Author: William R. Swartout


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Michael van Lent
David R. Traum
Jonathan Gratch

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jonathan Gratch
Michael R. Macedonia
Ulrich Neumann


Lent, Michael van, Swartout, William R. (2007): Games: Once More, with Feeling. In IEEE Computer, 40 (8) pp. 98-100.

Swartout, William R., Lent, Michael van (2003): Making a game of system design. In Communications of the ACM, 46 (7) pp. 32-39.

Pair, Jarrell, Neumann, Ulrich, Piepol, Diane, Swartout, William R. (2003): FlatWorld: Combining Hollywood Set-Design Techniques with VR. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23 (1) pp. 12-15.

Lindheim, Richard, Swartout, William R. (2001): Forging a New Simulation Technology at the ICT. In IEEE Computer, 34 (1) pp. 72-79.

Swartout, William R., Balzer, Robert (1982): On the Inevitable Interwining of Specification and Implementation. In Communications of the ACM, 25 (7) pp. 438-440.

Traum, David R., Swartout, William R., Marsella, Stacy, Gratch, Jonathan (2005): Fight, Flight, or Negotiate: Believable Strategies for Conversing Under Crisis. In: Panayiotopoulos, Themis, Gratch, Jonathan, Aylett, Ruth, Ballin, Daniel, Olivier, Patrick, Rist, Thomas (eds.) IVA 2005 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 5th International Working Conference September 12-14, 2005, Kos, Greece. pp. 52-64.

Gratch, Jonathan, Debevec, Paul E., Lindheim, Dick, Pighin, Frederic H., Rickel, Jeff, Swartout, William R., Traum, David R., Morie, Jackie (2003): Hollywood Meets Simulation: Creating Immersive Training Environments at the ICT. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003 VR 2003 22-26 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 303.

Cruz-Neira, Carolina, Swartout, William R., Macedonia, Michael R. (2001): Tutorial 5: Virtual Reality for Fun and Profit. In: VR 2001 , 2001, . pp. 311.

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