Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems

Product and Systems Internationalisation, Inc
28-30 June
Merida, Mexico
IWIPS - International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems
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IWIPS is a unique event at which industry professionals, academics and others have access to cutting edge information on issues concerning the development of products and systems for an international and intercultural use.

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chavan, apala lahiri (2007): Contextual Innovation. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 103-104.

Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno (2007): Actually Being There: The Cultural Experience Workshop. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 105-.

Kämäräinen, Anna, Saariluoma, Pertti (2007): Under-Use of Mobile Services: How Advertising Space is used. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 19-30.

Toyama, Kentaro (2007): Opening Keynote: The Advantages of Being There. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 2.

chavan, apala lahiri (2007): Closing Keynote: To Be Global or not to Be Global - Is that The Question?. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 3-4.

Prabhu, Beena, Prabhu, Girish V., Arora, Sarit, Paranjape, Anil (2007): Emerging Markets: Finding the right Foothold. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 31-.

Heimgärtner, Rüdiger (2007): Measuring Cultural Differences in HCI as Preparatory Work for Cultural Adaptability in Nav. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 43-54.

Salvador, Tony (2007): Saturday Opening Speech: From ICTs for Development to ICTs for Exchange: Opportunities & S. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 5-.

Braun, Bjorn-M., Rose, Kerstin, Roßger, Peter (2007): Localizing for the Korean Market: \"Actually Being There\" with a Multi-method Approach. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 55-.

Rangaswamy, Nimmi (2007): The Aspirational PC: Home Computers and Indian Middle Class Domesticity. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 65-78.

chavan, apala lahiri, Prabhu, Beena, Greving, Warren (2007): Cross Cultural Study: Perception, Usage, and Adoption of Technology. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 79-88.

Smith, Andy (2007): Supporting te Localization of Usability Practice in India and China. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 89-.

Qirem, Fouad, Cockton, Gilbert, Loufti, Mohamed (2007): Cultural Differences in Severity and Impact of User Frustration. In: Evers, Vanessa, Sturm, Christian, Rocha, Mario Alberto Moreno, Martínez, Edgar Cambranes, Mandl, Thomas (eds.) Designing for Global Markets 8 - IWIPS 2007 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems 28-30 June, 2007, Merida, Mexico. pp. 9-18.

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