Author: Stefan Oppl
Productive Colleagues
Stary, Chris, Stary, Edith, Oppl, Stefan (2006): Inclusive Design of Ambient Knowledge Transfer. In: Proceedings of the 9th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All , 2006, . pp. 427-446.
Oppl, Stefan (2008): Graspable Work Modeling. In: Herczeg, Michael, Kindsmüller, Martin Christof (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2008 7-10 September, 2008, Lübeck, Germany. pp. 393-396. https://
Oppl, Stefan, Stary, Christian (2009): Tabletop concept mapping. In: Villar, Nicolas, Izadi, Shahram, Fraser, Mike, Benford, Steve (eds.) TEI 2009 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, UK. pp. 275-282.
Neubauer, Matthias, Stary, Christian, Oppl, Stefan (2011): Polymorph navigation utilizing domain-specific metadata: experienced benefits for e-learne. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics , 2011, . pp. 45-52.
Oppl, Stefan, Stary, Chris (2011): Towards informed metaphor selection for TUIs. In: ACM SIGCHI 2011 Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 247-252.