Author: Chunyu Gao


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Narendra Ahuja
Leonard D. Brown
Hong Hua

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Frank Biocca
Hong Hua
Jannick P. Rolland


Hua, Hong, Brown, Leonard D., Gao, Chunyu (2004): System and Interface Framework for SCAPE as a Collaborative Infrastructure. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 13 (2) pp. 234-250.

Hua, Hong, Brown, Leonard D., Gao, Chunyu (2004): Scape: Supporting Stereoscopic Collaboration in Augmented and Projective Environments. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24 (1) pp. 66-75.

Brown, Leonard D., Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu (2003): A widget framework for augmented interaction in SCAPE. In: Proceedings of the 16th annural ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology November, 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 10.

Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu, Brown, Leonard D., Ahuja, Narendra, Rolland, Jannick P. (2001): Using a Head-Mounted Projective Display in Interactive Augmented Environments. In: 4th International Symposium on Augmented Reality ISAR 2001 29-30 October, 2001, New York, NY, USA. pp. 217-.

Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu (2005): A Polarized Head-Mounted Projective Display. In: Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2005 5-8 October, 2005, Vienna, Austria. pp. 32-35.

Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu, Ahuja, Narendra (2002): Calibration of a Head-Mounted Projective Display for Augmented Reality Systems. In: 2002 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2002 30 September-1 October, 2002, Darmstadt, Germany. pp. 176-185.

Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu, Biocca, Frank, Rolland, Jannick P. (2001): An Ultra-Light and Compact Design and Implementation of Head-Mounted Projective Displays. In: VR 2001 , 2001, . pp. 175-182.

Gao, Chunyu, Hua, Hong, Ahuja, Narendra (2003): Easy Calibration of a Head-Mounted Projective Display for Augmented Reality Systems. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003 VR 2003 22-26 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 53-60.

Hua, Hong, Brown, Leonard D., Gao, Chunyu, Ahuja, Narendra (2003): A New Collaborative Infrastructure: SCAP. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003 VR 2003 22-26 March, 2003, Los Angeles, CA, USA. pp. 171-179.

Hua, Hong, Gao, Chunyu, Brown, Leonard D., Ahuja, Narendra, Rolland, Jannick P. (2002): A Testbed for Precise Registration, Natural Occlusion and Interaction in an Augmented Envi. In: VR 2002 , 2002, . pp. 81-.

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