Author: Greg Turk
Productive Colleagues
Norton, Alan, Turk, Greg, Bacon, Robert, Gerth, John, Sweeney, Paula (1991): Animation of fracture by physical modeling. In The Visual Computer, 7 (4) pp. 210-219. https://
Turk, Greg, Wijk, Jarke J. van, II, Robert J. Moorhead (eds.) 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 Conference VIS 2003 19-24 October, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA.
Lindstrom, Peter, Turk, Greg (1998): Fast and memory efficient polygonal simplification. In: IEEE Visualization 1998 , 1998, . pp. 279-286.
Nooruddin, Fakir S., Turk, Greg (2000): Interior/exterior classification of polygonal models. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 415-422.
Zhang, Eugene, Turk, Greg (2002): Visibility-Guided Simplification. In: IEEE Visualization 2002 , 2002, .
Chen, Jiajian, Turk, Greg, MacIntyre, Blair (2008): Watercolor inspired non-photorealistic rendering for augmented reality. In: Feiner, Steven K., Thalmann, Daniel, Guitton, Pascal, Frohlich, Bernd, Kruijff, Ernst, Hachet, Martin (eds.) VRST 2008 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France. pp. 231-234.
Rhoades, John, Turk, Greg, Bell, Andrew, State, Andrei, Neumann, Ulrich, Varshney, Amitabh (1992): Real-Time Procedural Textures. In: SI3D 1992 , 1992, . pp. 95-100.