First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings

Intl. Centre for Scientific And Technical Information
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Boiko, V. B., Voroshko, P. P., Medinez, A. J. (1991): Postprocessors for Visualization of Thermal and Strain State Calculations for Two- and Thr. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 102-103.

Prokhorov, V. V. (1991): Graphical Algorythms Representation by π-Schemes and PITHAGORAS Software Complex. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 104-106.

Averbukh, V. L., Igumnov, L. A., Solov\'eva, L. A. (1991): Model Visualization. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 106-115.

Douglas, Ian (1991): An Object Oriented Graphical User Interface for Spatial Data Management. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 116-119.

Press, Larry (1991): Implications of Mass-Market Equipment for HCI Research. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 12-17.

Naimark, Michael (1991): Elements of Realspace Imaging: A Proposed Taxonomy. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 120-127.

Price, Blaine A., Baecker, Ronald M. (1991): The Automatic Animation of Concurrent Programs. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 128-137.

Patel, Mukesh J., Boulay, Benedict Du, Taylor, Chris (1991): Prolog Tracers and Information Access. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 140-145.

Kulik, D. A. (1991): VIZOR 2.02 -- A Tool for Quick Development of Interactive Systems for Scientific Modelling. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 145-151.

Cypher, Allen (1991): Customizing Application Programs. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 152-157.

Wagner, Eric (1991): Rapid Prototyping and a User Based System Design Methodology Based Upon a Work System Defi. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 158-168.

Pekar, V., Tkachenko, V., Rijuke, V. (1991): Tool Complex for Development of Multi-Media Information System. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 169-175.

Salkinder, Yu. B. (1991): The Technology for the Interactive Software Development with the Dialogue Constructor DiaC. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 176-182.

Grudin, Jonathan (1991): Utility and Usability: Research Issues and Development Contexts. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 18-22.

Boeve, Eddy (1991): Modelling Interaction Tools in the Views Architecture. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 183.

Abramow, I., Kostenko, A. (1991): The Fractal Approach to Programming: The Interactive Processor for Modern Data and Knowled. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 183-194.

Skorodumov, D. S. (1991): An Approach to Modularity in Programming and VCLI Design. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 195-200.

Pemberton, Steven (1991): Open User-Interfaces, Open Applications: The Views System. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 2-12.

MacLean, Allan (1991): Design Space Analysis: Representing the Design Rationale for User Interfaces. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 200-206.

Dolmatova, Ludmila M. (1991): Automated Description of Subject Region and Consistency Checking for the Tasks of Experime. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 207-216.

Brezillon, Patrick J. (1991): An Explanation Capability for a Structured Knowledge-Based System. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 218-227.

Sviridenko, A. V. (1991): Natural Interface Building within a Knowledge Base. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 228-241.

Gornostaev, Juri, Baturin, Alexander (1991): Interactive Navigation through the HCI Information Sea. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 23-32.

Okada, Ken-ichi, Kinoshita, Kaoru, Matsushita, Yutaka (1991): Scrolling or Leafing Through: Book Window. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 242-248.

Dolmatova, Ludmila M. (1991): Intellectual System of Knowledge-Based Design for High Pressure Experimental Mounting. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 249-259.

Gouliaeva, I. (1991): Use of Hypertext for a Tutor System Design. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 260-266.

Egorov, S. (1991): Three Models of the Interactive Hypertext. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 266-268.

Sidorov, N., Sherepa, A., Kopach, W. (1991): Interface of Hypermedia System to Understand Software Being Utilized. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 268-276.

Nesterov, A. V. (1991): Hypertext: Tensor Approach. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 276-278.

Kaptelinin, Victor (1991): Skill Automation and User Interface Transparency. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 280-283.

Plaks, M. B. (1991): Paradoxes of Psychology of the Beginner-User and Some Errors of the Beginner-Instructor. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 284-288.

Burov, A. N. (1991): Development of Creative Abilities of Students on the Basis of Computer Technology. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 289.

Welles, Marilyn T. (1991): Effects of Type A/B and Field Independence/Dependence in Performance of a Simulated Life C. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 290-298.

Khabibullin, R. D., Khabibullina, L. A., Mutygullin, F. M. (1991): The Influence of Human Factors on the Effectiveness of Soft- and Hardware Systems. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 299-304.

Andreef, Victor N., Zinchenko, Tatjana P. (1991): Psychosemantic Metrics of the VDT Screen. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 304-307.

Petrova, I. Yu., Chakushin, A. (1991): The Automated Training System. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 310-313.

Kotova, A., Prjakhina, L., Reznikova, L. (1991): Software Complex for Teaching Japanese. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 313-317.

Kalendaryova, N. E., Mikheev, Yu. V., Trepakov, S. V. (1991): The Computer Mathematics Course for the 7-10th Grades with the Use of. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 318-322.

Papageorgiou, Pericles (1991): CIAO: Viewing Application Structure as the Driving Force of Human Computer Interaction. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 32-39.

Dvojeglazov, I., Donchenko, A. (1991): ANALYSER Test and Perfection System for Programming Languages Study. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 322-331.

Brusilovskaya, V. G., Brusilovsky, Peter (1991): Window-Based User Interface for the Computer Learning Environment. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 331-334.

Tarantola, Carlo (1991): MERLIN: An Intelligent Tutoring Shell. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 334-338.

Soyghin, A. (1991): Direct Computer Modeling vs. Traditional Methods of Mathematical Modelling of Physical Pro. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 340-352.

Butakov, E., Lelekov, S. (1991): Interactive System for Objects Recognition Based on Graphic Interface. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 353-357.

Odejanko, B. (1991): Information Processing Model in the Sight Systems of Robotechnical Complexes. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 357-359.

Burmistrov, I. V., Shmeliov, A. G. (1991): A New Interaction Style: Flexible Scenario Interface. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 39-48.

Muzykin, S. N., Rodionova, J. M., Shtykin, M. D. (1991): The Modelling of Human-Computer Interaction by the Wiener-Volterra Series. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 48-50.

Enikeev, B., Kaganov, Y. (1991): Some Problems of Human-Computer Interface Formalization. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 52-64.

Stokalski, Boris, Wierzba, Andrzej M., Wojciechowska, Agnieszka (1991): ViDE User Interface Management System. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 64-74.

Stepanov, A. (1991): User Interface for Research Worker on Forth-Type Interpreter. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 75-80.

Kotov, A., Kozlov, A., Okonishnikov, A. (1991): Concept and Design of End-User Interfaces for Active Management Information Systems. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 80-86.

Andreev, V. O., Uzilevsky, G. Ja. (1991): On the Requirements to the Tablet Menus Creation and Estimation. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 86-93.

Zenkin, A. A. (1991): Visualization of Scientific Abstractions as a Technique for New Knowledge Generation. In: First Moscow International HCI91 Workshop Proceedings , 1991, . pp. 96-101.

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