Author: Amy L. Baylor


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 7


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
E. Ashby Plant
Celeste E. Doerr
Soyoung Kim

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
E. Ashby Plant
Celeste E. Doerr
Soyoung Kim


Lee, Miyoung, Baylor, Amy L. (2006): Designing Metacognitive Maps for Web-Based Learning. In Educational Technology & Society, 9 (1) pp. 344-348.

Gao, Hong, Baylor, Amy L., Shen, E. (2005): Designer Support for Online Collaboration and Knowledge Construction. In Educational Technology & Society, 8 (1) pp. 69-79.

Rosenberg-Kima, Rinat B., Baylor, Amy L., Plant, E. Ashby, Doerr, Celeste E. (2007): The Importance of Interface Agent Visual Presence: Voice Alone Is Less Effective in Impact. In: Kort, Yvonne de, IJsselsteijn, Wijnand, Midden, Cees J. H., Eggen, Berry, Fogg, B. J. (eds.) PERSUASIVE 2007 - Persuasive Technology, Second International Conference on Persuasive Technology April 26-27, 2007, Palo Alto, CA, USA. pp. 214-222.

Baylor, Amy L. (2001): Cognitive Requirements for Agent-Based Learning Environments. In: ICALT 2001 , 2001, . pp. 462-463.

Baylor, Amy L., Kim, Soyoung (2008): The Effects of Agent Nonverbal Communication on Procedural and Attitudinal Learning Outcom. In: Prendinger, Helmut, Lester, James C., Ishizuka, Mitsuru (eds.) IVA 2008 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 8th International Conference September 1-3, 2008, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 208-214.

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