Author: Don G. Cruickshank
Productive Colleagues
Roure, David C. De, Cruickshank, Don G., Michaelides, Danius T., Page, Kevin R., Weal, Mark J. (2002): On hyperstructure and musical structure. In: Hypertext'02 - Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia June 11-15, 2002, College Park, Maryland, USA. pp. 95-104.
Page, Kevin R., Cruickshank, Don G., Roure, David C. De (2001): Its about time: link streams as continuous metadata. In: Hypertext'01 - Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia August 14-18, 2001, Aarhus, Denmark. pp. 93-102.
Weal, Mark J., Hornecker, Eva, Cruickshank, Don G., Michaelides, Danius T., Millard, David E., Halloran, John, Roure, David C. De, Fitzpatrick, Geraldine (2006): Requirements for in-situ authoring of location based experiences. In: Proceedings of 8th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2006, . pp. 121-128.