Author: Jihad El-Sana


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Neta Sokolovsky
Yotam Livny
Amitabh Varshney

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Amitabh Varshney
Claudio T. Silva
Mark Billinghurst


Livny, Yotam, Sokolovsky, Neta, Grinshpoun, Tal, El-Sana, Jihad (2008): A GPU persistent grid mapping for terrain rendering. In The Visual Computer, 24 (2) pp. 139-153.

Livny, Yotam, Press, Michael, El-Sana, Jihad (2008): Interactive GPU-based adaptive cartoon-style rendering. In The Visual Computer, 24 (4) pp. 239-247.

El-Sana, Jihad, Asis, Nir, Hadar, Ofer (2002): Integrating motion perception with view-dependent rendering for dynamic environments. In Computers & Graphics, 26 (5) pp. 721-731.

Bernardini, Fausto, Klosowski, James T., El-Sana, Jihad (2000): Directional Discretized Occluders for Accelerated Occlusion Culling. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 19 (3) pp. .

El-Sana, Jihad, Chiang, Yi-Jen (2000): External Memory View-Dependent Simplification. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 19 (3) pp. .

El-Sana, Jihad, Varshney, Amitabh (1999): Generalized View-Dependent Simplification. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 18 (3) pp. 83-94.

El-Sana, Jihad (2000): Multi-user view-dependent rendering. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 335-342.

El-Sana, Jihad, Azanli, Elvir, Varshney, Amitabh (1999): Skip Strips: Maintaining Triangle Strips for View-Dependent Rendering. In: IEEE Visualization 1999 , 1999, . pp. 131-138.

El-Sana, Jihad, Bachmant, Eitan (2002): Optimized View-Dependent Rendering for Large Polygonal Datasets. In: IEEE Visualization 2002 , 2002, .

El-Sana, Jihad, Sokolovsky, Neta, Silva, Claudio T. (2001): Integrating Occlusion Culling with View-Dependent Rendering. In: Ertl, Thomas, Joy, Kenneth I., Varshney, Amitabh (eds.) IEEE Visualization 2001 October 24-26, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA.

El-Sana, Jihad, Varshney, Amitabh (1997): Controlled simplification of genus for polygonal models. In: IEEE Visualization 1997 , 1997, . pp. 403-412.

Livny, Yotam, Bauman, Gilad, El-Sana, Jihad (2008): Displacement Patches for GPU-Oriented View-Dependent Rendering. In: Bobbitt, Russell, Connell, Jonathan H., Flickner, Myron, Haas, Norman, Hampapur, Arun, Harris, Dick, Kurtz, Charles, Lloyd, Bill, Otto, Charles, Pankanti, Sharath, Park, Unsang, Payne, Jason (eds.) Retail Vision-Based Self-checkout - Exploring Real Time Real Purpose General Vision System , 2008, . pp. 181-190.

Hagbi, Nate, Grasset, Raphael, Bergig, Oriel, Billinghurst, Mark, El-Sana, Jihad (2010): In-Place Sketching for content authoring in Augmented Reality games. In: Lok, Benjamin, Klinker, Gudrun, Nakatsu, Ryohei (eds.) IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2010 March 20-24, 2010, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 91-94.

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