Harvard University Press


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Latour, Bruno (1991). We Have Never Been Modern, Harvard University Press,

Bruner, Jerome (1990). Acts of Meaning: Four Lectures on Mind and Culture, Harvard University Press,

Latour, Bruno (1987). Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society, Harvard University Press,

Brooks, Peter (1984). Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative, Harvard University Press,

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Alexander, Christopher (1979). The Timeless Way of Building, Harvard University Press,

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Fodor, Jerry A. (1975). The Language of Thought, Harvard University Press,

Alexander, Christopher (1970). Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard University Press,

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Roethlisberger, Fritz J., Dickson, William J. (1939). Management and the Worker, Harvard University Press,

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