Author: Steve Bryson


Publication period start: 1998
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Ming Wan
Arie E. Kaufman
David N. Kenwright

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
David C. Banks
Robert van Liere
Arie E. Kaufman


Bryson, Steve, Kenwright, David N., Cox, Michael, Ellsworth, David, Haimes, Robert (1999): Visually Exploring Gigabyte Data Sets in Real Time. In Communications of the ACM, 42 (8) pp. 82-90.

Wan, Ming, Bryson, Steve, Kaufman, Arie E. (1998): Boundary cell-based acceleration for volume ray casting. In Computers & Graphics, 22 (6) pp. 715-722.

Bryson, Steve (1997): The Virtual Windtunnel on the Virtual Workbench. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 17 (4) pp. 15.

Bryson, Steve (1996): Virtual Reality in Scientific Visualization. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (5) pp. 62-71.

Bryson, Steve (1993): Virtual reality in scientific visualization. In Computers & Graphics, 17 (6) pp. 679-685.

Zimmerman, Thomas G., Lanier, Jaron, Blanchard, Chuck, Bryson, Steve, Harvill, Young (1987): A hand gesture interface device. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 189-192.

Bryson, Steve (1992): Virtual Spacetime: An Environment for the Visualization of Curved Spacetimes via Geodesic . In: Kaufman, Arie E., Nielson, Gregory M. (eds.) Proceedings IEEE Visualization 92 , 1992, . pp. 291-298.

Bryson, Steve, Johan, Sandy (1996): Time Management, Simultaneity and Time-Critical Computation in Interactive Unsteady Visual. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 255-261.

Bryson, Steve, Kenwright, David N., Gerald-Yamasaki, Michael J. (1996): FEL: The Field Encapsulation Library. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 241-247.

Bryson, Steve, Levit, C. (1991): The Virtual Windtunnel: An Environment for the Exploration of Three-Dimensional Unsteady F. In: IEEE Visualization 1991 , 1991, . pp. 17-24.

Kenwright, David N., Banks, David C., Bryson, Steve, Haimes, Robert, Liere, Robert van, Uselton, Samuel P. (1999): Automation or Interaction: What\'s Best for Big Data?. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 491-495.

Wan, Ming, Kaufman, Arie E., Bryson, Steve (1999): High Performance Presence-Accelerated Ray Casting. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 379-386.

Bryson, Steve (1993): The Virtual Windtunnel: A High-Performance Virtual Reality Application. In: VR 1993 , 1993, . pp. 20-26.

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