Author: William L. Maxwell
Productive Colleagues
Conway, Richard W., Maxwell, William L., Morgan, Howard L. (1972): On the Implementation of Security Measures in Information Systems. In Communications of the ACM, 15 (4) pp. 211-220.
Conway, Richard W., Delfausse, J. J., Maxwell, William L., Walker, W. E. (1965): CLP-the Cornell list processor. In Communications of the ACM, 8 (4) pp. 215-216.
Conway, Richard W., Maxwell, William L. (1963): CORC: the Cornell computing language. In Communications of the ACM, 6 (6) pp. 317-321.
Conway, Richard W., Johnson, B. M., Maxwell, William L. (1959): A Queue Network Simulator for the IBM 650 and Burroughs 220. In Communications of the ACM, 2 (12) pp. 20-23.