Author: Sungjoon Park
Productive Colleagues
- Woojin Park
- Sung H. Han
- Eui S. Jung
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Jung, Eui S., Park, Sungjoon, Han, Sung H. (1995): Generation of Isocomfort Working Area Based on Psychophysical Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 689-693.
Kim, Miyeon, Jung, Eui S., Park, Sungjoon, Nam, Jongyong, Choe, Jaeho (2007): Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part II July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 364-373.
Cho, Yongju, Jung, Eui S., Park, Sungjoon, Jeong, Seong W., Park, Woojin (2007): Design Guidelines to the Application of Extreme Design with Korean Anthropometry. In: Aykin, Nuray M. (eds.) UI-HCII 2007 - Second International Conference on Usability and Internationalization - Part II July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 30-39.