Author: Joe Mattis
Productive Colleagues
Green, Nancy L., Carenini, Giuseppe, Kerpedjiev, Stephan, Mattis, Joe, Moore, Johanna D., Roth, Steven F. (2004): AutoBrief: an experimental system for the automatic generation of briefings in integrated . In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61 (1) pp. 32-70.
Chuah, Mei C., Roth, Steven F., Kolojejchick, John, Mattis, Joe, Juare, Octavio (1995): SageBook: Searching Data-Graphics by Content. In: Katz, Irvin R., Mack, Robert L., Marks, Linn, Rosson, Mary Beth, Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 95 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 7-11, 1995, Denver, Colorado. pp. 338-345.
Chuah, Mei C., Roth, Steven F., Mattis, Joe, Kolojejchick, John (1995): SDM: Selective Dynamic Manipulation of Visualizations. In: Robertson, George G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th annual ACM symposium on User interface and software technology November 15 - 17, 1995, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. pp. 61-70.
Goldstein, Jade, Roth, Steven F., Kolojejchick, John, Mattis, Joe (1994): A Framework for Knowledge-based Interactive Data Exploration. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 5 (4) pp. 339-363.
Roth, Steven F., Mattis, Joe (1990): Data Characterization for Intelligent Graphics Presentation. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 193-200.
Chuah, Mei C., Roth, Steven F., Mattis, Joe, Kolojejchick, John (1995): SDM: malleable information graphics. In: Gershon, Nahum D., Eick, Stephen G. (eds.) InfoVis 1995 - IEEE Symposium On Information Visualization 30-31 October, 1995, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. pp. 36-42.