Author: Robert Feldt
Productive Colleagues
Shahrokni, Ali, Feldt, Robert (2010): Towards a Framework for Specifying Software Robustness Requirements Based on Patterns. In: Wieringa, Roel, Persson, Anne (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 16th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2010, Essen, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2010. Proceedings , 2010, . pp. 79-84.
Sabaliauskaite, Giedre, Loconsole, Annabella, Engstrom, Emelie, Unterkalmsteiner, Michael, Regnell, Bjorn, Runeson, Per, Gorschek, Tony, Feldt, Robert (2010): Challenges in Aligning Requirements Engineering and Verification in a Large-Scale Industri. In: Wieringa, Roel, Persson, Anne (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 16th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2010, Essen, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2010. Proceedings , 2010, . pp. 128-142.
Khurum, Mahvish, Gorschek, Tony, Angelis, Lefteris, Feldt, Robert (2009): A Controlled Experiment of a Method for Early Requirements Triage Utilizing Product Strate. In: Glinz, Martin, Heymans, Patrick (eds.) Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality, 15th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 8-9, 2009, Proceedings , 2009, . pp. 22-36.
Feldt, Robert, Torkar, Richard, Angelis, Lefteris, Samuelsson, Maria (2008): Towards individualized software engineering: empirical studies should collect psychometric. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering , 2008, . pp. 49-52.
Magazinius, Ana, Feldt, Robert (2010): Exploring the human and organizational aspects of software cost estimation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering , 2010, . pp. 92-95.