Author: Michael B. Feldman
Productive Colleagues
Lopes, Arthur V., Heller, Rachelle S., Feldman, Michael B., Martin, Dianne C. (1993): Very High-Level Debugging: How Novice Ada Concurrent Programmers Respond to ADAT. In: Cook, Curtis, Scholtz, Jean, Spohrer, James C. (eds.) Empirical Studies of Programmers - Fifth Workshop December 3-15, 1993, 1993, Palo Alto, California. pp. 226.
Feldman, Michael B. (1992): Ada Experience in the Undergraduate Curriculum. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (11) pp. 53-67.
Feldman, Michael B., Rogers, George T. (1982): Toward the Design and Development of Style-Independent Interactive Systems. In: Nichols, Jean A., Schneider, Michael L. (eds.) Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems March 15-17, 1982, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States. pp. 111-116.