Author: Philip Isenhour


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 19


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
D. Scott McCrickard
John M. Carroll
Mary Beth Rosson

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Steve Whittaker
Mary Beth Rosson
John M. Carroll


Ganoe, Craig, Somervell, Jacob P., Neale, Dennis C., Isenhour, Philip, Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, McCrickard, D. Scott (2003): Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awa. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 21-30.

Carroll, John M., Neale, Dennis C., Isenhour, Philip, Rosson, Mary Beth, McCrickard, D. Scott (2003): Notification and awareness: synchronizing task-oriented collaborative activity. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58 (5) pp. 605-632.

Whittaker, Steve, Hirschberg, Julia, Amento, Brian, Stark, Litza, Bacchiani, Michiel, Isenhour, Philip, Stead, Larry, Zamchick, Gary, Rosenberg, Aaron (2002): SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable. In: Terveen, Loren (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 20-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 275-282.

Carroll, John M., Rosson, Mary Beth, Isenhour, Philip, Ganoe, Craig, Dunlap, Dan, Fogarty, James, Schafer, Wendy, Metre, Christina Van (2001): Designing Our Town: MOOsburg. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 54 (5) pp. 725-751.

Isenhour, Philip, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M. (2001): Supporting Interactive Collaboration on the Web with CORK. In Interacting with Computers, 13 (6) pp. 655-676.

Burke, Moira, Amento, Brian, Isenhour, Philip (2006): Error correction of voicemail transcripts in SCANMail. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2006, . pp. 339-348.

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