-55.

Rushmeier, Holly E., Dykes, Jason, Dill, John, Yoon, Peter (2007): Revisiting the Need for Formal Education in Visualization. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 27 (6) pp. 12-16.

Lam, Heidi, Kirkpatrick, Arthur E., Dill, John, Atkins, M. Stella (2006): Effective Display of Medical Laboratory Report Results on Small Screens: Evaluation of Lin. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 21 (1) pp. 73-89.

Bliss, Frank, Dill, John, Machover, Carl (2002): Guest Editors' Introduction: Graphics in Advanced Computer-Aided Design. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (3) pp. 22-23.

Machover, Carl, Dill, John (2002): New Products. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (2) pp. 92-96.

Machover, Carl, Dill, John (2002): New Products. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (3) pp. 87-88.

Machover, Carl, Dill, John (2002): New Products. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (4) pp. 103-.

Machover, Carl, Dill, John (2002): New Products. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22 (5) pp. 86-88.

Machover, Carl, Dill, John (2001): New Products. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21 (6) pp. 83-86.

Dill, John (2000): Top 10 Software Product of 1999. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 20 (1) pp. 76-77.

Dill, John (1999): Top 10 Software of 1998. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 19 (1) pp. 93.

Bruderlin, Armin, Dickinson, John, Dill, John, Bartram, Lyn (1991): Protocol Analysis of the Use of a CAD System in a Home Design Task. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23 (4) pp. 65-66.

Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John, Wilson, Graham, Zhang, Hui, Shi, Lilong, Lomax, Alan J., MacKenzie, Christine L. (2003): Demo: a multi-modal training environment for surgeons. In: Oviatt, Sharon L., Darrell, Trevor, Maybury, Mark T., Wahlster, Wolfgang (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI 2003 November 5-7, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 301-302.

Vafai, Nasim Melony, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2006): Toward haptic rendering for a virtual dissection. In: Quek, Francis K. H., Yang, Jie, Massaro, Dominic W., Alwan, Abeer A., Hazen, Timothy J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI 2006 November 2-4, 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 310-317.

Fisher, Brian D., Agelidis, Makrina, Dill, John, Tan, Paul, Collaud, Gérald, Jones, Chris (1997): CZWeb: Fish-Eye Views for Visualizing the World-Wide Web. In: Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel, Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 719-722.

Marshall, Paul, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2006): A Study on Haptic Rendering in a Simulated Surgical Training Environment. In: HAPTICS 2006 - 14th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 25-26 March, 2006, Arlington, VA, USA. pp. 35.

Zhang, Jian, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2003): Levels of Detail in Reducing Cost of Haptic Rendering: A Preliminary User Study. In: HAPTICS 2003 - 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-23 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 205-212.

Zhang, Jian, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2003): Haptic Aided Design: A Case Stud. In: HAPTICS 2003 - 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 22-23 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 254-261.

Zhang, Jian, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2002): Haptic Subdivision: An Approach to Defining Level-of-Detail in Haptic Rendering. In: HAPTICS 2002 - Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 2002 , 2002, . pp. 201-208.

Lam, Heidi, Fisher, Brian D., Dill, John (2005): A Pilot Study of CZTalk: A Graphical Tool for Collaborative Knowledge Work. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Samiei, Maryam, Dill, John, Kirkpatrick, Arthur E. (2004): EzMail: Using Information Visualization Techniques to Help Manage Email. In: IV 2004 - 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation 14-16 July, 2004, London, UK. pp. 477-482.

Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John, Wilson, Graham, Zhang, Hui, Shi, Lilong, Lomax, Alan, MacKenzie, Christine (2003): Demo: a multi-modal training environment for surgeons. In: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2003, . pp. 301-302.

Vafai, Nasim Melony, Payandeh, Shahram, Dill, John (2006): Toward haptic rendering for a virtual dissection. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2006, . pp. 310-317.

Kadivar, Nazanin, Chen, Victor Yingjie, Dunsmuir, Dustin, Lee, Eric, Qian, Cheryl Zhenyu, Dill, John, Shaw, Christopher, Woodbury, Robert (2009): Capturing and supporting the analysis process. In: IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology Oct 12-13, 2009, Atlantic City, New Jersey. pp. 131-138.

Chen, Victor Yingjie, Dunsmuir, Dustin, Kadivar, Nazanin, Lee, Eric, Guenther, Jeffrey, Jani, Saba Alimadadi, Dill, John, Shaw, Chris, Woodbury, Robert, Stone, Maureen, Qian, Cheryl Zhenyu (2010): Interactive Demo: Using CZSaw to Analyze Entities in Collections. In: IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Sciences and Technology Oct 24-29, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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