Author: Tim Mansfield


Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Markus Rittenbruch
Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Simon M. Kaplan

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Toni Robertson
Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Jesper Kjeldskov


Rittenbruch, Markus, Viller, Stephen, Mansfield, Tim (2007): Announcing Activity: Design and Evaluation of an Intentionally Enriched Awareness Service. In Human Computer Interaction, 22 (1) pp. 137-171.

Rittenbruch, Markus, Viller, Stephen, Mansfield, Tim (2007): Announcing Activity: Design and Evaluation of an Intentionally Enriched Awareness Service. In Human-Computer Interaction, 22 (1) pp. 137-171.

Rittenbruch, Markus, Viller, Stephen, Mansfield, Tim (2007): Announcing Activity: Design and Evaluation of an Intentionally Enriched Awareness Service. In Human-Computer Interaction, 22 (1) pp. 137-171.

Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Kaplan, Simon M., Mansfield, Tim, Arnold, David, Segall, Bill (2002): Supporting Public Availability and Accessibility with Elvin: Experiences and Reflections. In Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 11 (3) pp. 447-474.

Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Mansfield, Tim, Kaplan, Simon M., Arnold, David, Phelps, Ted, Segall, Bill (1999): Augmenting the workaday world with Elvin. In: Boedker, Susanne, Kyng, Morten, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 99 - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12-16 September, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 431.

Mansfield, Tim, Kaplan, Simon M., Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Phelps, Ted, Fitzpatrick, Mark, Taylor, Richard (1997): Evolving Orbit: A Process Report on Building Locales. In: Payne, Stephen C., Prinz, Wolfgang (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 1997 November 11-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. pp. 241-250.

Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Kaplan, Simon M., Mansfield, Tim (1996): Physical Spaces, Virtual Places and Social Worlds: A Study of Work in the Virtual. In: Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S., Ackerman, Mark S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 334-343.

Loke, Lian, Robertson, Toni, Mansfield, Tim (2005): Moving bodies, social selves: movement-oriented personas and scenarios. In: Proceedings of OZCHI05, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2005, . pp. 1-10.

McEwan, Gregor, Rittenbruch, Markus, Mansfield, Tim (2007): Understanding awareness in mixed presence collaboration. In: Proceedings of OZCHI07, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction November 28-30, 2007, Adelaide, Australia. pp. 171-174.

Robertson, Toni, Mansfield, Tim, Loke, Lian (2006): Designing an immersive environment for public use. In: Jacucci, Gianni, Kensing, Finn (eds.) PDC 2006 - Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Participatory Design August 1-5, 2006, Trento, Italy. pp. 31-40.

Li, Jane, Robertson, Toni, Hansen, Susan, Mansfield, Tim, Kjeldskov, Jesper (2008): Multidisciplinary medical team meetings: a field study of collaboration in health care. In: Proceedings of OZCHI08 - the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2008, . pp. 73-80.

Kaplan, Simon M., Fitzpatrick, Geraldine, Mansfield, Tim, Tolone, William J. (1997): MUDdling Through. In: HICSS 1997 , 1997, . pp. 539-548.

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