Author: Rebecca M. T. Jubis
Jubis, Rebecca M. T. (1990): The Effectiveness of Color-Coding in Visual Displays: Does Practice Make a Difference?. In: D., Woods,, E., Roth, (eds.) Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th Annual Meeting , 1990, Santa Monica, USA. pp. 1519-1523.
Jubis, Rebecca M. T. (1991): Effects of Color-Coding, Retention-Interval, and Task on Time to Recognize Target-Updates. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting , 1991, . pp. 1462-1465.
Jubis, Rebecca M. T. (1989): The Effectiveness of Redundant Color-Coding on a CRT-Displayed Process-Control Task. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1989, . pp. 563-570.