Author: Polle T. Zellweger


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 23


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Niels Olof Bouvin
Bay-Wei Chang
Jock D. Mackinlay

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Kaj Groenbaek
Thomas P. Moran
Takeo Igarashi


Zellweger, Polle T., Mangen, Anne, Newman, Paula (2002): Reading and writing fluid Hypertext Narratives. In: Hypertext'02 - Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia June 11-15, 2002, College Park, Maryland, USA. pp. 45-54.

Zellweger, Polle T., Bouvin, Niels Olof, Jehoj, Henning, Mackinlay, Jock D. (2001): Fluid annotations in an open world. In: Hypertext'01 - Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia August 14-18, 2001, Aarhus, Denmark. pp. 9-18.

Zellweger, Polle T., Regli, Susan Harkness, Mackinlay, Jock D., Chang, Bay-Wei (2000): The Impact of Fluid Documents on Reading and Browsing: An Observational Study. In: Turner, Thea, Szwillus, Gerd, Czerwinski, Mary, Peterno, Fabio, Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2000 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 249-256.

Chang, Bay-Wei, Mackinlay, Jock D., Zellweger, Polle T., Igarashi, Takeo (1998): A Negotiation Architecture for Fluid Documents. In: Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 01 - 04, 1998, San Francisco, California, United States. pp. 123-132.

Zellweger, Polle T., Chang, Bay-Wei, Mackinlay, Jock D. (1998): Fluid Links for Informed and Incremental Link Transitions. In: Hypertext 98 - Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia June 20-24, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. pp. 50-57.

Moran, Thomas P., Palen, Leysia, Harrison, Steve, Chiu, Patrick, Kimberg, Daniel Y., Minneman, Scott, Melle, William van, Zellweger, Polle T. (1997): "I'll Get That Off the Audio": A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records. In: Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 22-27, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 202-209.

Buchanan, M. Cecelia, Zellweger, Polle T., Pier, Ken (1993): Multimedia Documents as User Interfaces. In: Ashlund, Stacey, Mullet, Kevin, Henderson, Austin, Hollnagel, Erik, White, Ted (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 93 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 24-29, 1993, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 527-528.

Buchanan, M. Cecelia, Zellweger, Polle T. (1992): Specifying Temporal Behavior in Hypermedia Documents. In: Lucarella, D., Nanard, Jocelyne, Nanard, Marc, Paolini, P. (eds.) Proceedings of ECHT 92 the Fourth ACM Conference on Hypertext November 30 - December 04, 1992, Milano, Italy. pp. 262-271.

Bernstein, Mark, Brown, Peter J., Frisse, Mark, Glushko, Robert J., Landow, George P., Zellweger, Polle T. (1991): Structure, Navigation, and Hypertext: The Status of the Navigation Problem. In: Walker, Jan (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 91 Conference December 15-18, 1991, San Antonio, Texas. pp. 363-366.

Zellweger, Polle T. (1989): Scripted Documents: A Hypermedia Path Mechanism. In: Halasz, Frank, Meyrowitz, Norman (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 89 Conference November 5-8, 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 1-14.

Bouvin, Niels Olof, Zellweger, Polle T., Groenbaek, Kaj, Mackinlay, Jock D. (2002): Fluid annotations through open hypermedia: using and extending emerging web standards. In: Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2002, . pp. 160-171.

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