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Riva, Giuseppe (2003): Web Usability Revisited: A Situated Approach. In Psychnology, 1 (1) pp. 18-27.

Casarotti, Marco, Filipponi, Luca, Pieti, Luca, Sartori, Riccardo (2003): Educational interaction in distance learning. In Psychnology, 1 (1) pp. 28-38.

Ruggeroni, Carlos (2003): Ethical aspects on children uses of IT. In Psychnology, 1 (1) pp. 39-56.

Spagnolli, Anna, Gamberini, Luciano, Gasparini, Daniele (2003): Breakdown analysis in Virtual Reality usability evaluation. In Psychnology, 1 (1) pp. 5-17.

Guardini, Pietro (2003): Virtual Unreality of Videogames. In Psychnology, 1 (1) pp. 57-70.

Gamberini, Luciano, Spagnolli, Anna (2003): Display Techniques and Methods for Cross-medial Data Analysis. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 131-140.

Alcaizi, Mariano, Banos, Rosa, Botella, Cristina, Rey, Beatriz (2003): The EMMA Project: Emotions as a Determinant of Presence. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 141-150.

Lanyi, Cecilia Sikne (2003): Optimization of computer presented information for left-handed observers. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 151-163.

Pretto, Paolo, Roncato, Sergio, Monacelli, Gennaro, Gamberini, Luciano (2003): Testing Driver\'s Comfort in Virtual Environments. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 164-175.

Roy, Stephane (2003): State of the Art of Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) in Phobic Disorders. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 176-183.

Gaggioli, Andrea, Vettorello, Marco, Riva, Giuseppe (2003): From Cyborgs to Cyberbodies: The Evolution of the Concept of Techno-Body in Modern Medicin. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 75-86.

Romero, Aaron Alzola (2003): /WHOIS? Identity: Collectivity and the Self in IRC. In Psychnology, 1 (2) pp. 87-130.

Waterworth, E. L., Hiaggkvist, M., Jalkanen, K., Olsson, S., Waterworth, John A., Wimelius, H. (2003): The Exploratorium: An Environment To Explore Your Feelings. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 189-201.

Fukuda, R., Bubb, H. (2003): Eye tracking study on Web-use: Comparison between younger and elderly users in case of sea. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 202-228.

Carmichael, A., Petrie, Helen, Hamilton, F., Freeman, J. (2003): The Vista Project*: Broadening Access To Digital TV Electronic Programme Guides. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 229-241.

Garcia, E., Sicilia, M. A. (2003): User Interface Tactics in Ontology-Based Information Seeking. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 242-255.

Paiva, Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira e (2003): Feedback In The Virtual Environment. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 256-282.

Retaux, Xavier (2003): Presence in the environment: theories, methodologies and applications to video games. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 283-309.

Castelnuovo, G., Priore, C. Lo, Liccione, D., Cioffi, G. (2003): Virtual Reality based tools for the rehabilitation of cognitive and executive functions: t. In Psychnology, 1 (3) pp. 310-325.

Beverina, F., Palmas, G., Silvoni, S., Piccione, F., Giove, S. (2003): User adaptive BCIs: SSVEP and P300 based interfaces. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 331-354.

Lessiter, J., Freeman, J., Davis, R., Dumbreck, A. (2003): Helping Viewers Press the Right Buttons: Generating Intuitive Labels for Digital Terrestri. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 355-377.

Jastrzebska-Fraczek, I., Bubb, H. (2003): Software Design and Evaluation by Ergonomics Knowledge and Intelligent Design System (EKID. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 378-390.

Breite, R., Vanharanta, H. (2003): Evaluating Collaboration and Core Competence in a Virtual Enterprise. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 391-399.

Namatame, Miki, Kobayashi, Makuto, Harada, Akira (2003): A Case Study for Reaching Web Accessibility Guidelines for the Hearing-Impaired. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 400-409.

Waterworth, John A. (2003): Virtual Realisation: Supporting Creative Outcomes in Medicine and Music. In Psychnology, 1 (4) pp. 410-427.

Chesta, Cristina, Paterno, Fabio, Santoro, Carmen (2004): Methods and Tools for Designing and Developing Usable Multi-Platform Interactive Applicati. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 123-139.

Cortellessa, Gabriella, Cesta, Amedeo, Oddi, Angelo, Policella, Nicola (2004): User Interaction with an Automated Solver: The Case of a Mission Planner. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 140-162.

Chittaro, Luca, Ieronutti, Lucio, Ranon, Roberto (2004): Navigating 3D Virtual Environments by Following Embodied Agents: a Proposal and its Inform. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 24-42.

Ardissono, Liliana, Goy, Anna, Paterno, Fabio (2004): Introduction to the special issue. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 4-6.

Abbattista, Fabio, Catucci, Graziano, Semeraro, Gianni, Zambetta, Fabio (2004): SAMIR: A Smart 3D Assistant on the Web. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 43-60.

Valitutti, Alessandro, Strapparava, Carlo, Stock, Oliviero (2004): Developing Affective Lexical Resources. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 61-83.

Brusilovsky, Peter (2004): Adaptive Navigation Support: From Adaptive Hypermedia to the Adaptive Web and Beyond. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 7-23.

Nocera, Francesco Di, Capponi, Corinne, Ferlazzo, Fabio (2004): Finding Geometrical Associations Between Meaningful Objects in the Web: A Geostatistical A. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 84-98.

Costabile, Maria Francesca, Fogli, Daniela, Fresta, Giuseppe, Mussio, P., Piccinno, Antonio (2004): Software Environments for End-User Development and Tailoring. In Psychnology, 2 (1) pp. 99-122.

Rystedt, Hans, Lindwall, Oskar (2004): The Interactive Construction of Learning Foci in Simulation-Based Learning Environments: A. In Psychnology, 2 (2) pp. 168-188.

Arnseth, Hans Christian, Ludvigsen, Sten, Morch, Anders, Wasson, Barbara (2004): Managing Intersubjectivity in Distributed Collaboration. In Psychnology, 2 (2) pp. 189-204.

Lundin, Johan (2004): Designing Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Activities for Specific Contexts. In Psychnology, 2 (2) pp. 205-228.

Viste, Magnhild, Skartveit, Hanne-Lovise (2004): Visualization of Complex Systems - The Two-Shower Model. In Psychnology, 2 (2) pp. 229-241.

Liinamaa, Kimmo, Nuutinen, Jussi, Sutinen, Erkki, Vanharanta, Hannu (2004): Collaborative Strategic Planning On-line. In Psychnology, 2 (2) pp. 242-254.

Voiskounsky, Alexander E., Mitina, Olga V., Avetisova, Anastasiya A. (2004): Playing Online Games: Flow Experience. In Psychnology, 2 (3) pp. 259-281.

Wimelius, Henrik (2004): Fundamentals of User Perception and Interaction: Environmental Psychology applied in a stu. In Psychnology, 2 (3) pp. 282-303.

Ryu, Hokyoung, Monk, Andrew (2004): Analysing interaction problems with cyclic interaction theory: Low-level interaction walkt. In Psychnology, 2 (3) pp. 304-330.

Ruggeroni, Carlos (2004): A Psychological Cultural approach to VR experiences. In Psychnology, 2 (3) pp. 331-342.

Rey, Beatriz, Montesa, Javier, Alcaniz, Mariano, Banos, Rosa, Botella, Cristina (2005): A Preliminary Study on the Use of an Adaptive Display for the Treatment of Emotional Disor. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 101-112. video

Rettie, Ruth M. (2005): Presence and Embodiment in Mobile Phone Communication. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 16-34.

(2005): Editorial Preface. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 3-5.

McCall, Rod, O\'Neill, Shaleph, Carroll, Fiona, Benyon, David, Smyth, Michael (2005): Responsive Environments, Place and Presence. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 35-73.

Spagnolli, Anna, Gamberini, Luciano (2005): A Place for Presence. Understanding the Human Involvement in Mediated Interactive Environm. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 6-15.

Gemeinboeck, Petra, Blach, Roland (2005): Spacing the Boundary: An Exploration of Perforated Virtual Spaces. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 74-89. video 2

Banos, Rosa M., Botella, Cristina, Guerriero, Belen, Liano, Victor, Alcaniz, Mariano, Rey, Beatriz (2005): The Third Pole of the Sense of Presence: Comparing Virtual and Imagery Spaces. In Psychnology, 3 (1) pp. 90-100.

(2005): Editorial Preface. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 116-117.

Nova, Nicolas (2005): A Review of How Space Affords Socio-Cognitive Processes during Collaboration. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 118-148.

O\'Neill, Shalep (2005): Presence, Place and the Virtual Spectacle. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 149-161.

Poysa, Johanna, Lowyck, Joost, Hakkinen, Paivi (2005): Learning Together \"There\"-Hybrid \"Place\" as a Conceptual Vantage Point for Understandi. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 162-180.

Reno, Lucia A. (2005): Presence and Mediated Spaces: A Review. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 181-199.

Zucchermaglio, Cristina, Alby, Francesca (2005): Some Reflections on Learning and E-learning. In Psychnology, 3 (2) pp. 200-222.

(2005): Editorial Preface. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 226-227.

Gagliardone, Iginio (2005): Virtual enclaves or global networks? The role of Information and Communication Technologie. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 228-242.

Mitina, Olga V., Voiskounsky, Alexander E. (2005): Gender differences of the Internet-related Stereotypes in Russia. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 243-264.

Codoban, Ioana (2005): Internet usage and gender digital divide in a Romanian students\' sample. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 265-291.

Jones, Matthew T. (2005): The Impact of Telepresence on Cultural Transmission through Bishoujo Games. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 292-311.

Kamada, Mikio, Ambe, Mioko, Hata, Katsushige, Yamada, Eiju, Fujimura, Yuichi (2005): The effect of the Emotion-related Channel in 3D Virtual Communication Environments. In Psychnology, 3 (3) pp. 312-327.

Brugnoli, Maria Cristina, Morabito, Federico, Walker, Richard, Davide, Fabrizio (2006): The PASION Project: Psychologically Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks. In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 103-116.

Ibarra, Francesca Cilento, Galimberti, Carlo (2006): Stereotypes and Gender Identity in Italian and Chilean Chat Line Rooms. In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 25-52.

Gamberini, Luciano, Spagnolli, Anna, Riva, Giuseppe (2006): Editorial Preface. In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 5-6.

Martino, Francesco, Spoto, Andrea (2006): Social Network Analysis: A brief theoretical review and further perspectives in the study . In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 53-86.

Benyon, David (2006): Navigating Information Space: Web site design and lessons from the built environment. In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 7-24.

Vaccari, Guido, Saccavini, Carlo (2006): Radiology Informatics and Work Flow Redesign. In Psychnology, 4 (1) pp. 87-101.

Riva, Giuseppe, Wiederhold, Brenda K. (2006): Emerging Trends in CyberTherapy. Introduction to the Special Issue. In Psychnology, 4 (2) pp. 121-128.

Botella, Cristina, Banos, Rosa M., Guerrero, Belén, Garcia-Palacios, Azucena, Quero, Soledad, Alcaniz, Mariano (2006): Using a Flexible Virtual Environment for Treating a Storm Phobia. In Psychnology, 4 (2) pp. 129-144.

Jung, Ko-Eun, Lee, Hyun-Jhin, Lee, Young-Sik, Cheong, Seong-Shim, Choi, Min-Young, Suh, Dong-Soo, Suh, Dongsoo, Oah, Shezeen, Lee, Sookhee, Lee, Jang-Han (2006): The Application of a Sensory Integration Treatment Based on Virtual Reality-Tangible Inter. In Psychnology, 4 (2) pp. 145-159.

Galimberti, Carlo, Belloni, Gloria, Cantamesse, Matteo, Cattaneo, Alberto, Gatti, Fabiana, Grassi, Maddalena, Menti, Luca (2006): The development of an integrated psychosocial approach to effective usability of 3D Virtua. In Psychnology, 4 (2) pp. 161-180.

Morganti, Francesca, Goulene, Karine, Gaggioli, Andrea, Stramba-Badiale, Marco, Riva, Giuseppe (2006): Grasping Virtual Objects: a Feasibility Study for an Enactive Interface Application in Str. In Psychnology, 4 (2) pp. 181-197.

(2006): Editorial Preface: Special Issue: Designing Technology to Meet the Needs of the Older User. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 203-204.

Caprani, Niamh, Greaney, John, Porter, Nicola (2006): A Review of Memory Aid Devices for an Ageing Population. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 205-243.

Sa-nga-ngam, Prush, Kurniawan, Sri (2006): An investigation into Older People\'s Browsing Activities. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 245-265.

Pattison, Matthew, Stedmon, Alex (2006): Inclusive Design and Human Factors: Designing Mobile Phones for Older Users. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 267-284.

Gamberini, Luciano, Alcaniz, Mariano, Barresi, Giacinto, Fabregat, Malena, Ibanez, Francisco, Prontu, Lisa (2006): Cognition, technology and games for the elderly: An introduction to ELDERGAMES Project. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 285-308.

Brugnoli, Maria Cristina, Morabito, Federico, Bo, Giancarlo, Murelli, Elena, Morabito, Federico, Walker, Richard, Davide, Fabrizio (2006): The \"Augmented itineraries\": Mobile services differentiating what museum has to offer. In Psychnology, 4 (3) pp. 311-335.

Rettie, Ruth (2007): Texters not Talkers: Phone Call Aversion among Mobile Phone Users. In Psychnology, 5 (1) pp. 33-57.

Arminen, Ilkka (2007): Editorial Preface. In Psychnology, 5 (1) pp. 5-6.

Pellegrino, Giuseppina (2007): Discourses on Mobility and Technological Mediation: The Texture of Ubiquitous Interaction. In Psychnology, 5 (1) pp. 59-81.

Koskinen, Ilpo (2007): Is It Fun to Go to Sydney? Common-Sense Knowledge of Social Structures and WAP. In Psychnology, 5 (1) pp. 7-31.

Cumiskey, Kathleen M. (2007): Mobile Fantasies on Film: Gathering Metaphoric Evidence of Mobile Symbiosis and the Mobile. In Psychnology, 5 (1) pp. 83-99.

Waller, Peter Abdelmassih (2007): Extended Television: A Study of How Investigations of Use Can Inform Design Processes in N. In Psychnology, 5 (2) pp. 105-132.

Aoyama, Noriyuki, Fukuda, Tadahiko (2007): Development and Evaluation of a Method Employed to Identify Internal State Utilizing Eye M. In Psychnology, 5 (2) pp. 133-164.

Voilmy, Dimitri, Ting, Karine Lan Hing (2007): A First-time Wireless Internet Connection: More Than Just Clicking on a Link. In Psychnology, 5 (2) pp. 165-195.

Lombard, Matthew, Jones, Matthew T. (2007): Identifying the (Tele)Presence Literature. In Psychnology, 5 (2) pp. 197-206.

Zucchi, Andrea, Gamberini, Luciano (2007): Searching for Information on PDA in a Naturalistic Environment with or without Music. In Psychnology, 5 (2) pp. 207-222.

Cesta, Amedeo, Cortellessa, Gabriella, Giuliani, M. Vittoria, Pecora, Federico, Scopelliti, Massimiliano, Tiberio, Lorenza (2007): Psychological Implications of Domestic Assistive Technology for the Elderly. In Psychnology, 5 (3) pp. 229-252.

Bolchini, Davide, Blas, Nicoletta di, Garzotto, Franca, Paolini, Paolo, Torrebruno, Aldo (2007): Simple, Fast, Cheap: Success Factors for Interactive Multimedia Tools. In Psychnology, 5 (3) pp. 253-269.

Grion, Valentina, Varisco, Bianca Maria (2007): On Line Collaboration for Building a Teacher Professional Identity. In Psychnology, 5 (3) pp. 271-284.

Vernero, Fabiana, Montanari, Roberto (2007): Risk Management Persuasive Technologies: The case of a Technologically Advanced High-Risk . In Psychnology, 5 (3) pp. 285-297.

Baravalle, Andres, Chambers, Sarah (2007): Market Relations, Non-Market Relations and Free Software. In Psychnology, 5 (3) pp. 299-309.

Scarpetta, Fabiola (2008): Practices to Display Social Presence: A Study in a Shared Mediated Environment. In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 27-59.

Castro, Luis A., Gonzalez, Victor M. (2008): Being Part of the Life of One\'s Hometown: Strategies to Support Community Connectedness. In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 61-82.

Castro, Luis A., Gonzalez, Victor M. (2008): Being Part of the Life of One\'s Hometown: Strategies to Support Community Connectedness. In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 61-82.

Villani, Daniela, Riva, Giuseppe (2008): Presence and Relaxation: A Preliminary Controlled Study. In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 7-25.

Kontogeorgiou, Assimina M., Bellou, Joan, Mikropoulos, Tassos A. (2008): Being Inside the Quantum Atom. In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 83-98.

Piccione, Francesco, Priftis, Konstantinos, Tonin, Paolo, Vidale, Denis, Furlan, Roberto, Cavinato, Marianna, Merico, Antonio, Piron, Lamberto (2008): Task and Stimulation Paradigm Effects in a P300 Brain Computer Interface Exploitable in a . In Psychnology, 6 (1) pp. 99-108.

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