Author: Nuray Aykin


Nuray Aykin, Ph.D. Executive Director Contextual Innovation Human Factors International, Asia Dr. Nuray Aykin joined Human Factors International in 2008 as the Executive Director of Contextual Innovation. She holds a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering, a M.S. in Operations Research from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and a Ph.D. in Human Factors Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo. Prior to joining Human Factors International, she was the Director of Special Projects at New School University, Department Head of User Centered Design at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, NJ, and District Manager at AT&T Labs. In her positions, she defined research and business opportunities, set directions and managed innovative UI research, initiated collaborations with leading universities, government entities and research centers. Her expertise includes establishing and managing user experience departments and projects, designing user interfaces for products and services for the US and global markets, and consulting on projects in the private sector. She was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Alfred University in New York and an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Administration at George Washington University in Washington, DC. She has published over forty journal papers, presentations and book chapters with international circulation in the field. She is the chair of the Internationalization, Design and Global Development Conference affiliated with HCI International. She is regularly invited to present her work at conferences attended by experts from around the world. Most recently, she edited books on “Usability and Internationalization of Information Technology”, “Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces”, and “Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture”.


Publication period start: 1994
Number of co-authors: 7


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Turgut Aykin
James P. Cunningham
Joseph P. Rotella

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Xiaowei Yuan
Helmut Degen
James P. Cunningham


Schoen, Stefan, Degen, Helmut, Aykin, Nuray, Rudorfer, Arnold, Yuan, Xiaowei (2002): Siemens AG. In Interactions, 9 (2) pp. 87-90.

Aykin, Nuray, Cunningham, James P., Rotella, Joseph P. (1994): Designing operations systems interfaces that are easy to use. In AT&T Technical Journal, 73 (4) pp. 12-21.

Aykin, Nuray, Aykin, Turgut (1987): Complex Task Performance under Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff: Single Task versus Dual Task. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting , 1987, . pp. 161-165.

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