Author: Stefan Mueller


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 11


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Andreas Dietz
Juergen Meixensberger
Dietrich Manzey

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Christian Sandor
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
Bruce H. Thomas


Heinrich, Marko, Thomas, Bruce H., Mueller, Stefan, Sandor, Christian (2008): An augmented reality weather system. In: Inakage, Masa, Cheok, Adrian David (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2008 December 3-5, 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 170-173.

Grosch, Thorsten, Eble, Tobias, Mueller, Stefan (2007): Consistent interactive augmentation of live camera images with correct near-field illumina. In: Majumder, Aditi, Hodges, Larry F., Cohen-Or, Daniel, Spencer, Stephen N. (eds.) VRST 2007 - Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 5-7, 2007, Newport Beach, California, USA. pp. 125-132.

Mueller, Stefan, Stuerzlinger, Wolfgang (eds.) 8th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments May 30-31, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

Luz, Maria, Mueller, Stefan, Strauss, Gero, Dietz, Andreas, Meixensberger, Juergen, Manzey, Dietrich (2010): Automation in Surgery: The Impact of Navigated-Control Assistance on the Performance, Work. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 889-893.

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