4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99

IEEE Computer Society
7-11 June
Limerick, Ireland
RE - IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering
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The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference is the premier requirements engineering conference. It grew out of two alternating biennial conference series, the IEEE Symposium on Requirements Engineering and the IEEE Conference on Requirements Engineering, which formally merged in 2002.

All years


Holtzblatt, Karen (1999): Contextual Design: From Customer Data to Implementation. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 1-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880001abs.htm

Menzies, Tim, Easterbrook, Steve M., Nuseibeh, Bashar, Waugh, Sam (1999): An Empirical Investigation of Multiple Viewpoint Reasoning in Requirements Engineering. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 100-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880100abs.htm

Jarke, Matthias (1999): Cooperative Requirements Engineering with Scenarios. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 111-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880111abs.htm

Wiels, Virginie, Easterbrook, Steve M. (1999): Formal Modeling of Space Shuttle Software Change Requests using SCR. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 114-122. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880114abs.htm

Paun, Dimitrie O., Chechik, Marsha (1999): Events in Linear-Time Properties. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 123-132. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880123abs.htm

Ncube, Cornelius, Maiden, Neil A. M. (1999): Guidance for Parallel Requirements Acquisition and COTS Software Selection. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 133-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880133abs.htm

Boehm, Barry W., Abi-Antoun, Marwan, Port, Daniel, Kwan, Julie, Lynch, Anne (1999): Requirements Engineering, Expectations Management, and the Two Cultures. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 14-22. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880014abs.htm

Alspaugh, Thomas A., Antón, Annie I., Barnes, Tiffany, Mott, Bradford W. (1999): An Integrated Scenario Management Strategy. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 142-149. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880142abs.htm

Elkoutbi, Mohammed, Khriss, Ismaïl, Keller, Rudolf K. (1999): Generating User Interface Prototypes from Scenarios. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 150-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880150abs.htm

Brinkkemper, Sjaak (1999): RE for ERP: Requirements Management for the Development of Packaged Software Baan Company. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 159-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880159abs.htm

Cysneiros, Luiz Marcio, Leite, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado (1999): Integrating Non-Functional Requirements into Data Modeling. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 162-171. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880162abs.htm

Jacobs, Stephan (1999): Introducing Measurable Quality Requirements: A Case Study. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 172-179. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880172abs.htm

Greer, Des, Bustard, David W., Sunazuka, T. (1999): Introducing Measurable Quality Requirements: A Case Study. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 180-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880180abs.htm

Potts, Colin (1999): From \"Requirements Engineering\" to \"Design for Usefulness. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 189-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880189abs.htm

Heitmeyer, Constance L. (1999): Increasing the Role of RE in the Development of Dependable Systems Naval Research Laborato. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 191-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880191abs.htm

Zisman, Andrea, Finkelstein, Anthony (1999): XML for Software Engineers University College London. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 193-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880193abs.htm

Sutcliffe, Alistair G., Galliers, Julia Rose, Minocha, Shailey (1999): Human Errors and System Requirements. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 23-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880023abs.htm

Spence, Ian (1999): Requirements, Use Cases, the UML and The Rational Unified Process. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 3-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880003abs.htm

Crawford, Tony (1999): Advancing Business Concepts in a JAD Workshop Setting. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 31-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880031abs.htm

Easterbrook, Steve M. (1999): How Multi-Disciplinary Is RE (really)? Institute for Software Research. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 33-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880033abs.htm

Achour, Camille Ben, Rolland, Colette, Souveyet, Carine, Maiden, Neil A. M. (1999): Guiding Use Case Authoring: Results of an Empirical Study. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 36-43. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880036abs.htm

Amyot, Daniel, Logrippo, Luigi, Buhr, Raymond J. A., Gray, Tom (1999): Use Case Maps for the Capture and Validation of Distributed Systems Requirements. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 44-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880044abs.htm

Hillier, Bill (1999): Capturing Emergence. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 55-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880055abs.htm

Potts, Colin (1999): ScenIC: A Strategy for Inquiry-Driven Requirements Determination. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 58-65. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880058abs.htm

Viller, Stephen, Sommerville, Ian (1999): Social Analysis in the Requirements Engineering Process: From Ethnography to Method. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 6-13. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880006abs.htm

Haumer, Peter, Jarke, Matthias, Pohl, Klaus, Heymans, Patrick (1999): Bridging the Gap Between Past and Future in RE: A Scenario-Based Approach. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 66-73. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880066abs.htm

Rolland, Colette, Grosz, Georges, Kla, Régis (1999): Experience with Goal-Scenario Coupling in Requirements Engineering. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 74-. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880074abs.htm

Grundy, John C. (1999): Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 84-91. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880084abs.htm

Goedicke, Michael, Meyer, Torsten, Taentzer, Gabriele (1999): ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards a Bas. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 92-99. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/re/1999/0188/00/01880092abs.htm

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