Proceedings of the 2012 iConference

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Bowler, Leanne, Mattern, Eleanor (2012): Design techniques for revealing adolescent memory processes related to information seeking. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 1-9.

Snyder, Jaime (2012): Activities & artifacts: the dual nature of image-making in communicative practice. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 10-17.

Gibson, Kerri, Kakekaspan, Matthew, Kakekaspan, George, O'Donnell, Susan, Walmark, Brian, Beaton, Brian (2012): A history of everyday communication by community members of Fort Severn First Nation: from. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 105-111.

Lee, Jin Ha, Hill, Trent, Work, Lauren (2012): What does music mood mean for real users?. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 112-119.

Reynolds, Lindsay, Birnholtz, Jeremy, Lee, Allen (2012): The effect of communication channel and visual awareness display on coordination in online. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 120-128.

Chao, Tiffany C. (2012): Exploring the rhythms of scientific data use. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 129-135.

Mandel, Lauren H., Alemanne, Nicole D., McClure, Charles R. (2012): Rural anchor institution broadband connectivity: enablers and barriers to adoption. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 136-144.

Eklund, Lina, Jonsson, Fatima (2012): Time to play: the rationalization of leisure time. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 145-151.

Mergel, Ines, Mugar, Gabriel, Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein (2012): Forming and norming social media adoption in the corporate sector. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 152-159.

Lenstra, Noah, Alkalimat, Abdul (2012): Networked cultural heritage and socio-digital inequalities: a case study in an African-Ame. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 160-167.

Prestopnik, Nathan R., Crowston, Kevin (2012): Citizen science system assemblages: understanding the technologies that support crowdsourc. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 168-176.

Boutard, Guillaume, Guastavino, Catherine, Turner, James M. (2012): Digital sound processing preservation: impact on digital archives. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 177-182.

Feinberg, Melanie (2012): Information studies, the humanities, and design research: interdisciplinary opportunities. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 18-24.

Bietz, Matthew J., Lee, Charlotte P. (2012): Adapting cyberinfrastructure to new science: tensions and strategies. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 183-190.

Lampe, Cliff, Roth, Rebecca (2012): Implementing social media in public sector organizations. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 191-198.

Mascaro, Christopher M., Magee, Rachel M., Goggins, Sean P. (2012): Not just a wink and smile: an analysis of user-defined success in online dating. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 200-206.

Rotman, Dana, Preece, Jennifer, He, Yurong, Druin, Allison (2012): Extreme ethnography: challenges for research in large scale online environments. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 207-214.

Bendor, Roy (2012): Analytic and deictic approaches to the design of sustainability decision-support tools. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 215-222.

Eschenfelder, Kristin R. (2012): The impact of TPM on research and teaching: the story of the society for automotive engine. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 223-230.

Chawner, Brenda (2012): Community matters most: factors that affect participant satisfaction with free/libre and o. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 231-239.

Xie, Bo, Yeh, Tom, Walsh, Greg, Watkins, Ivan, Huang, Man (2012): Co-designing an e-health tutorial for older adults. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 240-247.

Yacci, Michael, Rozanski, Evelyn P. (2012): Student information consumption strategies: implications of the Google effect. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 248-253.

Zhao, Ou Jie, Ng, Tiffany, Cosley, Dan (2012): No forests without trees: particulars and patterns in visualizing personal communication. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 25-32.

Ribes, David, Polk, Jessica Beth (2012): Historical ontology and infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 254-262.

Lyons, Kelly, Lessard, Lysanne (2012): S-FIT: a technique for integrating social features in existing information systems. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 263-270.

Rosson, Mary Beth, Li, Na, Ryan, Timothy, Tapia, Andrea H. (2012): Addressing ownership, access and participation needs in scientific collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 271-278.

Daniels, Morgan, Faniel, Ixchel, Fear, Kathleen, Yakel, Elizabeth (2012): Managing fixity and fluidity in data repositories. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 279-286.

Clement, Tanya (2012): Methodologies in the digital humanities for analyzing aural patterns in texts. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 287-293.

Chongthammakun, Radaphat, Jackson, Steven J. (2012): Computerization and control: ICTs and managerial reform in the Thai public sector. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 294-302.

Willever-Farr, Heather, Zach, Lisl, Forte, Andrea (2012): Tell me about my family: a study of cooperative research on In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 303-310.

Tennis, Joseph T., Thornton, Katherine, Filer, Andrew (2012): Some temporal aspects of indexing and classification: toward a metrics for measuring schem. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 311-316.

Centivany, Alissa, Jackson, Steven (2012): Concentration, incumbency, and interconnection: broadband development and the lessons of h. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 317-324.

Hintz, Arne, Milan, Stefania (2012): Struggling for open information environments: civil society initiatives for media policy c. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 325-331.

Birnholtz, Jeremy, Forlano, Laura, Yuan, Y. Connie, Rizzo, Julia, Liao, Kerwell, Gay, Geri, Heller, Caren (2012): One university, two campuses: initiating and sustaining research collaborations between tw. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 33-40.

Hébert, Marc K. (2012): Cultural consensus analysis & citizen-centered e-government evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 332-337.

Huang, Man, Hansen, Derek, Xie, Bo (2012): Older adults' online health information seeking behavior. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 338-345.

Dell, Dane A., Venkatesh, Murali (2012): Social design's implications for the IS field. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 346-353.

Clement, Andrew, Ferenbok, Joseph, Dehghan, Roxanna, Kaminker, Laura, Kanev, Simeon (2012): Private sector video surveillance in Toronto: not privacy compliant!. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 354-362.

Zimmer, Michael (2012): The ethical (re)design of the Google Books project. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 363-369.

Nichols, David M., Twidale, Michael B., Cunningham, Sally Jo (2012): Metadatapedia: a proposal for aggregating metadata on data archiving. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 370-376.

Baron, L. Fernando, Gomez, Ricardo (2012): Social network analysis of public access computing: relationships as a critical benefit of. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 377-383.

Hilts, Andrew, Yu, Eric (2012): Design and evaluation of the goal-oriented design knowledge library framework. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 384-391.

Loehrlein, Aaron (2012): Inductive inferences based on bibliographical taxonomies. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 392-397.

Ur, Blase, Wang, Yang (2012): Online social networks in a post-Soviet state: how Hungarians protect and share on Faceboo. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 398-406.

Brooks, JoAnn, Rawls, Anne W. (2012): Steps toward a socio-technical categorization scheme for communication and information sta. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 407-414.

Keilty, Patrick (2012): Embodiment and desire in browsing online pornography. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 41-47.

Alhenshiri, Anwar, Watters, Carolyn, Shepherd, Michael (2012): Effective information gathering on the web. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 415-416.

Cocciolo, Anthony, Rabina, Debbie (2012): Does the use of place affect learner engagement?: the case of GeoStoryteller on the street. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 417-418.

Badesh, Hoda, Blustein, Jamie (2012): VDMs for finding and re-finding web search results. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 419-420.

Chiang, Fei, Miller, Renée J. (2012): Automated dictionary discovery for the online marketplace. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 421-422.

Worrall, Adam, Marty, Paul F., Roberts, Jessica, Burnett, Kathleen, Burnett, Gary, Hinnant, Charles C., Kazmer, Michelle M., Stvilia, Besiki, Wu, Shuheng (2012): Observations of the lifecycles and information worlds of collaborative scientific teams at. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 423-425.

Xiao, Lu, Mazalov, Vadim (2012): Message visualizer: a visualization tool for chat messages. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 426-428.

Bishop, Bradley Wade (2012): Mapping location-based questions to inform mobile campus apps. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 429-430.

Wohn, Donghee Yvette, Na, Eun-Kyung (2012): Virtual item purchasing patterns in a social game: differences between high and low spende. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 431-432.

Oh, Kyong Eun (2012): Exploring the process of organizing personal information. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 433-434.

Snyder, Jaime (2012): Video-based analysis of multimodal social interaction. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 435-437.

Benoit, G. (2012): Measuring relevance theory's effects in an image-driven explorative information system. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 438-440.

Karlova, Natascha, Lee, Jin Ha (2012): Playing with information: information work in online gaming environments. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 441-443.

Benoit, G. (2012): auroraDL and responding to end-user digital library needs. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 444-446.

Mugar, Gabriel H. (2012): Expanding the research scope for internet enabled neighborhood communication platforms. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 447-449.

Carlsson, Hanna (2012): Public library Facebook use: established positions renegotiated?. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 450-452.

Pu, Hsiao-Tieh, Wong, Yi-Wei (2012): User navigation behavior of a selective dissemination of web information service. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 453-455.

Quan-Haase, Anabel, Martin, Kim (2012): Digital humanities: the continuing role of serendipity in historical research. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 456-458.

Shade, Leslie Regan (2012): Towards a model of digital policy literacy. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 459-461.

Mardis, Marcia A. (2012): Eggs, beans, and crumpets: NSF's broader impact criterion and the National Science Digital. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 462-464.

Ku, Min-Chun, Scialdone, Michael, Zhang, Ping (2012): Absent information technology in legitimate information systems research. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 465-467.

Costantino, Terry (2012): How does your public library support democracy?. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 468-470.

Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein (2012): The role of social networking technologies in sociomaterial ecology. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 471-472.

Lindberg, Schuyler, O'Brien, Heather (2012): The use of ereading devices in academic environments. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 473-474.

Francisco-Revilla, Luis, Broussard, Ramona, Crow, Jeff (2012): New structures of video collections. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 475-477.

Broussard, Ramona, Fazzio, Steven, Kang, Sophia Chia-Yu, Francisco-Revilla, Luis (2012): A computer activity to encourage facial expression recognition for children with Autism Sp. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 478-479.

Koepfler, Jes A., Fleischmann, Kenneth R. (2012): Studying the values of hard-to-reach populations: content analysis of tweets by the 21st c. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 48-55.

Oh, Kyong Eun, Joo, Soohyung, Park, Yong Hyun (2012): Which facets are easy to use and useful in accessing consumer health information on the we. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 480-481.

Loder, Courtney (2012): Sculpting that "WoW" body: constructing gender identity in World of Warcraft. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 482-483.

Clarke, Rachel Ivy (2012): Color by numbers: exploring color as classification notation. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 484-485.

Lin, Yi-Ling, Bai, Xiaoning, Ye, Yuanyuan, Real, William (2012): Constructing narratives using fast feedback. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 486-487.

Langa, Lesley A. (2012): Are public libraries using research data to advocate?. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 488-489.

Novak, Alison N., Mascaro, Christopher M., Goggins, Sean P. (2012): Virtual play and communities: the evolution of group roles in electronic trace data. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 490-491.

Koepfler, Jes A., Hansen, Derek L. (2012): We are visible: technology-mediated social participation in a Twitter network for the home. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 492-493.

Johnston, Melissa P. (2012): Youth searching online: an investigation of gender influence. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 494-497.

Hinnant, Charles C., Stvilia, Besiki, Wu, Shuheng, Worrall, Adam, Burnett, Kathleen, Burnett, Gary, Kazmer, Michelle M., Marty, Paul F. (2012): Data curation in scientific teams: an exploratory study of condensed matter physics at a n. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 498-500.

Zimmer, Michael, Blacks, Kenneth (2012): Assessing the treatment of patron privacy in Library 2.0 literature. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 501-503.

Janning, Alyssa, Cui, Hong (2012): Evaluating the botanical coverage of PATO using an unsupervised learning algorithm. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 504-505.

Guan, Jade, Huck, Jacqueline (2012): Children in the digital age: exploring issues of cybersecurity. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 506-507.

Azari, Ali, Zhou, Lina, Gangopadhyay, Aryya (2012): Clustered service rank in support of web service discovery. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 508-509.

Lessard, Lysanne, Yu, Eric (2012): A design theory and modeling technique for the design of knowledge-intensive business serv. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 510-512.

Shankar, Kalpana (2012): Self-archiving and collaboration in science 2.0: an exploratory study. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 513-514.

Yang, Christopher C., Tang, Xuning (2012): A content and social network approach of bibliometrics analysis across domains. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 515-517.

Yoon, Kyunghye (2012): Tag co-occurrence analysis using the association data mining rule. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 518-519.

Brown, Pamela (Mela) (2012): Assembling transparency and accountability: a citizen-candidate-social media collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 520-522.

Marino, John, Lin, Peyina, Karlova, Natascha, Eisenberg, Michael B. (2012): Future InfoExpo: the future of information seeking & services exposition in Second Life&tr. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 523-524.

Burkell, Jacquelyn, Quan-Haase, Anabel, Rubin, Victoria L. (2012): Promoting serendipity online: recommendations for tool design. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 525-526.

Varvel, Virgil E., Bammerlin, Elin J., Palmer, Carole L. (2012): Education for data professionals: a study of current courses and programs. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 527-529.

Nzomo, Peggy, Rubin, Victoria L., Ajiferuke, Isola (2012): Multi-lingual information access tools: user survey. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 530-532.

Coppin, Peter W. (2012): Pictures are perceived; symbols are also recognized: representation at the intersection of. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 533-534.

Quirke, Lisa (2012): Information practices in newcomer settlement: a study of Afghan immigrant and refugee yout. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 535-537.

Baeg, Jung Hoon, Choi, Wonchan, Lee, Dong Joon, Lee, Jisue (2012): The impact of the public library on early reading achievement: using the Early Childhood L. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 538-540.

Jorgensen, Corinne, Stvilia, Besiki, Wu, Shuheng (2012): Relationships among category semantics, perceptions of term utility, and term length and o. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 541-543.

Jones, Elisabeth A., Tennis, Joseph T. (2012): Facets of access: a typology of information dissemination systems. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 544-545.

Sarachan, Jeremy (2012): Exploring the virtual toy box: virtual worlds and young children. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 546-547.

Yu, Casey, Baeg, Jung Hoon (2012): The evolution of a discipline: a fractal representation of information science. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 548-549.

Normore, Lorraine, Singh, Vandana (2012): Mental models: setting user expectations for ICTs. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 550-551.

Kim, Jeonghyun, Lee, Jisu (2012): Graduate students' information seeking in a collaborative learning setting. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 552-554.

Vitak, Jessica, Lampe, Cliff, Gray, Rebecca, Ellison, Nicole B. (2012): "Why won't you be my Facebook friend?": strategies for managing context collapse in the wo. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 555-557.

Kozinski, Emily, Hank, Carolyn (2012): Removing records documenting acts of violence and atrocities from the archive. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 558-559.

Trauth, Eileen M., Cain, Curtis, Joshi, K. D., Kvasny, Lynette, Booth, Kayla (2012): Understanding underrepresentation in IT through intersectionality. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 56-62.

Marty, Paul F., Douglas, Ian, Southerland, Sherry A., Sampson, Victor, Alemanne, Nicole D., Clark, Amanda, Mendenhall, Anne, Paz, Aldo de la, Yu, Casey (2012): Habitat tracker: learning about scientific inquiry through digital journaling in wildlife . In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 560-562.

Velden, Theresa, Lagoze, Carl (2012): Mapping scientific communities to scale-up ethnographies. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 563-564.

Yan, Jasy Liew Suet, Kaziunas, Elizabeth (2012): What is a tweet worth?: measuring the value of social media for an academic institution. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 565-566.

Haslhofer, Bernhard (2012): The SciLink project: from document-centric to resource-oriented publications. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 567-568.

Lingel, Jessica (2012): "We realized we had to become librarians": DJs, information practices and music libraries. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 569-571.

Sacchi, Simone, McDonough, Jerome P. (2012): Significant properties of complex digital artifacts: open issues from a video game case st. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 572-573.

Wickett, Karen M., Urban, Richard J., Renear, Allen H. (2012): Towards a logical form for descriptive metadata. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 574-575.

Tang, Jian, Zhao, Yuxiang, Zhang, Ping (2012): Moderating effects of perceived affordances on users' adaptive media use. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 576-578.

MacDonald, Susan (2012): A political economy of public libraries in immigrant settlement in Ontario, Canada (1945-2. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 579-581.

White, Hollie, Willis, Craig, Greenberg, Jane (2012): The HIVE impact: contributing to consistency via automatic indexing. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 582-584.

Ng, Conrad, Gruzd, Anatoliy, Cheng, Calvino, Crocker, Bryan, Doiron, Don, Stevens, Kent (2012): From data to knowledge: discovery of medical laboratory demand patterns through visualisat. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 585-586.

Wang, Jieyu, Komlodi, Anita (2012): Children's formal and informal definition of technology. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 587-588.

Halbert, Martin, Moen, William, Keralis, Spencer (2012): The DataRes research project on data management. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 589-591.

Cober, Rebecca, Au, Olive, Son, Jay Jungik (2012): Using a participatory approach to design a technology-enhanced museum tour for visitors wh. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 592-594.

Leeder, Chris, Lonn, Steve, Hollar, Susan (2012): Use of library tools in a learning management system. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 595-597.

Williams, Kate, Ahmed, Shameem, Lenstra, Noah, Liu, Qiyuan (2012): What is community informatics?: a global and empirical answer. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 598-600.

D'Ignazio, John, Qin, Jian, Kitlas, Joshua (2012): Using internship experience to evaluate a new program in eScience librarianship. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 601-602.

Tibbo, Helen R., Lee, Christopher A., Richards, Lorraine L. (2012): Developing a dual degree program to support public sector information stewardship. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 603.

Halbert, Martin, Skinner, Katherine (2012): Chronicles in preservation project. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 604-605.

Ramnarine-Rieks, Angela (2012): Learning through game design: an investigation on the effects in library instruction sessi. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 606-607.

Meyers, Eric M., Bittner, Robert (2012): "Green washing" the digital playground: how virtual worlds support ecological intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 608-610.

Malu, Meethu, Jethi, Nikunj, Cosley, Dan (2012): Encouraging personal storytelling by example. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 611-612.

Curty, Renata Gonçalves, Qin, Jian (2012): Indicators for analyzing institutional repositories' performance: an explorative study. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 613-615.

Santoso, Stephanie, Kuehn, Andreas, Helweh, Ayman (2012): Internet governance: the future of RIRs and the allocation of internet number resources. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 616-617.

Huggett, Michael, Rasmussen, Edie (2012): Meta-index views on digital domains. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 618-619.

Choi, Wonchan (2012): Senior citizens' credibility assessment of online health information: a proposal of a mixe. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 620-622.

Reed, Jason, Rodriguez, Whitney, Rickhoff, Angelique (2012): A framework for defining and describing key design features of virtual citizen science pro. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 623-625.

Lyons, Kelly, Chuang, Steven, Choo, Chun-Wei (2012): Towards a conceptual framework for managing social media in enterprise online communities. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 626-628.

Meyers, Eric M. (2012): Access denied: how students resolve information needs when an "ideal" document is restrict. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 629-631.

Wyche, Susan P., Grinter, Rebecca E. (2012): Using sketching to support design research in new ways: a case study investigating design . In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 63-71.

Kusunoki, Diana S., Khoo, Michael J. (2012): Designing digital library evaluation instruments: conceptualizing a participatory methodol. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 632-633.

Patil, Sameer (2012): Will you be my friend?: responses to friendship requests from strangers. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 634-635.

Freund, Luanne, Cherry, Joan, Duff, Wendy (2012): Future directions for information programs: data from students at six Canadian schools. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 636-638.

Weber, Nicholas M. (2012): Rainmakers, space mirrors and atmospheric vacuums: a bibliometric mapping of geoengineerin. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 639-640.

Vamanu, Iulian (2012): Dimensions of indigenous heritage discourse and the use of technologies of display in an e. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 641-643.

Benardou, Agiatis, Dallas, Costis (2012): Defining user requirements for holocaust research infrastructures and services in the EHRI. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 644-645.

Yi, Yong Jeong, You, Soeun (2012): A revised model for course content of consumer health information services. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 646-647.

Moen, William E., Kim, Jeonghyun, Warga, Edward J., Wakefield, Jenny S., Halbert, Martin (2012): iCAMP: building digital information curation curriculum. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 648-650.

Jafarinaimi, Nassim (2012): Exploring the character of participation in social media: the case of Google Image Labeler. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 72-79.

Li, Ben (2012): Speculative originality and optimality in knowledge development infrastructures. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 80-88.

LaFrance, Danielle, Nathan, Lisa (2012): Revolutionaries will not be friended: 'owning' activism through social networking. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 89-96.

Paterson, Nancy (2012): Walled gardens: the new shape of the public internet. In: Proceedings of the 2012 iConference , 2012, . pp. 97-104.

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