Author: Justine Cassell


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 44


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Stefan Kopp
Timothy Bickmore
Kimiko Ryokai

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Cati Vaucelle
Catherine Pelachaud
Mark Billinghurst


Ryokai, Kimiko, Vaucelle, Cati, Cassell, Justine (2003): Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning. In Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Special Issue: Children and new technology, 19 (2) pp. 195-208.

Stocky, Tom, Cassell, Justine (2002): Shared reality: spatial intelligence in intuitive user interfaces. In: Gil, Yolanda, Leake, David (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002 January 13-16, 2002, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 224-225.

Bickmore, Timothy, Cassell, Justine (2001): Relational Agents: A Model and Implementation of Building User Trust. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 396-403.

Cassell, Justine, Ryokai, Kimiko (2001): Making Space for Voice: Technologies to Support Children\'s Fantasy and Storytelling. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 5 (3) pp. 169-190.

Cassell, Justine, Bickmore, Timothy, Vilhjálmsson, Hannes, Yan, H. (2000): More Than Just a Pretty Face: Affordances of Embodiment. In: Lieberman, Henry (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2000 January 9-12, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 52-59.

Cassell, Justine (2000): Embodied Conversational Interface Agents+. In Communications of the ACM, 43 (4) pp. 70-78.

Cassell, Justine, Bickmore, Timothy W. (2000): External manifestations of trustworthiness in the interface. In Communications of the ACM, 43 (12) pp. 50-56.

Cassell, Justine, Bickmore, Timothy, Billinghurst, Mark, Campbell, L., Chang, K., Vilhjálmsson, Hannes, Yan, H. (1999): Embodiment in Conversational Interfaces: Rea. In: Altom, Mark W., Williams, Marian G. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 99 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 15-20, 1999, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 520-527.

Ryokai, Kimiko, Cassell, Justine (1999): StoryMat: A Play Space with Narrative Memories. In: Maybury, Mark T. (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 1999 January 5-8, 1999, Redondo Beach, California, USA. pp. 201.

Bers, Marina U., Ackermann, Edith, Cassell, Justine, Donegan, Beth, Gonzalez-Heydrich, Joseph, DeMaso, David Ray, Strohecker, Carol, Lualdi, Sarah (1998): Interactive Storytelling Environments: Coping with Cardiac Illness at Boston's Children's . In: Karat, Clare-Marie, Lund, Arnold, Coutaz, Joëlle, Karat, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 18-23, 1998, Los Angeles, California. pp. 603-610.

Ryokai, Kimiko, Vaucelle, Cati, Cassell, Justine (2002): Literacy Learning by Storytelling with a Virtual Peer. In: Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. CSCL January 7-11, 2002, Boulder, CO, USA. pp. 352-360.

Cassell, Justine, Stocky, Tom, Bickmore, Timothy, Gao, Yang, Nakano, Yukiko, Ryokai, Kimiko, Tversky, Dona, Vaucelle, Cati, Vilhjálmsson, Hannes (2002): MACK: Media lab Autonomous Conversational Kiosk. In: Proceedings of Imagina 2002 February 12-15, 2002, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

Merryman, Julia, Tartaro, Andrea, Arie, Miri, Cassell, Justine (2008): Designing virtual peers for assessment and intervention for children with autism. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 81-84.

Kopp, Stefan, Tepper, Paul, Cassell, Justine (2004): Towards integrated microplanning of language and iconic gesture for multimodal output. In: Sharma, Rajeev, Darrell, Trevor, Harper, Mary P., Lazzari, Gianni, Turk, Matthew (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI 2004 October 13-15, 2004, State College, PA, USA. pp. 97-104.

Iacobelli, Francisco, Cassell, Justine (2007): Ethnic Identity and Engagement in Embodied Conversational Agents. In: Pelachaud, Catherine, Martin, Jean-Claude, Andre, Elisabeth, Chollet, Gérard, Karpouzis, Kostas, Pele, Danielle (eds.) IVA 2007 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 7th International Conference September 17-19, 2007, Paris, France. pp. 57-63.

Vilhjálmsson, Hannes Hogni, Cantelmo, Nathan, Cassell, Justine, Chafai, Nicolas Ech, Kipp, Michael, Kopp, Stefan, Mancini, Maurizio, Marsella, Stacy, Marshall, Andrew N., Pelachaud, Catherine, Ruttkay, Zsofia, Thorisson, Kristinn R., Welbergen, Herwin van, Werf, Rick J. van der (2007): The Behavior Markup Language: Recent Developments and Challenges. In: Pelachaud, Catherine, Martin, Jean-Claude, Andre, Elisabeth, Chollet, Gérard, Karpouzis, Kostas, Pele, Danielle (eds.) IVA 2007 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 7th International Conference September 17-19, 2007, Paris, France. pp. 99-111.

Kopp, Stefan, Tepper, Paul, Cassell, Justine (2004): Towards integrated microplanning of language and iconic gesture for multimodal output. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2004, . pp. 97-104.

Cassell, Justine, Geraghty, Kathleen, Gonzalez, Berto, Borland, John (2009): Modeling culturally authentic style shifting with virtual peers. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2009, . pp. 135-142.

Rader, Emilee, Echelbarger, Margaret, Cassell, Justine (2011): Brick by brick: iterating interventions to bridge the achievement gap with virtual peers. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 2971-2974.

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