Author: William Hart-Davidson


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Michael Wojcik
Clay Spinuzzi
Mark Zachry

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Michael Wojcik
Mark Zachry
Clay Spinuzzi


Hart-Davidson, William (2000): Confessions of a Gardener: A Review of Information Ecologies. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 24 (2) pp. 79-84.

Spinuzzi, Clay, Hart-Davidson, William, Zachry, Mark (2006): Chains and ecologies: methodological notes toward a communicative-mediational model of tec. In: ACM 24th International Conference on Design of Communication , 2006, . pp. 43-50.

Hart-Davidson, William, Spinuzzi, Clay, Zachry, Mark (2006): Visualizing writing activity as knowledge work: challenges & opportunities. In: ACM 24th International Conference on Design of Communication , 2006, . pp. 70-77.

Zachry, Mark, Spinuzzi, Clay, Hart-Davidson, William (2006): Researching proposal development: accounting for the complexity of designing persuasive te. In: ACM 24th International Conference on Design of Communication , 2006, . pp. 142-148.

Hart-Davidson, William (2002): Modeling document-mediated interaction. In: ACM 20th International Conference on Computer Documentation , 2002, . pp. 60-71.

Hart-Davidson, William (2003): Seeing the project: mapping patterns of intra-team communication events. In: ACM 21st International Conference on Computer Documentation , 2003, . pp. 28-34.

Hart-Davidson, William, Spinuzzi, Clay, Zachry, Mark (2007): Capturing & visualizing knowledge work: results & implications of a pilot study of. In: Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication , 2007, El Paso, Texas, USA. pp. 113-119.

Zachry, Mark, Spinuzzi, Clay, Hart-Davidson, William (2007): Visual documentation of knowledge work: an examination of competing approaches. In: Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication , 2007, El Paso, Texas, USA. pp. 120-126.

Zachry, Mark, Hart-Davidson, William, Spinuzzi, Clay (2008): Advances in understanding knowledge work: an experience report. In: DOC08 , 2008, . pp. 243-248.

Hart-Davidson, William, McLeod, Michael, Klerkx, Christopher, Wojcik, Michael (2010): A method for measuring helpfulness in online peer review. In: ACM 28th International Conference on Design of Communication , 2010, . pp. 115-121.

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