Satish Chandra Gupta

Author: Satish Chandra Gupta

I am a Senior Software Engineer in Advanced Development Group at Microsoft Research India., where I help transforming cool exciting technologies invented at Microsoft Research into Microsoft products and services. I currently work on energy profiler for mobile applications (released as battery profiler in Windows Phone SDK 8.0 in Oct 2012), and indoor localization.

Prior to joining Microsoft Research, I worked at IBM Rational Software as programmer and tech lead developing various programming tools: modern Modeling IDE capabilities for Executable Models with UML Action Language in Rational Software Architect and execution and debugging capabilities for its Real Time edition, PurifyPlus for AIX, and a Java memory leak detection tool called Leakbot.

My computer science interests include program analysis & profiling tools, compilers, software development environments, software engineering tools, programming languages and type theory.

In a nutshell, I love building programming tools, I still program, and I unabashedly confess that I am just a programmer.

I grew up in the industrial town of Kanpur (India) at the bank of river Ganga.  I received my B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering (with minor in Computing) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1996, and a Masters in Computer Science from University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee in 2001.


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 12


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Ethan V. Munson
Anand Gaurav
Tien Nhut Nguyen

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Anand Gaurav
Tien Nhut Nguyen
Ethan V. Munson


Nguyen, Tien, Gupta, Satish Chandra, Munson, Ethan V. (2002): Versioned Hypermedia can improve software document management. In: Hypertext'02 - Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia June 11-15, 2002, College Park, Maryland, USA. pp. 192-193.

Gupta, Satish Chandra (2005). Java memory leaks -- Catch me if you can. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Gupta, Satish Chandra (2005). Need for speed -- Eliminating performance bottlenecks. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Gupta, Satish Chandra (2006). What lies beneath -- Discovering untested code. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Gaurav, Anand (2008). Debugging with Purify. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Gaurav, Anand (2008). Customizing Purify instrumentation and reporting. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Nguyen, Tien Nhut, Gupta, Satish Chandra, Munson, Ethan V. (2002): Three Issues in the Use of Versioned Hypermedia for Software Development Systems. In: 8th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems SBMIDIA 2002 October, 2002, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. pp. 3–18.

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Nguyen, Tien Nhut (2002): The Software Concordance: A User Interface for Advanced Software Documents. In: Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications SEA 2002 November, 2002, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 181–186.

Elamkulam, Janees, Glazberg, Ziv, Rabinovitz, Ishai, Kowlali, Gururaja, Gupta, Satish Chandra, Kohli, Sandeep, Dattathrani, Sai, Macia, Claudio Paniagua (2006): Detecting Design Flaws in UML State Charts for Embedded Software. In: Proceedings of the Second International Haifa Verification Conference HVC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4383 October 23-26, 2006, Haifa, Israel. pp. 109-121.

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Nguyen, Tien Nhut, Munson, Ethan V. (2003): The Software Concordance: Using a Uniform Document Model to Integrate Program Analysis and. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference APSEC 2003 December 10-12, 2003, Chiang Mai, Thailand. pp. 164-173.

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Sreenivasamurthy, Giridhar (2006). Navigating \"C\" in a \"leaky\" boat? Try Purify.. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

Gupta, Satish Chandra, Gaurav, Anand (2008). Integrating Purify into software development and testing process. Retrieved from IBM developerWorks:

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