Author: Simon Grant
Simon Grant works with human-centred information systems as a consultant, strategist and visionary. For the last few years he has specialised in e-portfolio systems and related interoperability standards.
Productive Colleagues
Strivens, Janet, Grant, Simon (2000): Integrated Web-based support for learning employability skills. In Educational Technology & Society, 3 (1) pp. . https://ifets.ieee.org/periodical/vol_1_2000/strivens.html
Springett, M. V., Grant, Simon (1993): Interface Semantics and Users' Device Models: Identifying Evaluation Issues for Direct Man. In: Alty, James L., Diaper, Dan, Guest, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers VIII August 7-10, 1993, Loughborough University, UK. pp. 249-265.
Grant, Simon (1990): Modelling Cognitive Aspects of Complex Control Tasks. In: Diaper, Dan, Gilmore, David J., Cockton, Gilbert, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 90 - 3rd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 27-31, 1990, Cambridge, UK. pp. 1017-1018.