Author: Milena Head
I am a Professor of Information Systems at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). I received my BMath from the University of Waterloo and my MBA & Ph.D. from McMaster University. I have been a faculty member at McMaster since 1998.
Specializing in electronic business (eBusiness) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), I have published over 70 papers in academic journals, books and conferences. My research interests include trust, privacy and adoption in electronic commerce, interface design, mobile commerce, identity theft, cross-cultural issues in electronic commerce and human computer interaction, e-retailing, and web navigation. I seek to answer important questions such as: How do we build trust in a virtual environment? How can the interface be designed to help instill this trust? How do Canadians adapt to and adopt new technologies? How does this differ in cultures from around the world? How does this differ with gender and age? I have been asked to speak at numerous international events on these topics.
While my Ph.D. studies began my passion for research, the first course I taught began my passion for teaching. My teaching style encourages active learning and I am a strong believer that effective learning is a partnership between teacher and student.
I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to supervise many students at all levels (undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D.) since I started my appointment at McMaster. I take a lot of pleasure in supervising student research projects or theses. I find the one-on-one interaction with students both interesting and rewarding. To date, four Ph.D. students that I supervised have graduated and have taken academic posts (Dr. Fang Wang at Wilfrid Laurier University; Dr. TIm McLaren at Ryerson University; Dr. Constantinos Coursaris at Michigan State University; and Dr Michael Breward at the University of Guelph). I am currently supervising two Ph.D. students.
I have also enjoyed taking on various administrative duties within the School. After seeing the School through the eyes of a student and faculty member, I found my Associate Dean role (2004-2010) to be enlightening, challenging and rewarding.
Productive Colleagues
- Bing Pan
- Norman P. Archer
- Dianne Cyr
- 6
- 9
- 19
Cyr, Dianne, Head, Milena, Larios, Hector (2010): Colour appeal in website design within and across cultures: A multi-method evaluation. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68 (1) pp. 1-21. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WGR-4X3N468-2/2/ffdef6653c44dd2023a81b26d3741845
Cyr, Dianne, Head, Milena, Ivanov, Alex (2009): Perceived interactivity leading to e-loyalty: Development of a model for cognitive-affecti. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67 (10) pp. 850-869. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2009.07.004
Cyr, Dianne, Head, Milena, Larios, Hector, Pan, Bing (2009): Exploring human images in website design: a multi-method approach. In MIS Quarterly, 33 (3) pp. 539-566. https://www.business.mcmaster.ca/IS/head/Articles/Exploring%20Human%20Images%20in%20Website%20Design%20Across%20Cultures.pdf
Hassanein, Khaled, Head, Milena, Ju, Chunhua (2009): A cross-cultural comparison of the impact of Social Presence on website trust, usefulness . In International Journal of Electronic Business, 7 (6) pp. 625-641. https://www.business.mcmaster.ca/is/Head/Articles/A%20cross%20cultural%20comparison%20of%20the%20impact%20of%20social%20presence%20on%20webstie%20trust%20usefulness%20and%20enjoyment.pdf
Hassanein, Khaled, Head, Milena (2007): Manipulating perceived social presence through the web interface and its impact on attitud. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65 (8) pp. 689-708. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2006.11.018
Cyr, Dianne, Hassanein, Khaled, Head, Milena, Ivanov, Alex (2007): The role of social presence in establishing loyalty in e-Service environments. In Interacting with Computers, 19 (1) pp. 43-56. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2006.07.010
Hassanein, Khaled, Head, Milena (2006): The Impact of Infusing Social Presence in the Web Interface: An Investigation Across Produ. In International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10 (2) pp. 31-55. https://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/27751183?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21102578095347
Head, Milena, Archer, Norman P., Yuan, Yufei (2000): World Wide Web Navigation Aid. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53 (2) pp. 301-330.