Author: Rudolf K. Keller


Publication period start: 2000
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Mohammed Elkoutbi
Reinhard Schauer
Tao Tao

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Gregor von Bochmann
Manfred Reichert
Tao Tao


Keller, Rudolf K., Tessier, Jean, Bochmann, Gregor von (1998): A Pattern System for Network Management Interfaces. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (9) pp. 86-93.

Keller, Rudolf K., Garg, Anurag, Tao, Tao (1993): HyperRef -- Online Support for Research Literature Assessment and Documentation. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 163-175.

Keller, Rudolf K., Garg, Anurag, Noaman, Amin, Tao, Tao (1994): Multi-Level Documentation of Organizational Architectures and Processes. In: ACM Twelfth International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1994, . pp. 139-144.

Keller, Rudolf K., Lajoie, Richard, Ozkan, Marianne, Saba, Fayez, Shen, Xijin, Tao, Tao, Bochmann, Gregor v. (1993): User Interface Aspects in the Macrotec Toolset for Business Modelling and Simulation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Poster Sessions: Abridged Proceedings , 1993, . pp. 253.

Elkoutbi, Mohammed, Khriss, Ismaïl, Keller, Rudolf K. (1999): Generating User Interface Prototypes from Scenarios. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 150-.

Keller, Rudolf K., Schauer, Reinhard (1998): A Compositional Approach to Software Design. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 386-395.

Saint-Denis, Guy, Schauer, Reinhard, Keller, Rudolf K. (2000): Selecting a Model Interchange Format: The SPOOL Case Study. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .

Bassil, Sarita, Rinderle, Stefanie, Keller, Rudolf K., Kropf, Peter G., Reichert, Manfred (2005): Preserving the Context of Interrupted Business Process Activities. In: Chen, Chin-Sheng, Filipe, Joaquim, Seruca, Isabel, Cordeiro, José (eds.) ICEIS 2005 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems May 25-28, 2005, Miami, USA. pp. 38-45.

Elkoutbi, Mohammed, Keller, Rudolf K. (2000): User Interface Prototyping Based on UML Scenarios and High-Level Petri Nets. In: ICATPN 2000 , 2000, . pp. 166-186.

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