Author: Timothy D. Korson
Ph.D. in computer Information Systems
Dr. Korson is the senior partner at QualSys Solutions, having taught 100's of courses on topics such as Quasi-Agile management, testing in incremental / highly iterative environments, & model driven architecture.
Today he continues to provide comprehensive and practical training courses for testers, managers, and analysts; specializing in advanced techniques for system testers: SQL, Code Coverage, Agile, Black Box and Beyond.
Productive Colleagues
McGregor, John D., Korson, Timothy D. (1994): Integrated Object-Oriented Testing and Development Processes. In Communications of the ACM, 37 (9) pp. 59-77.
Korson, Timothy D., Vaishnavi, Vijay K. (1992): Managing Emerging Software Technology: A Technology Transfer Framework. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (9) pp. 101-111.
McGregor, John D., Korson, Timothy D. (1990): Object-Oriented Design (Introduction to the Special Issue). In Communications of the ACM, 33 (9) pp. 38-39.
McGregor, John D., Korson, Timothy D. (1990): Understanding Object-Oriented: A Unifying Paradigm. In Communications of the ACM, 33 (9) pp. 40-60.
Korson, Timothy D., Vaishnavi, Vijay K. (1986): An Empirical Study of the Effects of Modularity on Program Modifiability. In: Soloway, Elliot, Iyengar, Sitharama (eds.) Empirical Studies of Programmers June 5-6 1986, 1986, Washington, DC. pp. 168-186.
Korson, Timothy D. (2007). Testing in a quasi-agile software development environment. Retrieved 2009-07-10 00:00:00 from EuroStar: https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Testing_In_A_Quasi-Agile_Software_Development_Environment.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1993). The Role of a Coporate Object Technology Center. Retrieved 2009-07-22 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Role_of_a_corporate_object_technology_center.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1997). A Realistic Commercially Robust Process for the Development of Object-Oriented Software. Retrieved 2009-07-22 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/A_Realistic_Commercially_Robust_Process_for_the.pdf
Korson, Timothy D., Vaishnavi, Vijay K. (1992). Managing Emerging Software Technologies. Retrieved 2009-07-27 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Managing_Emergin.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1999). Constructing Useful Use Cases. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/constructing_useful_use_cases_by_korson.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1998). Misuse of Use Cases. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Misuse_of_usecases_by_korson.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1998). Constructing a Use Case Process. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/configuring_a_use_case_process_by_korson.pdf
Korson, Timothy D., McGregor, John D. (1990). Introduction to Object-Oriented Design. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Introduction_to_Object_oriented_design.pdf
Korson, Timothy D., McGregor, John D. (1990). Understanding Object-Oriented: A unifying paradigm. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Understanding_object-oriented.pdf
Korson, Timothy D., Champeaux, Dennis de, Baer, Andrew J., Bernsen, Brian, Korncoff, Alan R., Tkach, Daniel S. (1993). Strategies of Object Oriented Technology Transfer. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Strategies_for_Object_w0rd_document_not_done.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1998). Testing Across the Lifecycle. Retrieved 2009-07-28 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Testing_across_the_lifecycle.pdf
Korson, Timothy D. (1996). Managing the Iterative/Incremental Process. Retrieved 2009-07-30 00:00:00 from https://qualsys-solutions.com/images/stories/Managing_the_Iterative_incremental.pdf